module Encore module Helpers module ControllerHelper HTTP_ERROR_STATUS_CODE = 422 HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE = 200 HTTP_SUCCESS_CREATED_CODE = 201 # Inject itself into the ActionController::Base class def self.inject_into_action_controller ::ActionController::Base.send :include, self end # Save the entity and return a JSON response def process!(entity) error_status = HTTP_ERROR_STATUS_CODE success_status = success_status_code_from_entity(entity) if render json: entity, status: success_status else render json: { errors: entity.errors }, status: error_status end end protected # Return the status code to send after a successful processing # of an entity, depending on its context def success_status_code_from_entity(entity) case entity.context when :create then HTTP_SUCCESS_CREATED_CODE else HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE end end end end end