require 'rails/generators/active_record' module ScaffoldPlus module Generators class GeodesicGenerator < ActiveRecord::Generators::Base desc "Prepare resource for geo functions with geodesic_wgs84 gem" argument :name, type: :string, desc: "The object to be prepared" class_option :latitude, type: :string, default: "lat", desc: 'Attribute used for storing latitude' class_option :longitude, type: :string, default: "lng", desc: 'Attribute used for storing longitude' class_option :migration, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Create a migration for added attributes' class_option :address, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: 'Add an address field to the migration' source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) def add_migration return unless options.migration? migration_template 'geodesic.rb', "db/migrate/#{migration_name}.rb" end def update_model lat = options.latitude lng = options.longitude file = "app/models/#{name}.rb" prepend_to_file file, "require 'geodesic_wgs84'\n\n" lines = [ " def to_lat_lon", " [#{lat}, #{lng}]", " end", "", " def as_dms(value)", " return '' if value.blank?", " wgs84 =", " wgs84.as_dms(value)", " end", "", " before_save on: [:create, :update] do", " # Normalize geo information", " wgs84 =", " if self.#{lat}.present?", " self.#{lat} = wgs84.as_deg(self.#{lat})", " end", " if self.#{lng}.present?", " self.#{lng} = wgs84.as_deg(self.#{lng})", " end", " end", "" ] inject_into_class file, class_name, lines.join("\n") end protected def migration_name "add_geodesic_to_#{table_name}" end end end end