en: activerecord: errors: models: vendor: attributes: vendor_categories: blank: "You must select at least one category." # Translate model names. Used in Model.human_name(). models: vendor_proxy: Vendor vendor_category: Vendor Category vendor_member: Member # Translate model attribute names. Used in Model.human_attribute_name(attribute). attributes: vendor: vendor_category: Category discount_percentage: Default Member Discount nickname: Company interpolation_instructions: |


You can insert the following to render variable data in the field



You can style the text in this field using the Markdown syntax as follows:

A line break is created by putting 2 spaces at the end of the line above and then a return.

A paragraph is created by putting a blank line between the first paragraph and the second paragraph.



***bold and italic text***

* Item in a bulleted list
    * A sub-item, indented with 4 spaces
* Another item in a bulleted list

1. Item in numbered list
2. Another Item in numbered list
3. Another Item in numbered list

# First-level heading

## Second-level heading

### Third-level heading

#### Fourth-level heading

> This is a blockquote.
> Blockquote with hard wrap
> This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.
> ## This is an H2 in a blockquote

[This is a link](http://www.google.com "Google")

![Image Alt Text](image url "Image Title")

--- Horizontal rules are created by 3 hyphens

If you need to actually render the following characters AND they are NOT rendering, place a backslash before the character like \*italics\* will actually render with the asterisks instead of italicizing the word.

\ backslash

* asterisk


{} curly braces

[] square brackets

() parentheses

# hash mark

+ plus sign

- minus sign (hyphen)

. dot

! exclamation mark

settings: e9_vendors_email_to: Email To e9_vendors_email_from: Email From e9_vendors_email_subject: Email Subject e9_vendors_email_intro: Email Introduction e9_vendors_widget_title: Widget Title e9_vendors_widget_form_title: Widget Subtitle e9_vendors_widget_form_text: Widget Description e9_vendors_widget_settings: Widget Settings e9_vendors_widget_help: |


You can insert the following to render variable data in the field



You can style the text in this field using the Markdown syntax as follows:

A line break is created by putting 2 spaces at the end of the line above and then a return.

A paragraph is created by putting a blank line between the first paragraph and the second paragraph.



***bold and italic text***

* Item in a bulleted list
    * A sub-item, indented with 4 spaces
* Another item in a bulleted list

1. Item in numbered list
2. Another Item in numbered list
3. Another Item in numbered list

# First-level heading

## Second-level heading

### Third-level heading

#### Fourth-level heading

> This is a blockquote.
> Blockquote with hard wrap
> This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.
> ## This is an H2 in a blockquote

[This is a link](http://www.google.com "Google")

![Image Alt Text](image url "Image Title")

--- Horizontal rules are created by 3 hyphens

If you need to actually render the following characters AND they are NOT rendering, place a backslash before the character like \*italics\* will actually render with the asterisks instead of italicizing the word.

\ backslash

* asterisk


{} curly braces

[] square brackets

() parentheses

# hash mark

+ plus sign

- minus sign (hyphen)

. dot

! exclamation mark

vendor_proxy: discount_code: Tracking Code e9: e9_vendors: vendor_members: manage: Manage Vendors get_widget_code: Get Widget Code widget_code_title: Widget Code vendor_proxies: edit: Edit Vendor Details index_title: "Manage Vendors for %{member}" view_landing_page: View Landing Page vendor_defaults_instructions: Leave Fields Below Blank to Use Default Values vendor_default: "(Default: %{default_value})" vendors: widget_settings_legend: Widget Settings settings: index_title: Vendors Settings vendorboon_widget_settings_legend: Widget Settings