![jazzy](logo.jpg) ![analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-50247013-2/jazzy/README?pixel) ![Test Status](https://travis-ci.org/realm/jazzy.svg?branch=master) jazzy is a command-line utility that generates documentation for your Swift or Objective-C projects. Only Swift projects are currently supported, but Objective-C support is coming soon! Instead of parsing your source files, jazzy hooks into [Clang][clang] and [SourceKit][sourcekit] to use the [AST][ast] representation of your code and its comments for more accurate results. jazzy’s output matches the look & feel of Apple’s official reference documentation, post WWDC 2014. ![Screenshot](screenshot.jpg) ### Requirements * [Xcode 6.1][xcode], installed in `/Applications/Xcode.app` * `xcode-select -p` should print Xcode 6.1's path. If it doesn't, run `sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer` ### Installing To install jazzy, run `[sudo] gem install jazzy` from your command line. ### Usage Run `jazzy` from your command line. Run `jazzy -h` for a list of additional options. ### Development jazzy is composed of two parts: the parser ([sourcekitten][sourcekitten], written in Swift) and the site generator (written in ruby). To build and run jazzy from source, you'll first need [bundler][bundler]. Once bundler is installed, run `bundle install` from the root of this repo. At this point, run jazzy from source by running `bin/jazzy`. Instructions to build sourcekitten from source can be found at [sourcekitten's GitHub repository][sourcekitten]. ### Design Goals jazzy's main design goals are: - Generate source code docs matching Apple's official reference documentation - Support for standard Objective-C and Swift documentation comment syntax - Leverage modern HTML templating ([Mustache][mustache]) - Leverage the power and accuracy of the [Clang AST][ast] and [SourceKit][sourcekit] - Support for Xcode and Dash docsets (*work in progress*) - Support Swift, Objective-C or mixed projects (*work in progress*) ### License This project is under the MIT license. [clang]: http://clang.llvm.org "Clang" [sourcekit]: http://www.jpsim.com/uncovering-sourcekit "Uncovering SourceKit" [ast]: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/IntroductionToTheClangAST.html "Introduction To The Clang AST" [xcode]: https://developer.apple.com/xcode "Xcode" [sourcekitten]: https://github.com/jpsim/sourcekitten "sourcekitten" [bundler]: http://rubygems.org/gems/bundler [mustache]: http://mustache.github.io "Mustache"