use crate::config::Asyncness; use crate::funcs::func_bounds; use crate::names; use crate::CodegenSettings; use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream}; use quote::{format_ident, quote}; use std::collections::HashSet; pub fn link_module( module: &witx::Module, target_path: Option<&syn::Path>, settings: &CodegenSettings, ) -> TokenStream { let module_ident = names::module(&; let send_bound = if settings.async_.contains_async(module) { quote! { + Send, T: Send } } else { quote! {} }; let mut bodies = Vec::new(); let mut bounds = HashSet::new(); for f in module.funcs() { let asyncness = settings.async_.get(,; bodies.push(generate_func(&module, &f, target_path, asyncness)); let bound = func_bounds(module, &f, settings); for b in bound { bounds.insert(b); } } let ctx_bound = if let Some(target_path) = target_path { let bounds = bounds .into_iter() .map(|b| quote!(#target_path::#module_ident::#b)); quote!( #(#bounds)+* #send_bound ) } else { let bounds = bounds.into_iter(); quote!( #(#bounds)+* #send_bound ) }; let func_name = if target_path.is_none() { format_ident!("add_to_linker") } else { format_ident!("add_{}_to_linker", module_ident) }; let u = if settings.mutable { quote!(&mut U) } else { quote!(&U) }; quote! { /// Adds all instance items to the specified `Linker`. pub fn #func_name( linker: &mut wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Linker, get_cx: impl Fn(&mut T) -> #u + Send + Sync + Copy + 'static, ) -> wiggle::anyhow::Result<()> where U: #ctx_bound #send_bound { #(#bodies)* Ok(()) } } } fn generate_func( module: &witx::Module, func: &witx::InterfaceFunc, target_path: Option<&syn::Path>, asyncness: Asyncness, ) -> TokenStream { let module_str =; let module_ident = names::module(&; let field_str =; let field_ident = names::func(&; let (params, results) = func.wasm_signature(); let arg_names = (0..params.len()) .map(|i| Ident::new(&format!("arg{i}"), Span::call_site())) .collect::>(); let arg_tys = params .iter() .map(|ty| names::wasm_type(*ty)) .collect::>(); let arg_decls = arg_names .iter() .zip(arg_tys.iter()) .map(|(name, ty)| { quote! { #name: #ty } }) .collect::>(); let ret_ty = match results.len() { 0 => quote!(()), 1 => names::wasm_type(results[0]), _ => unimplemented!(), }; let await_ = if asyncness.is_sync() { quote!() } else { quote!(.await) }; let abi_func = if let Some(target_path) = target_path { quote!( #target_path::#module_ident::#field_ident ) } else { quote!( #field_ident ) }; let body = quote! { let export = caller.get_export("memory"); let (mut mem, ctx) = match &export { Some(wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Extern::Memory(m)) => { let (mem, ctx) = m.data_and_store_mut(&mut caller); let ctx = get_cx(ctx); (wiggle::GuestMemory::Unshared(mem), ctx) } Some(wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Extern::SharedMemory(m)) => { let ctx = get_cx(caller.data_mut()); (wiggle::GuestMemory::Shared(, ctx) } _ => wiggle::anyhow::bail!("missing required memory export"), }; Ok(<#ret_ty>::from(#abi_func(ctx, &mut mem #(, #arg_names)*) #await_ ?)) }; match asyncness { Asyncness::Async => { let arg_decls = quote! { ( #(#arg_names,)* ) : ( #(#arg_tys,)* ) }; quote! { linker.func_wrap_async( #module_str, #field_str, move |mut caller: wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Caller<'_, T>, #arg_decls| { Box::new(async move { #body }) }, )?; } } Asyncness::Blocking { block_with } => { quote! { linker.func_wrap( #module_str, #field_str, move |mut caller: wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Caller<'_, T> #(, #arg_decls)*| -> wiggle::anyhow::Result<#ret_ty> { let result = async { #body }; #block_with(result)? }, )?; } } Asyncness::Sync => { quote! { linker.func_wrap( #module_str, #field_str, move |mut caller: wiggle::wasmtime_crate::Caller<'_, T> #(, #arg_decls)*| -> wiggle::anyhow::Result<#ret_ty> { #body }, )?; } } } }