# encoding: utf-8 module CollectiveIdea #:nodoc: module Acts #:nodoc: module NestedSet #:nodoc: module Base def self.included(base) base.extend(SingletonMethods) end # This acts provides Nested Set functionality. Nested Set is a smart way to implement # an _ordered_ tree, with the added feature that you can select the children and all of their # descendants with a single query. The drawback is that insertion or move need some complex # sql queries. But everything is done here by this module! # # Nested sets are appropriate each time you want either an orderd tree (menus, # commercial categories) or an efficient way of querying big trees (threaded posts). # # == API # # Methods names are aligned with acts_as_tree as much as possible to make replacment from one # by another easier. # # item.children.create(:name => "child1") # module SingletonMethods # Configuration options are: # # * +:parent_column+ - specifies the column name to use for keeping the position integer (default: parent_id) # * +:left_column+ - column name for left boundry data, default "lft" # * +:right_column+ - column name for right boundry data, default "rgt" # * +:depth_column+ - column name for level cache data, default "depth" # * +:scope+ - restricts what is to be considered a list. Given a symbol, it'll attach "_id" # (if it hasn't been already) and use that as the foreign key restriction. You # can also pass an array to scope by multiple attributes. # Example: acts_as_nested_set :scope => [:notable_id, :notable_type] # * +:dependent+ - behavior for cascading destroy. If set to :destroy, all the # child objects are destroyed alongside this object by calling their destroy # method. If set to :delete_all (default), all the child objects are deleted # without calling their destroy method. # # See CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::ClassMethods for a list of class methods and # CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::InstanceMethods for a list of instance methods added # to acts_as_nested_set models def acts_as_nested_set(options = {}) options = { :parent_column => 'parent_id', :left_column => 'lft', :right_column => 'rgt', :depth_column => 'depth', :dependent => :delete_all, # or :destroy }.merge(options) if options[:scope].is_a?(Symbol) && options[:scope].to_s !~ /_id$/ options[:scope] = "#{options[:scope]}_id".intern end write_inheritable_attribute :acts_as_nested_set_options, options class_inheritable_reader :acts_as_nested_set_options unless self.is_a?(ClassMethods) include Comparable include Columns include InstanceMethods include Depth include Descendants extend Columns extend ClassMethods belongs_to :parent, :class_name => self.base_class.to_s, :foreign_key => parent_column_name has_many :children, :class_name => self.base_class.to_s, :foreign_key => parent_column_name, :order => quoted_left_column_name attr_accessor :skip_before_destroy # no bulk assignment if accessible_attributes.blank? attr_protected left_column_name.intern, right_column_name.intern end before_create :set_default_left_and_right before_save :store_new_parent after_save :move_to_new_parent before_destroy :destroy_descendants # no assignment to structure fields [left_column_name, right_column_name].each do |column| module_eval <<-"end_eval", __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{column}=(x) raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "Unauthorized assignment to #{column}: it's an internal field handled by acts_as_nested_set code, use move_to_* methods instead." end end_eval end scope :roots, lambda { where(parent_column_name => nil).order(quoted_left_column_name) } scope :leaves, lambda { where("#{quoted_right_column_name} - #{quoted_left_column_name} = 1"). order(quoted_left_column_name) } scope :with_depth, proc {|level| where(:depth => level).order(quoted_left_column_name) } define_callbacks :move, :terminator => "result == false" end end end module ClassMethods # Returns the first root def root roots.first end # Returns arranged nodes hash. # I.e. you have this tree: # # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 # 6 # 7 # # Hash will looks like: # # {1 => {2 => {}, 3 => {4 => {5 => {}}, 6 => {}}}, 7 => {}} # # == Usage: # # Categories.arrange # Categories.find(42).children.arrange # Categories.find(42).descendants.arrange # Categories.find(42).self_and_descendants.arrange # # This arranged hash can be rendered with recursive render_tree helper def arrange arranged = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new insertion_points = [arranged] depth = 0 order(quoted_left_column_name).each_with_level do |node, level| insertion_points.push insertion_points.last.values.last if level > depth (depth - level).times { insertion_points.pop } if level < depth insertion_points.last.merge! node => ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new depth = level end arranged end def valid? left_and_rights_valid? && no_duplicates_for_columns? && all_roots_valid? end def left_and_rights_valid? joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN #{quoted_table_name} AS parent ON " + "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_parent_column_name} = parent.