Some _Theoretically_-Real-World Examples of Tadpole in Action ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. _Bob_ made a Blogging application called _"Boblog"_ and distributed it under the MIT license over the internet. _Janet_ found this application and decided to use it to power her upcoming "100 Carrot Recipes" blog. She was mostly happy with the provided themes but wanted to customize the look of the sidebar by adding a "Favourite Recipes" links section and writing a tidbit about herself. Now "Boblog" was a simplistic blog tool and did not support a multitude of plugins, but did use **Tadpole** for theming. Janet read about the way customization was done using "Boblog" and got to work making her changes. Janet went into her custom templates directory and created her own new template `janet` because she had a bad feeling about directly playing with the existing template files (_and "Boblog" docs said she didn't need to_). Inside that directory she created her new files `fav_recipes.html` and `about.html` where she inserted her links to various world renowned Carrot Chefs and a story about her dreams of one day meeting them. Now, she wanted her about section to go at the top of the sidebar, but she wanted her own links section to go beneath the regular links section (already provided by "Boblog"). So, as per the docs, she continued to add a `setup.rb` file which would connect her new files together with the template. In this file, she simply wrote: inherits 'default_theme' def init super sections.unshift 'about''fav_recipes').before('links') end She then went into "Boblog"'s administration interface and selected the new `janet` theme. Voila, her dream of tasty success would finally come true. Three days later, _Bob_ got word from an anonymous tipster of a nasty bug in his software that could potentially lead to harmful attacks if left unfixed. Guess what, that bug was in the sidebar template that Janet was using! He quickly patched the bug and released a fix, notifying all of his users of the changes (Janet was on his mailing list). Because Janet never edited any of the files belonging to "Boblog", all she had to do was download the patch and restart the application without ever having to remake all of her ever-so- important theming changes to her blog. 2. Midget Inc. is working on a colourful new site redesign for their mobile widget business. They sell mobile widgets to customers all across the globe and have very strict legal procedures they need to follow when advertising their mobile widgets. In one specific region, they are required by law to show a disclaimer above any advertising images they display. Rather than place region specific logic inside a partial view, they decide to use **Tadpole** to handle their templating system. They decide to use a folder structure of the following to display their advertising page: advertising/ setup.rb content.erb images.erb fr/ setup.rb disclaimer.erb `advertising/setup.rb` contains the following: def init; super; sections 'content', 'images' end The `fr/` subdirectory contains the specific content they need for the law-requiring region and the logic to render this template only in that region is controlled by the controller. Because the `fr/` template automatically inherits its sections from its parent, all they need to do to set up this new logic is put the following in the `fr/setup.rb`: def init super'disclaimer').before('images') end And the templates can be rendered with: Tadpole('advertising').run Tadpole('advertising/fr').run Respectively.