require 'bundler' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require 'rake' require 'rspec/core' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' CassandraBinaries = { '0.8' => '', '1.0' => '', } CASSANDRA_VERSION = ENV['CASSANDRA_VERSION'] || '1.0' CASSANDRA_HOME = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/tmp' CASSANDRA_PIDFILE = ENV['CASSANDRA_PIDFILE'] || "#{CASSANDRA_HOME}/" do |spec| spec.pattern = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] end do |spec| spec.pattern = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] spec.rcov = true spec.rcov_opts = "--exclude 'spec/*'" end desc "Download Cassandra and run specs against it" task :spec_with_server do Rake::Task["cassandra:clean"].invoke Rake::Task["cassandra:start"].invoke error = nil begin Rake::Task["spec"].invoke rescue error = $! end Rake::Task["cassandra:stop"].invoke raise $! if $! end task :default => :spec def setup_cassandra_version(version = CASSANDRA_VERSION) FileUtils.mkdir_p CASSANDRA_HOME destination_directory = File.join(CASSANDRA_HOME, 'cassandra-' + CASSANDRA_VERSION) unless File.exists?(File.join(destination_directory, 'bin','cassandra')) download_source = CassandraBinaries[CASSANDRA_VERSION] download_destination = File.join(CASSANDRA_HOME, File.basename(download_source)) untar_directory = File.join(CASSANDRA_HOME, File.basename(download_source,'-bin.tar.gz')) puts "downloading cassandra" sh "curl -L -o #{download_destination} #{download_source}" sh "tar xzf #{download_destination} -C #{CASSANDRA_HOME}" sh "mv #{untar_directory} #{destination_directory}" end end def setup_environment env = "" if !ENV["CASSANDRA_INCLUDE"] env << "CASSANDRA_INCLUDE=#{File.expand_path(Dir.pwd)}/spec/conf/#{CASSANDRA_VERSION}/ " env << "CASSANDRA_HOME=#{CASSANDRA_HOME}/cassandra-#{CASSANDRA_VERSION} " env << "CASSANDRA_CONF=#{File.expand_path(Dir.pwd)}/spec/conf/#{CASSANDRA_VERSION}" else env << "CASSANDRA_INCLUDE=#{ENV['CASSANDRA_INCLUDE']} " env << "CASSANDRA_HOME=#{ENV['CASSANDRA_HOME']} " env << "CASSANDRA_CONF=#{ENV['CASSANDRA_CONF']}" end env end def running?(pid_file = nil) pid_file ||= CASSANDRA_PIDFILE if File.exists?(pid_file) pid = begin Process.kill(0, pid) return true rescue File.delete(pid_file) end end false end namespace :cassandra do desc "Start Cassandra" task :start, [:daemonize] => :java do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:daemonize => true) setup_cassandra_version env = setup_environment Dir.chdir(File.join(CASSANDRA_HOME, "cassandra-#{CASSANDRA_VERSION}")) do sh("env #{env} bin/cassandra #{'-f' unless args.daemonize} -p #{CASSANDRA_PIDFILE}") end $stdout.puts "Sleeping for 8 seconds to wait for Cassandra to start ..." sleep(8) end desc "Stop Cassandra" task :stop => :java do setup_cassandra_version env = setup_environment sh("kill $(cat #{CASSANDRA_PIDFILE})") end desc "Delete all data files in #{CASSANDRA_HOME}" task :clean do sh("rm -rf #{File.join(CASSANDRA_HOME, "cassandra-#{CASSANDRA_VERSION}", 'data')}") end end desc "Start Cassandra" task :cassandra => :java do begin Rake::Task["cassandra:start"].invoke(false) rescue RuntimeError => e raise e unless e.message =~ /Command failed with status \(130\)/ # handle keyboard interupt errors end end desc "Run the Cassandra CLI" task :cli do Dir.chdir(File.join(CASSANDRA_HOME, "cassandra-#{CASSANDRA_VERSION}")) do sh("bin/cassandra-cli -host localhost -port 9160") end end desc "Check Java version" task :java do unless `java -version 2>&1`.split("\n").first =~ /java version "1.6/ #" puts "You need to configure your environment for Java 1.6." puts "If you're on OS X, just export the following environment variables:" puts ' JAVA_HOME="/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home"' puts ' PATH="/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home/bin:$PATH"' exit(1) end end require 'yard'