{: versionI"3.2.19 (Media Mark):EF:shaI"-ba337c43db79777200c2fc8f71da46cde73199bc;F: contents"ï:o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[.o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"V/* Foundation by ZURB * foundation.zurb.com * Licensed under MIT Open Source */:ET: @type: silent;[: @linei: @options{o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode :@imported_filenameI" global; T;[:@template0; i ; @ :@imported_file0o; ;[I"A/* * @name _tables.scss * @dependencies _global.scss * */; T; ; ;[; i ; @ o; ;[I"/* * @variables * */; T; ; ;[; i; @ o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode : @nameI"include-html-table-classes; T: @expro:Sass::Script::Variable ;I"include-html-classes; T:@underscored_nameI"include_html_classes; T; i; @ : @guardedI" !default; T;[; i; @ o; ;[I"I/* These control the background color for the table and even rows */; T; ; ;[; i; @ o; ;I" table-bg; T;o; ;I" white; T;I" white; T; i; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i; @ o; ;I"table-even-row-bg; T;o; ;I" snow; T;I" snow; T; i; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i; @ o; ;[I"4/* These control the table cell border style */; T; ; ;[; i; @ o; ;I"table-border-style; T;o:Sass::Script::String ;I" solid; T; :identifier; i; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i; @ o; ;I"table-border-size; T;o:Sass::Script::Number ;i:@numerator_units[I"px; T:@denominator_units[; i:@originalI"1px; F; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i; @ o; ;I"table-border-color; T;o; ;I"gainsboro; T;I"gainsboro; T; i; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i; @ o; ;[I"./* These control the table head styles */; T; ; ;[; i ; @ o; ;I"table-head-bg; T;o; ;I"white-smoke; T;I"white_smoke; T; i!; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i!; @ o; ;I"table-head-font-size; T;o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;I" rem-calc; T: @args[o; ;i;[;[; i";I"14; F; @ :@keywords{: @splat0; i"; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i"; @ o; ;I"table-head-font-color; T;o; ;I"jet; T;I"jet; T; i#; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i#; @ o; ;I"table-head-font-weight; T;o; ;I"font-weight-bold; T;I"font_weight_bold; T; i$; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i$; @ o; ;I"table-head-padding; T;o; ;I" rem-calc; T;[o:Sass::Script::List ;[o; ;i ;[;@\; i%;I"8; F; @ o; ;i;[;@\; i%;I"10; F; @ o; ;i;[;@\; i%;I"10; F; @ :@separator: space; i%; @ ; {;!0; i%; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i%; @ o; ;[I"./* These control the table foot styles */; T; ; ;[; i'; @ o; ;I"table-foot-bg; T;o; ;I"table-head-bg; T;I"table_head_bg; T; i(; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i(; @ o; ;I"table-foot-font-size; T;o; ;I"table-head-font-size; T;I"table_head_font_size; T; i); @ ;I" !default; T;[; i); @ o; ;I"table-foot-font-color; T;o; ;I"table-head-font-color; T;I"table_head_font_color; T; i*; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i*; @ o; ;I"table-foot-font-weight; T;o; ;I"table-head-font-weight; T;I"table_head_font_weight; T; i+; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i+; @ o; ;I"table-foot-padding; T;o; ;I"table-head-padding; T;I"table_head_padding; T; i,; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i,; @ o; ;[I"$/* These control the caption */; T; ; ;[; i.; @ o; ;I"table-caption-bg; T;o; ;I"transparent; T; ;; i/; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i/; @ o; ;I"table-caption-font-color; T;o; ;I"table-head-font-color; T;I"table_head_font_color; T; i0; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i0; @ o; ;I"table-caption-font-size; T;o; ;I" rem-calc; T;[o; ;i;[;@\; i1;I"16; F; @ ; {;!0; i1; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i1; @ o; ;I"table-caption-font-weight; T;o; ;I" bold; T; ;; i2; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i2; @ o; ;[I"8/* These control the row padding and font styles */; T; ; ;[; i4; @ o; ;I"table-row-padding; T;o; ;I" rem-calc; T;[o;" ;[o; ;i;[;@\; i5;I"9; F; @ o; ;i;[;@\; i5;I"10; F; @ ;#;$; i5; @ ; {;!0; i5; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i5; @ o; ;I"table-row-font-size; T;o; ;I" rem-calc; T;[o; ;i;[;@\; i6;I"14; F; @ ; {;!0; i6; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i6; @ o; ;I"table-row-font-color; T;o; ;I"jet; T;I"jet; T; i7; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i7; @ o; ;I"table-line-height; T;o; ;I" rem-calc; T;[o; ;i;[;@\; i8;I"18; F; @ ; {;!0; i8; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i8; @ o; ;[I"M/* These are for controlling the layout, display and margin of tables */; T; ; ;[; i:; @ o; ;I"table-layout; T;o; ;I" auto; T; ;; i;; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i;; @ o; ;I"table-display; T;o; ;I"table-cell; T; ;; i<; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i<; @ o; ;I"table-margin-bottom; T;o; ;I" rem-calc; T;[o; ;i;[;@\; i=;I"20; F; @ ; {;!0; i=; @ ;I" !default; T;[; i=; @ o; ;[I"/* * @mixins * */; T; ; ;[; i@; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;I" table; T;[;!0;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;[I"background; T;o; ;I" table-bg; T;I" table_bg; T; iE; @ : @tabsi:@prop_syntax:new;[; iE; @ o;& ;[I"margin-bottom; T;o; ;I"table-margin-bottom; T;I"table_margin_bottom; T; iF; @ ;'i;(;);[; iF; @ o;& ;[I" border; T;o;" ;[o; ;I"table-border-style; T;I"table_border_style; T; iG; @ o; ;I"table-border-size; T;I"table_border_size; T; iG; @ o; ;I"table-border-color; T;I"table_border_color; T; iG; @ ;#;$; iG; @ ;'i;(;);[; iG; @ o;& ;[I"table-layout; T;o; ;I"table-layout; T;I"table_layout; T; iH; @ ;'i;(;);[; iH; @ o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode : @rule[I" caption; T;'i:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;.[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence ;.[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;[I" caption; T:@namespace0; iJ:@filenameI"; T: @subject0: @sourceso:Set: @hash{; iJ;3@J; iJ;3@J;[o;& ;[I"background; T;o; ;I"table-caption-bg; T;I"table_caption_bg; T; iK; @ ;'i;(;);[; iK; @ o;& ;[I" color; T;o; ;I"table-caption-font-color; T;I"table_caption_font_color; T; iL; @ ;'i;(;);[; iL; @ o;& ;[I" font; T;o;;I"; T; ;; @ ;'i;(;);[o;& ;[I" size; T;o; ;I"table-caption-font-size; T;I"table_caption_font_size; T; iN; @ ;'i;(;);[; iN; @ o;& ;[I" weight; T;o; ;I"table-caption-font-weight; T;I"table_caption_font_weight; T; iO; @ ;'i;(;);[; iO; @ ; iM; @ :@has_childrenT; iJ;8T; @ o;* ;+[I" thead; T;'i;,o;-;.[o;/;.[o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I" thead; T;20; iS;3I"; T;40;5o;6;7{; iS;3@|; iS;3@|;[o;& ;[I"background; T;o; ;I"table-head-bg; T;I"table_head_bg; T; iT; @ ;'i;(;);[; iT; @ o;* ;+[I"tr; T;'i;,o;-;.[o;/;.[o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"tr; T;20; iV;3I"; T;40;5o;6;7{; iV;3@“; iV;3@“;[o;* ;+[I"th, td; T;'i;,o;-;.[o;/;.[o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"th; T;20; iX;3I"; T;40;5o;6;7{; iX;3@£o;/;.[I" ; To;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"td; T;20; iX;3@£;40;5o;6;7{; iX;3@£; iX;3@£;[ o;& ;[I" padding; T;o; ;I"table-head-padding; T;I"table_head_padding; T; iY; @ ;'i;(;);[; iY; @ o;& ;[I"font-size; T;o; ;I"table-head-font-size; T;I"table_head_font_size; T; iZ; @ ;'i;(;);[; iZ; @ o;& ;[I"font-weight; T;o; ;I"table-head-font-weight; T;I"table_head_font_weight; T; i[; @ ;'i;(;);[; i[; @ o;& ;[I" color; T;o; ;I"table-head-font-color; T;I"table_head_font_color; T; i\; @ ;'i;(;);[; i\; @ ; iX;8T; @ ; iV;8T; @ ; iS;8T; @ o;* ;+[I" tfoot; T;'i;,o;-;.[o;/;.