# Uses the Phony.plausible method to validate an attribute. # Usage: # validate :phone_number, :phony_plausible => true class PhonyPlausibleValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator # Validates a String using Phony.plausible? method. def validate_each(record, attribute, value) return if value.blank? record.errors.add(attribute, options[:message] || :improbable_phone) if not Phony.plausible?(value) end end module ActiveModel module Validations module HelperMethods def validates_plausible_phone(*attr_names) # merged attributes are modified somewhere, so we are cloning them for each validator merged_attributes = _merge_attributes(attr_names) validates_with PresenceValidator, merged_attributes.clone if merged_attributes[:presence] validates_with FormatValidator, merged_attributes.clone if (merged_attributes[:with] or merged_attributes[:without]) validates_with PhonyPlausibleValidator, merged_attributes.clone end end end end