.\" Generated by kramdown-man 0.1.8 .\" https://github.com/postmodern/kramdown-man#readme .TH ronin-asn 1 "2023-02-01" Ronin "User Manuals" .LP .SH SYNOPSIS .LP .HP \fBronin asn\fR \[lB]\fIoptions\fP\[rB] \[lB]\fB-v\fR \[or] \fB--enum-ips\fR\[rB] \[lC]\fB-n\fR,\fB--number\fR \fINUMBER\fP \[or] \fB-c\fR,\fB--country\fR \fICOUNTRY\fP \[or] \fB-N\fR,\fB--name\fR \fINAME\fP \[or] \fB-I\fR,\fB--ip\fR \fIIP\fP\[rC] .LP .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .PP Queries ASN information for the given \fIIP\fP or searches for the ASN records for the given \fINUMBER\fP, \fINAME\fP, or \fICOUNTRY\fP code\. .LP .SH OPTIONS .LP .TP \fB-v\fR, \fB--verbose\fR Prints multi\-line human readable output\. .LP .TP \fB-U\fR, \fB--url\fR \fIURI\fP Overrides the default ASN list URL\. Defaults to \fBhttps://iptoasn.com/data/ip2asn-combined.tsv.gz\fR\. .LP .TP \fB-f\fR, \fB--file\fR \fIFILE\fP Overrides the default ASN list file\. Defaults to \fB~/.cache/ronin/ronin-support/ip2asn-combined.tsv.gz\fR\. .LP .TP \fB-u\fR, \fB--update\fR Updates the ASN list file\. .LP .TP \fB-n\fR, \fB--number\fR \fINUM\fP\[or]AS\fINUM\fP Searches for all ASN records with the AS number\. .LP .TP \fB-C\fR, \fB--country-code\fR \fIXX\fP\[or]\fBNone\fR\[or]\fBUnknown\fR Searches for all ASN records with the country code\. .LP .TP \fB-N\fR, \fB--name\fR \fINAME\fP Searches for all ASN records with the matching name\. .LP .TP \fB-I\fR, \fB--ip\fR \fIIP\fP Queries the ASN record for the IP\. .LP .TP \fB-4\fR, \fB--ipv4\fR Filters ASN records for only IPv4 ranges\. .LP .TP \fB-6\fR, \fB--ipv6\fR Filter ASN records for only IPv6 ranges\. .LP .TP \fB-E\fR, \fB--enum-ips\fR Enumerate over the IPs within the ASN ranges\. .LP .TP \fB-h\fR, \fB--help\fR Print help information .LP .SH EXAMPLES .LP .PP Print verbose output for all ASN records for \fBAS15133\fR: .LP .nf ronin asn \-v \-n 15133 .fi .LP .PP Print verbose output for the ASN record for the IP address \fB93.184.216.34\fR: .LP .nf ronin asn \-v \-I 93\.184\.216\.34 .fi .LP .PP Prints all ASN records for the given country code: .LP .nf ronin asn \-C US .fi .LP .PP Prints all ASN records for the given ISP: .LP .nf ronin asn \-N EDGECAST .fi .LP .PP Enumerate over the IP addresses in the IP range for \fBAS15133\fR: .LP .nf ronin asn \-\-enum\-ips \-n 15133 .fi .LP .PP Enumerate over all IP addresses for all ASN records belonging to the given ISP: .LP .nf ronin asn \-\-enum\-ips \-N EDGECAST .fi .LP .SH ENVIRONMENT .LP .TP \fIHOME\fP Alternate location for the user\[cq]s home directory\. .LP .TP \fIXDG\[ru]CONFIG\[ru]HOME\fP Alternate location for the \fB~/.config\fR directory\. .LP .SH FILES .LP .TP \fB~/.cache/ronin/ronin-support/ip2asn-combined.tsv.gz\fR The location of the downloaded ASN list\. .LP .SH AUTHOR .LP .PP Postmodern .MT postmodern\.mod3\[at]gmail\.com .ME .LP