Adds iPizza support to Rails 3 applications. Provides rails generators and easy configuration loading. Installation ------------ In your Gemfile add ipizza-rails gem: gem ipizza-rails Usage ----- To start using iPizza in your rails application, you need to run the **init** generator first: rails generate ipizza:init This will create an example configuration file to `config/ipizza.yml` and create `config/certificates` directory and puts some test certificates into it. View helpers ------------ It is very convenient to put together form that will be submitted for payment request to payment provider with allthemighty `ipizza_form_for` view helper. In your controller, perhaps, declare payment object: @payment = :stamp => 123456, :amount => '15.00', :refnum => 1, :message => 'For all the candy', :currency => 'EUR' ) And in view file, generate form for Swedbank, for example: <%= ipizza_payment_form_tag @payment, :service => :swedbank do %> <%= submit_tag 'Pay some moneys' %> <% end %> TODO: ----- * Implement form helpers