module Hobo module UserController class << self def included(base) base.class_eval do extend ClassMethods class << self alias_method_chain :available_auto_actions, :user_actions alias_method_chain :def_auto_actions, :user_actions end filter_parameter_logging "password" skip_before_filter :login_required, :only => [:login, :signup, :forgot_password, :reset_password, :do_reset_password, :accept_invitation, :do_accept_invitation] include_taglib "rapid_user_pages", :plugin => "hobo" alias_method_chain :hobo_update, :account_flash end end end module ClassMethods def available_auto_actions_with_user_actions available_auto_actions_without_user_actions + [:login, :logout, :forgot_password, :reset_password, :account] end def def_auto_actions_with_user_actions def_auto_actions_without_user_actions class_eval do def login; hobo_login; end if include_action?(:login) def logout; hobo_logout; end if include_action?(:logout) def signup; hobo_signup; end if include_action?(:signup) def do_signup; hobo_do_signup end if include_action?(:do_signup) def forgot_password; hobo_forgot_password; end if include_action?(:forgot_password) def do_reset_password; hobo_do_reset_password; end if include_action?(:do_reset_password) show_action :account if include_action?(:account) end end end private def hobo_login(options={}) (redirect_to home_page; return) if logged_in? login_attr = model.login_attribute.to_s.titleize.downcase options.reverse_merge!(:success_notice => "You have logged in.", :failure_notice => "You did not provide a valid #{login_attr} and password.") if user = model.authenticate(params[:login], params[:password]) if user.nil? flash[:error] = options[:failure_notice] else old_user = current_user self.current_user = user yield if block_given? if !user.account_active? # account not activate - cancel this login self.current_user = old_user render :action => :account_disabled unless performed? else if params[:remember_me].present? current_user.remember_me create_auth_cookie end flash[:notice] ||= options[:success_notice] redirect_back_or_default(options[:redirect_to] || home_page) unless performed? end end end end def hobo_signup(&b) if logged_in? redirect_back_or_default(home_page) else creator_page_action(:signup, &b) end end def hobo_do_signup(&b) do_creator_action(:signup) do if valid? flash[:notice] = "Thanks for signing up!" flash[:notice] << " You must activate your account before you can log in. Please check your email." unless this.account_active? end response_block(&b) or if valid? if this.account_active? self.current_user = this if this.account_active? end redirect_back_or_default(home_page) end end end def hobo_logout(options={}) options = options.reverse_merge(:notice => "You have logged out.", :redirect_to => base_url) logout_current_user yield if block_given? flash[:notice] ||= options[:notice] redirect_back_or_default(options[:redirect_to]) unless performed? end def hobo_forgot_password if user = model.find_by_email_address(params[:email_address]) if user && (!block_given? || yield(user)) user.lifecycle.request_password_reset!(:nobody) end render_tag :forgot_password_email_sent_page end end def hobo_do_reset_password(&b) do_transition_action :reset_password do response_block(&b) or if valid? self.current_user = this flash[:notice] = "Your password has been reset" redirect_to home_page end end end def hobo_update_with_account_flash(*args) hobo_update_without_account_flash(*args) do flash[:notice] = "Changes to your account were saved" if valid? && @this == current_user yield if block_given? end end private def logout_current_user if logged_in? current_user.forget_me cookies.delete :auth_token reset_session self.current_user = nil end end end end