require "turnip" require "rspec" module Turnip module RSpec ## # # This module hooks Turnip into RSpec by duck punching the load Kernel # method. If the file is a feature file, we run Turnip instead! # module Loader def load(*a, &b) if a.first.end_with?('.feature') require_if_exists 'turnip_helper' require_if_exists 'spec_helper' else super end end private def require_if_exists(filename) require filename rescue LoadError => e # Don't hide LoadErrors raised in the spec helper. raise unless e.message.include?(filename) end end ## # # This module provides an improved method to run steps inside RSpec, adding # proper support for pending steps, as well as nicer backtraces. # module Execute include Turnip::Execute def run_step(feature_file, step) begin instance_eval <<-EOS, feature_file, step.line step(step) EOS rescue Turnip::Pending => e example = ::RSpec.current_example example.metadata[:line_number] = step.line example.metadata[:location] = "#{example.metadata[:file_path]}:#{step.line}" if ::RSpec.configuration.raise_error_for_unimplemented_steps e.backtrace.push "#{feature_file}:#{step.line}:in `#{step.description}'" raise end skip("No such step: '#{e}'") rescue StandardError, ::RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError => e e.backtrace.push "#{feature_file}:#{step.line}:in `#{step.description}'" raise e end end end class << self def run(feature_file) feature = return nil if feature.nil? instance_eval <<-EOS, feature_file, feature.line context = ::RSpec.describe, feature.metadata_hash run_scenario_group(context, feature, feature_file) EOS end private # # @param [RSpec::ExampleGroups] context # @param [Turnip::Node::Feature|Turnip::Node::Rule] group # @param [String] filename # def run_scenario_group(context, group, filename) background_steps = context.before do background_steps.each do |step| run_step(filename, step) end end group.scenarios.each do |scenario| step_names = (background_steps + scenario.steps).map(&:to_s) description = step_names.join(' -> ') context.describe, scenario.metadata_hash do instance_eval <<-EOS, filename, scenario.line it description do scenario.steps.each do |step| run_step(filename, step) end end EOS end end if group.is_a?(Turnip::Node::Feature) group.rules.each do |rule| rule_context = context.context(, { turnip: true }) run_scenario_group(rule_context, rule, filename) end end end end end end ::RSpec::Core::Configuration.send(:include, Turnip::RSpec::Loader) ::RSpec.configure do |config| config.include Turnip::RSpec::Execute, turnip: true config.include Turnip::Steps, turnip: true config.pattern += ',**/*.feature' config.add_setting :raise_error_for_unimplemented_steps, :default => false end