# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' module Synvert::Core describe Rewriter do it '.execute' do run = false Rewriter.execute { run = true } expect(run).to be_truthy end it 'parses description' do rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do description 'rewriter description' end rewriter.process expect(rewriter.description).to eq 'rewriter description' end it 'parses if_ruby' do expect(Rewriter::RubyVersion).to receive(:new).with('2.0.0') rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do if_ruby '2.0.0' end rewriter.process end it 'parses if_gem' do expect(Rewriter::GemSpec).to receive(:new).with('synvert', { gte: '1.0.0' }) rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do if_gem 'synvert', { gte: '1.0.0' } end rewriter.process end describe 'parses within_file' do it 'does nothing if if_ruby does not match' do stub_const('RUBY_VERSION', '2.0.0') expect_any_instance_of(Rewriter::Instance).not_to receive(:process) rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do if_ruby '2.2.3' within_file 'config/routes.rb' do end end rewriter.process end it 'delegates process to instances if if_ruby matches' do stub_const('RUBY_VERSION', '2.0.0') expect_any_instance_of(Rewriter::Instance).to receive(:process) rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do if_ruby '1.9.3' within_file 'config/routes.rb' do end end rewriter.process end it 'does nothing if if_gem does not match' do expect_any_instance_of(Rewriter::GemSpec).to receive(:match?).and_return(false) expect_any_instance_of(Rewriter::Instance).not_to receive(:process) rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do if_gem 'synvert', '1.0.0' within_file 'config/routes.rb' do end end rewriter.process end it 'delegates process to instances if if_gem matches' do expect_any_instance_of(Rewriter::GemSpec).to receive(:match?).and_return(true) expect_any_instance_of(Rewriter::Instance).to receive(:process) rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do if_gem 'synvert', '1.0.0' within_file 'config/routes.rb' do end end rewriter.process end it 'delegates process to instances if if_ruby and if_gem do not exist' do expect_any_instance_of(Rewriter::Instance).to receive(:process) rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do within_file 'config/routes.rb' do end end rewriter.process end it 'does nothing in sandbox mode' do expect_any_instance_of(Rewriter::GemSpec).not_to receive(:match?) expect_any_instance_of(Rewriter::Instance).not_to receive(:process) rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do if_gem 'synvert', '1.0.0' within_file 'config/routes.rb' do end end rewriter.process_with_sandbox end end describe 'parses add_file' do it 'creates a new file' do rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter2' do add_file 'foo.bar', 'FooBar' end rewriter.process expect(File.read('./foo.bar')).to eq 'FooBar' FileUtils.rm './foo.bar' end it 'does nothing in sandbox mode' do rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter2' do add_file 'foo.bar', 'FooBar' end rewriter.process_with_sandbox expect(File.exist?('./foo.bar')).to be_falsey end end describe 'parses remove_file' do it 'removes a file' do FileUtils.touch './foo.bar' rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter2' do remove_file 'foo.bar' end rewriter.process expect(File.exist?('./foo.bar')).to be_falsey end it 'does nothing if file not exist' do rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter2' do remove_file 'foo.bar' end rewriter.process expect(File.exist?('./foo.bar')).to be_falsey end it 'does nothing in sandbox mode' do FileUtils.touch './foo.bar' rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter2' do add_file 'foo.bar', 'FooBar' end rewriter.process_with_sandbox expect(File.exist?('./foo.bar')).to be_truthy FileUtils.rm './foo.bar' end end describe 'parses add_snippet' do it 'processes the rewritter' do rewriter1 = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter1' rewriter2 = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter2' do add_snippet :group, :rewriter1 end expect(rewriter1).to receive(:process) rewriter2.process end it 'adds sub_snippets' do rewriter1 = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter1' rewriter2 = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter2' do add_snippet :group, :rewriter1 end expect(rewriter1).to receive(:process) rewriter2.process expect(rewriter2.sub_snippets).to eq [rewriter1] end it 'raises RewriterNotFound' do rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do add_snippet :group, :not_exist end expect { rewriter.process }.to raise_error(RewriterNotFound) end end it 'parses helper_method' do rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do helper_method 'dynamic_helper' do |_arg1, _arg2| 'dynamic result' end end rewriter.process instance = Rewriter::Instance.new(rewriter, '*.rb') expect(instance.dynamic_helper('arg1', 'arg2')).to eq 'dynamic result' end it 'parses todo' do rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'name' do todo "this rewriter doesn't do blah blah blah" end rewriter.process expect(rewriter.todo).to eq "this rewriter doesn't do blah blah blah" end describe 'class methods' do before :each do Rewriter.clear end it 'registers and fetches' do rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter' expect(Rewriter.fetch('group', 'rewriter')).to eq rewriter end it 'registers and calls rewriter' do rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter' expect(rewriter).to receive(:process) Rewriter.call 'group', 'rewriter' end it 'registers and calls rewriter in sandbox mode' do rewriter = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter' expect(rewriter).to receive(:process_with_sandbox) Rewriter.call 'group', 'rewriter', true end it 'raises RewriterNotFound if rewriter not found' do expect { Rewriter.call 'group', 'rewriter' }.to raise_error(RewriterNotFound) end context 'exist?' do it 'returns true if rewriter exists' do Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter' expect(Rewriter.exist?('group', 'rewriter')).to be_truthy end it 'returns false if rewriter does not exist' do expect(Rewriter.exist?('group', 'rewriter')).to be_falsey end end context 'available' do it 'lists empty rewriters' do expect(Rewriter.availables).to eq({}) end it 'registers and lists all available rewriters' do rewriter1 = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter1' rewriter2 = Rewriter.new 'group', 'rewriter2' expect(Rewriter.availables).to eq({ 'group' => { 'rewriter1' => rewriter1, 'rewriter2' => rewriter2 } }) end end end end end