[o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I" tfoot; T;20; ia;3I"; T;40;5o;6;7{; ia;3@Ù; ia;3@Ù;[o;& ;[I"background; T;o; ;I"table-foot-bg; T;I"table_foot_bg; T; ib; @ ;'i;(;);[; ib; @ o;* ;+[I"tr; T;'i;,o;-;.[o;/;.[o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"tr; T;20; id;3I"; T;40;5o;6;7{; id;3@ð; id;3@ð;[o;* ;+[I"th, td; T;'i;,o;-;.[o;/;.[o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"th; T;20; if;3I"; T;40;5o;6;7{; if;3@o;/;.[I" ; To;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"td; T;20; if;3@;40;5o;6;7{; if;3@; if;3@;[ o;& ;[I" padding; T;o; ;I"table-foot-padding; T;I"table_foot_padding; T; ig; @ ;'i;(;);[; ig; @ o;& ;[I"font-size; T;o; ;I"table-foot-font-size; T;I"table_foot_font_size; T; ih; @ ;'i;(;);[; ih; @ o;& ;[I"font-weight; T;o; ;I"table-foot-font-weight; T;I"table_foot_font_weight; T; ii; @ ;'i;(;);[; ii; @ o;& ;[I" color; T;o; ;I"table-foot-font-color; T;I"table_foot_font_color; T; ij; @ ;'i;(;);[; ij; @ ; if;8T; @ ; id;8T; @ ; ia;8T; @ o;* ;+[I"tr; T;'i;,o;-;.[o;/;.[o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"tr; T;20; io;3I"; T;40;5o;6;7{; io;3@6; io;3@6;[o;* ;+[I"th, td; T;'i;,o;-;.[o;/;.[o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"th; T;20; iq;3I"; T;40;5o;6;7{; iq;3@Fo;/;.[I" ; To;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"td; T;20; iq;3@F;40;5o;6;7{; iq;3@F; iq;3@F;[ o;& ;[I" padding; T;o; ;I"table-row-padding; T;I"table_row_padding; T; ir; @ ;'i;(;);[; ir; @ o;& ;[I"font-size; T;o; ;I"table-row-font-size; T;I"table_row_font_size; T; is; @ ;'i;(;);[; is; @ o;& ;[I" color; T;o; ;I"table-row-font-color; T;I"table_row_font_color; T; it; @ ;'i;(;);[; it; @ o;& ;[I"text-align; T;o; ;I"default-float; T;I"default_float; T; iu; @ ;'i;(;);[; iu; @ ; iq;8T; @ o;* ;+[I"/&.even, &.alt, &:nth-of-type(even); T;'i;,o;-;.[o;/;.[o;0 ;.[o:Sass::Selector::Parent; iz;3I"; To:Sass::Selector::Class;[I" even; T; iz;3@z;40;5o;6;7{; iz;3@zo;/;.[I" ; To;0 ;.[o;9; iz;3@zo;:;[I"alt; T; iz;3@z;40;5o;6;7{; iz;3@zo;/;.[I" ; To;0 ;.[o;9; iz;3@zo:Sass::Selector::Pseudo :@syntactic_type: class;[I"nth-of-type; T: @arg[I" even; T; iz;3@z;40;5o;6;7{; iz;3@z; iz;3@z;[o;& ;[I"background; T;o; ;I"table-even-row-bg; T;I"table_even_row_bg; T; iz; @ ;'i;(;);[; iz; @ ; iz;8T; @ ; io;8T; @ o;* ;+[I"Uthead tr th, tfoot tr th, tfoot tr td, tbody tr th, tbody tr td, tr td; T;'i;,o;-;.[ o;/;.[o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I" thead; T;20; i};3I"; T;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"tr; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"th; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;/;.[ I" ; To;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I" tfoot; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"tr; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"th; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;/;.[ I" ; To;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I" tfoot; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"tr; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"td; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;/;.[ I" ; To;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I" tbody; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"tr; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"th; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;/;.[ I" ; To;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I" tbody; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"tr; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"td; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;/;.[I" ; To;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"tr; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬o;0 ;.