#{primary_key}"). where( "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} IS NULL OR " + "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_right_column_name} IS NULL OR " + "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} >= " + "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_right_column_name} OR " + "(#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_parent_column_name} IS NOT NULL AND " + "(#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name} <= parent.#{quoted_left_column_name} OR " + "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_right_column_name} >= parent.#{quoted_right_column_name}))" ).exists? == false end def no_duplicates_for_columns? scope_string = Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]).map do |c| connection.quote_column_name(c) end.push(nil).join(", ") [quoted_left_column_name, quoted_right_column_name].all? do |column| # No duplicates first( :select => "#{scope_string}#{column}, COUNT(#{column})", :group => "#{scope_string}#{column} HAVING COUNT(#{column}) > 1").nil? end end # Wrapper for each_root_valid? that can deal with scope. def all_roots_valid? if acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope] roots.group(scope_column_names).group_by{|record| scope_column_names.collect{|col| record.send(col.to_sym)}}.all? do |scope, grouped_roots| each_root_valid?(grouped_roots) end else each_root_valid?(roots) end end def each_root_valid?(roots_to_validate) left = right = 0 roots_to_validate.all? do |root| (root.left > left && root.right > right).tap do left = root.left right = root.right end end end # Rebuilds the left & rights if unset or invalid. Also very useful for converting from acts_as_tree. def rebuild! # Don't rebuild a valid tree. return true if valid? indices = {} set_left_and_rights = lambda do |node| node_scope = scope_for_rebuild(node) # set left node[left_column_name] = indices[node_scope] += 1 # find nodes_for_rebuild(node, node_scope).each{ |n| set_left_and_rights.call(n) } # set right node[right_column_name] = indices[node_scope] += 1 node.save! end # Find root node(s) root_nodes_for_rebuild.each do |root_node| node_scope = scope_for_rebuild(root_node) # setup index for this scope indices[node_scope] ||= 0 set_left_and_rights.call(root_node) end end # Iterates over tree elements and determines the current level in the tree. # Only accepts default ordering, odering by an other column than lft # does not work. This method is much more efficent than calling level # because it doesn't require any additional database queries. # # Example: # Category.each_with_level(Category.root.self_and_descendants) do |o, level| # def each_with_level(objects = nil) levels = [] (objects || scoped).each do |i| if level = levels.index(i.parent_id) levels.slice!((level + 1)..-1) else levels << i.parent_id level = levels.size - 1 end yield(i, level) end end def before_move(*args, &block) set_callback :move, :before, *args, &block end def after_move(*args, &block) set_callback :move, :after, *args, &block end private def scope_for_rebuild(node) scope_column_names.inject({}) do |hash, column_name| hash[column_name] = node.send(column_name.to_sym) hash end end def nodes_for_rebuild(node, node_scope) where(parent_column_name => node). where(node_scope). order(order_for_rebuild). all end def root_nodes_for_rebuild where(parent_column_name => nil). order(order_for_rebuild). all end def order_for_rebuild "#{quoted_left_column_name}, #{quoted_right_column_name}, id" end end # Mixed into both classes and instances to provide easy access to the column names module Columns def left_column_name acts_as_nested_set_options[:left_column] end def right_column_name acts_as_nested_set_options[:right_column] end def parent_column_name acts_as_nested_set_options[:parent_column] end def scope_column_names Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]) end def depth_column_name acts_as_nested_set_options[:depth_column] end def quoted_left_column_name connection.quote_column_name(left_column_name) end