require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe Stocktwits::GenericUser do should_validate_presence_of :login, :stocktwits_id should_validate_format_of :login, 'some_guy', 'awesome', 'cool_man' should_not_validate_format_of :login, 'with-dashes', 'with.periods', 'with spaces' should_validate_length_of :login, :in => 1..15 it 'should validate uniqueness of login' do Factory.create(:stocktwits_oauth_user) have_at_least(1).errors_on(:login) end it 'should validate uniqueness of remember_token' do Factory.create(:stocktwits_oauth_user, :remember_token => 'abc'), :remember_token => 'abc').should have_at_least(1).errors_on(:remember_token) end it 'should allow capital letters in the username' do, :login => 'TwitterMan').should have(:no).errors_on(:login) end it 'should not allow the same login with different capitalization' do Factory.create(:stocktwits_oauth_user, :login => 'stocktwitsman'), :login => 'TwitterMan').should have_at_least(1).errors_on(:login) end describe '.new_from_stocktwits_hash' do it 'should raise an argument error if the hash does not have a screen_name attribute' do lambda{User.new_from_stocktwits_hash({'id' => '123'})}.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid hash: must include screen_name.') end it 'should raise an argument error if the hash does not have an id attribute' do lambda{User.new_from_stocktwits_hash({'screen_name' => 'abc123'})}.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid hash: must include id.') end it 'should return a user' do User.new_from_stocktwits_hash({'id' => '123', 'screen_name' => 'stocktwitsman'}).should be_a(User) end it 'should assign login to the screen_name' do User.new_from_stocktwits_hash({'id' => '123', 'screen_name' => 'stocktwitsman'}).login.should == 'stocktwitsman' end it 'should assign stocktwits attributes that are provided' do u = User.new_from_stocktwits_hash({'id' => '4566', 'screen_name' => 'stocktwitsman', 'name' => 'Twitter Man', 'description' => 'Saving the world for all Tweet kind.'}) == 'Twitter Man' u.description.should == 'Saving the world for all Tweet kind.' end end describe '#update_stocktwits_attributes' do it 'should assign values to the user' do user = Factory.create(:stocktwits_oauth_user, :name => "Dude", :description => "Awesome, man.") user.update_stocktwits_attributes({'name' => 'Twitter Man', 'description' => 'Works.'}) user.reload == 'Twitter Man' user.description.should == 'Works.' end it 'should not throw an error with extraneous info' do user = Factory.create(:stocktwits_oauth_user, :name => "Dude", :description => "Awesome, man.") lambda{user.update_stocktwits_attributes({'name' => 'Twitter Man', 'description' => 'Works.', 'whoopsy' => 'noworks.'})}.should_not raise_error end end describe '#remember_me' do before do @user = Factory(:stocktwits_oauth_user) end it 'should check for the remember_token column' do @user.should_receive(:respond_to?).with(:remember_token).and_return(false) @user.remember_me end it 'should return nil if there is no remember_token column' do @user.should_receive(:respond_to?).with(:remember_token).and_return(false) @user.remember_me.should be_false end describe ' with proper columns' do it 'should generate a secure random token' do ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.should_receive(:hex).with(10).and_return('abcdef') @user.remember_me @user.remember_token.should == 'abcdef' end it 'should set the expiration to the current time plus the remember_for period' do Stocktwits.stub!(:remember_for).and_return(10) time = Time.stub!(:now).and_return(time) @user.remember_me @user.remember_token_expires_at.should == + 10.days end it 'should return a hash with a :value and :expires key' do result = @user.remember_me result.should be_a(Hash) result.key?(:value).should be_true result.key?(:expires).should be_true end it 'should return a hash with appropriate values' do Stocktwits.stub!(:remember_for).and_return(10) time = Time.stub!(:now).and_return(time) ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.stub!(:hex).and_return('abcdef') @user.remember_me.should == {:value => 'abcdef', :expires => ( + 10.days)} end end end describe '#forget_me' do it 'should reset remember_token and remember_token_expires_at' do @user = Factory(:stocktwits_oauth_user, :remember_token => "abcdef", :remember_token_expires_at => + 10.days) @user.forget_me @user.reload @user.remember_token.should be_nil @user.remember_token_expires_at.should be_nil end end describe '.from_remember_token' do before do @user = Factory(:stocktwits_oauth_user, :remember_token => 'abcdef', :remember_token_expires_at => ( + 10.days)) end it 'should find the user with the specified remember_token' do User.from_remember_token('abcdef').should == @user end it 'should not find a user with an expired token' do user2 = Factory(:stocktwits_oauth_user, :login => 'walker', :remember_token => 'ghijkl', :remember_token_expires_at => ( - 10.days)) User.from_remember_token('ghijkl').should be_nil end it 'should not find a user with a nil token and an expiration' do user = Factory(:stocktwits_oauth_user, :login => 'stranger', :remember_token => nil, :remember_token_expires_at => ( + 10.days)) User.from_remember_token(nil).should be_nil end end end