# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub. They are # provided by a third-party and are governed by separate terms of service, # privacy policy, and support documentation. # # This workflow will install a prebuilt Ruby version, install dependencies, and # run tests and linters. name: "Generate sample app and run tests" on: [push] jobs: test_html: name: 🧪 Run HTML Tests runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install Ruby and gems uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1 with: bundler-cache: true - name: Install the latest Rails gem run: gem install rails -v "~> 7.0.0" - name: Install Rubocop run: gem install rubocop rubocop-performance rubocop-minitest rubocop-packaging rubocop-minitest rubocop-rails - name: Create fresh Rails app and run generator run: | rails new test-app cp .rubocop.yml test-app/.rubocop.yml cd test-app bundle add authentication-zero --path .. bin/rails generate authentication bundle install bin/rails db:migrate - name: Rubocop run: cd test-app && rubocop - name: Install Brakeman run: gem install brakeman - name: Brakeman run: cd test-app && brakeman - name: Tests run: | cd test-app bin/rails test bin/rails test:system test_api: name: 🧪 Run API Tests runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install Ruby and gems uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1 with: bundler-cache: true - name: Install the latest Rails gem run: gem install rails -v "~> 7.0.0" - name: Install Rubocop run: gem install rubocop rubocop-performance rubocop-minitest rubocop-packaging rubocop-minitest rubocop-rails - name: Create fresh Rails app and run generator run: | rails new test-app cp .rubocop.yml test-app/.rubocop.yml cd test-app bundle add authentication-zero --path .. bin/rails generate authentication --api bundle install bin/rails db:migrate - name: Rubocop run: cd test-app && rubocop - name: Install Brakeman run: gem install brakeman - name: Brakeman run: cd test-app && brakeman - name: Tests run: cd test-app && bin/rails test