[o;1 ;[I"td; T;20; i};3@¬;40;5o;6;7{; i};3@¬; i};3@¬;[o;& ;[I" display; T;o; ;I"table-display; T;I"table_display; T; i}; @ ;'i;(;);[; i}; @ o;& ;[I"line-height; T;o; ;I"table-line-height; T;I"table_line_height; T; i}; @ ;'i;(;);[; i}; @ ; i};8T; @ ; iD;8T; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;I" exports; T;[o; ;I" table; T; : string; i; @ ; {;!0;[u:Sass::Tree::IfNodeK[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @nameI"include-html-table-classes:ET:@underscored_nameI"include_html_table_classes;T: @linei‚: @options{0[o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode : @rule[I" table;T: @tabsi:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence ;[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;[I" table;T:@namespace0; iƒ:@filenameI";T: @subject0: @sourceso:Set: @hash{; iƒ;@; iƒ;@:@children[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;I" table;T: @args[:@keywords{: @splat0;[; i„; @ ; iƒ:@has_childrenT; @ ; i; @ ;8T;I"O // Foundation by ZURB // foundation.zurb.com // Licensed under MIT Open Source @import "global"; // // @name _tables.scss // @dependencies _global.scss // // // @variables // $include-html-table-classes: $include-html-classes !default; // These control the background color for the table and even rows $table-bg: $white !default; $table-even-row-bg: $snow !default; // These control the table cell border style $table-border-style: solid !default; $table-border-size: 1px !default; $table-border-color: $gainsboro !default; // These control the table head styles $table-head-bg: $white-smoke !default; $table-head-font-size: rem-calc(14) !default; $table-head-font-color: $jet !default; $table-head-font-weight: $font-weight-bold !default; $table-head-padding: rem-calc(8 10 10) !default; // These control the table foot styles $table-foot-bg: $table-head-bg !default; $table-foot-font-size: $table-head-font-size !default; $table-foot-font-color: $table-head-font-color !default; $table-foot-font-weight: $table-head-font-weight !default; $table-foot-padding: $table-head-padding !default; // These control the caption $table-caption-bg: transparent !default; $table-caption-font-color: $table-head-font-color !default; $table-caption-font-size: rem-calc(16) !default; $table-caption-font-weight: bold !default; // These control the row padding and font styles $table-row-padding: rem-calc(9 10) !default; $table-row-font-size: rem-calc(14) !default; $table-row-font-color: $jet !default; $table-line-height: rem-calc(18) !default; // These are for controlling the layout, display and margin of tables $table-layout: auto !default; $table-display: table-cell !default; $table-margin-bottom: rem-calc(20) !default; // // @mixins // @mixin table { background: $table-bg; margin-bottom: $table-margin-bottom; border: $table-border-style $table-border-size $table-border-color; table-layout: $table-layout; caption { background: $table-caption-bg; color: $table-caption-font-color; font: { size: $table-caption-font-size; weight: $table-caption-font-weight; } } thead { background: $table-head-bg; tr { th, td { padding: $table-head-padding; font-size: $table-head-font-size; font-weight: $table-head-font-weight; color: $table-head-font-color; } } } tfoot { background: $table-foot-bg; tr { th, td { padding: $table-foot-padding; font-size: $table-foot-font-size; font-weight: $table-foot-font-weight; color: $table-foot-font-color; } } } tr { th, td { padding: $table-row-padding; font-size: $table-row-font-size; color: $table-row-font-color; text-align: $default-float; } &.even, &.alt, &:nth-of-type(even) { background: $table-even-row-bg; } } thead tr th, tfoot tr th, tfoot tr td, tbody tr th, tbody tr td, tr td { display: $table-display; line-height: $table-line-height; } } @include exports("table") { @if $include-html-table-classes { table { @include table; } } } ; T; i;8T; @