def quoted_right_column_name connection.quote_column_name(right_column_name) end def quoted_parent_column_name connection.quote_column_name(parent_column_name) end def quoted_scope_column_names scope_column_names.collect {|column_name| connection.quote_column_name(column_name) } end def quoted_depth_column_name connection.quote_column_name(depth_column_name) end end # Any instance method that returns a collection makes use of Rails 2.1's named_scope (which is bundled for Rails 2.0), so it can be treated as a finder. # # category.self_and_descendants.count # category.ancestors.find(:all, :conditions => "name like '%foo%'") module InstanceMethods # Value of the parent column def parent_id self[parent_column_name] end # Value of the left column def left self[left_column_name] end # Value of the right column def right self[right_column_name] end # Returns true if this is a root node. def root? parent_id.nil? end def leaf? !new_record? && right - left == 1 end # Returns true is this is a child node def child? !parent_id.nil? end # order by left column def <=>(x) left <=> x.left end # Redefine to act like active record def ==(comparison_object) comparison_object.equal?(self) || (comparison_object.instance_of?(self.class) && comparison_object.id == id && !comparison_object.new_record?) end # Returns root def root self_and_ancestors.first end # Returns the array of all parents and self def self_and_ancestors nested_set_scope.scoped.where("#{q_left} <= ? AND #{q_right} >= ?", left, right) end # Returns an array of all parents def ancestors without_self self_and_ancestors end # Returns the array of all children of the parent, including self def self_and_siblings nested_set_scope.scoped.where(parent_column_name => parent_id) end # Returns the array of all children of the parent, except self def siblings without_self self_and_siblings end # Returns a set of all of its nested children which do not have children def leaves descendants.scoped.where("#{q_right} - #{q_left} = 1") end # Returns the level of this object in the tree # root level is 0 def level parent_id.nil? ? 0 : ancestors.count end # Returns a set of itself and all of its nested children def self_and_descendants nested_set_scope.scoped.where("#{q_left} >= ? AND #{q_right} <= ?", left, right) end # Returns a set of all of its children and nested children def descendants without_self self_and_descendants end def is_descendant_of?(other) other.left < self.left && self.left < other.right && same_scope?(other) end def is_or_is_descendant_of?(other) other.left <= self.left && self.left < other.right && same_scope?(other) end def is_ancestor_of?(other) self.left < other.left && other.left < self.right && same_scope?(other) end def is_or_is_ancestor_of?(other) self.left <= other.left && other.left < self.right && same_scope?(other) end # Check if other model is in the same scope def same_scope?(other) Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]).all? do |attr| self.send(attr) == other.send(attr) end end # Find the first sibling to the left def left_sibling siblings.where("#{q_left} < ?", left).reverse_order.first end # Find the first sibling to the right def right_sibling siblings.where("#{q_left} > ?", left).first end # Shorthand method for finding the left sibling and moving to the left of it. def move_left move_to_left_of left_sibling end # Shorthand method for finding the right sibling and moving to the right of it. def move_right move_to_right_of right_sibling end # Move the node to the left of another node (you can pass id only) def move_to_left_of(node) move_to node, :left end # Move the node to the left of another node (you can pass id only) def move_to_right_of(node) move_to node, :right end # Move the node to the child of another node (you can pass id only) def move_to_child_of(node) move_to node, :child end # Move the node to root nodes def move_to_root move_to nil, :root end def move_possible?(target) self != target && # Can't target self same_scope?(target) && # can't be in different scopes # !(left..right).include?(target.left..target.right) # this needs tested more # detect impossible move !((left <= target.left && right >= target.left) or (left <= target.right && right >= target.right)) end def to_text self_and_descendants.map do |node| "#{'*'*(node.level+1)} #{node.id} #{node.to_s} (#{node.parent_id}, #{node.left}, #{node.right})" end.join("\n") end protected def q_left "#{self.class.quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name}" end def q_right "#{self.class.quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_right_column_name}" end def without_self(scope) scope.where("#{self.class.quoted_table_name}.#{self.class.primary_key} != ?", self) end # All nested set queries should use this nested_set_scope, which performs finds on # the base ActiveRecord class, using the :scope declared in the acts_as_nested_set # declaration. def nested_set_scope conditions = Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]).inject({}) do |conditions, attr| conditions.merge attr => self[attr] end self.class.base_class.order(q_left).where(conditions) end def store_new_parent @move_to_new_parent_id = send("#{parent_column_name}_changed?") ? parent_id : false true # force callback to return true end def move_to_new_parent if @move_to_new_parent_id.nil? move_to_root elsif @move_to_new_parent_id move_to_child_of(@move_to_new_parent_id) end end # on creation, set automatically lft and rgt to the end of the tree def set_default_left_and_right maxright = nested_set_scope.maximum(right_column_name) || 0 # adds the new node to the right of all existing nodes self[left_column_name] = maxright + 1 self[right_column_name] = maxright + 2 end # Prunes a branch off of the tree, shifting all of the elements on the right # back to the left so the counts still work. def destroy_descendants return if right.nil? || left.nil? || skip_before_destroy self.class.base_class.transaction do if acts_as_nested_set_options[:dependent] == :destroy descendants.each do |model| model.skip_before_destroy = true model.destroy end else nested_set_scope.delete_all(["#{q_left} > ? AND #{q_right} < ?", left, right]) end # update lefts and rights for remaining nodes diff = right - left + 1 nested_set_scope.update_all( ["#{quoted_left_column_name} = (#{quoted_left_column_name} - ?)", diff], ["#{quoted_left_column_name} > ?", right] ) nested_set_scope.update_all( ["#{quoted_right_column_name} = (#{quoted_right_column_name} - ?)", diff], ["#{quoted_right_column_name} > ?", right] ) # Don't allow multiple calls to destroy to corrupt the set self.skip_before_destroy = true end end # reload left, right, and parent def reload_nested_set reload(:select => "#{quoted_left_column_name}, " + "#{quoted_right_column_name}, #{quoted_parent_column_name}") end def move_to(target, position) raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "You cannot move a new node" if self.new_record? res = run_callbacks :move do transaction do if target.is_a? self.class.base_class target.reload_nested_set elsif position != :root # load object if node is not an object target = nested_set_scope.find(target) end self.reload_nested_set unless position == :root || move_possible?(target) raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "Impossible move, target node cannot be inside moved tree." end bound = case position when :child; target[right_column_name] when :left; target[left_column_name] when :right; target[right_column_name] + 1 when :root; 1 else raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "Position should be :child, :left, :right or :root ('#{position}' received)." end if bound > self[right_column_name] bound = bound - 1 other_bound = self[right_column_name] + 1 else other_bound = self[left_column_name] - 1 end # there would be no change return if bound == self[right_column_name] || bound == self[left_column_name] # we have defined the boundaries of two non-overlapping intervals, # so sorting puts both the intervals and their boundaries in order a, b, c, d = [self[left_column_name], self[right_column_name], bound, other_bound].sort new_parent = case position when :child; target.id when :root; nil else target[parent_column_name] end nested_set_scope.update_all([ "#{quoted_left_column_name} = CASE " + "WHEN #{quoted_left_column_name} BETWEEN :a AND :b " + "THEN #{quoted_left_column_name} + :d - :b " + "WHEN #{quoted_left_column_name} BETWEEN :c AND :d " + "THEN #{quoted_left_column_name} + :a - :c " + "ELSE #{quoted_left_column_name} END, " + "#{quoted_right_column_name} = CASE " + "WHEN #{quoted_right_column_name} BETWEEN :a AND :b " + "THEN #{quoted_right_column_name} + :d - :b " + "WHEN #{quoted_right_column_name} BETWEEN :c AND :d " + "THEN #{quoted_right_column_name} + :a - :c " + "ELSE #{quoted_right_column_name} END, " + "#{quoted_parent_column_name} = CASE " + "WHEN #{self.class.base_class.primary_key} = :id THEN :new_parent " + "ELSE #{quoted_parent_column_name} END", {:a => a, :b => b, :c => c, :d => d, :id => self.id, :new_parent => new_parent} ]) end target.reload_nested_set if target self.reload_nested_set self.update_depth if depth? end end end end # Base end # NestedSet end # Acts end # CollectiveIdea