# An XSD duration module RdfContext class Duration attr_accessor :ne, :yr, :mo, :da, :hr, :mi, :se # * Given an integer, assumes that it is milliseconds # * Given a time, extract second # * Given a Flaat, use value direcly # * Given a String, parse as xsd:duration # @param [Integer, Time, Float, String] value (#to_i) # @return [Duration] def initialize(value) case value when Hash @ne = value[:ne] || 1 @yr = value[:yr] || value[:years] || 0 @mo = value[:mo] || value[:months] || 0 @da = value[:da] || value[:days] || 0 @hr = value[:hr] || value[:hours] || 0 @mi = value[:mi] || value[:minutes] || 0 @se = value[:se] || value[:seconds] || 0 when Duration @se = value.to_f when Numeric @se = value else @se = value.to_i end self.normalize end # Reverse convert from XSD version of duration # XSD allows -P1111Y22M33DT44H55M66.666S with any combination in regular order # We assume 1M == 30D, but are out of spec in this regard # We only output up to hours # # @param [String] value XSD formatted duration # @return [Duration] def self.parse(value) if value.to_s.match(/^(-?)P(\d+Y)?(\d+M)?(\d+D)?T?(\d+H)?(\d+M)?([\d\.]+S)?$/) hash = {} hash[:ne] = $1 == "-" ? -1 : 1 hash[:yr] = $2.to_i hash[:mo] = $3.to_i hash[:da] = $4.to_i hash[:hr] = $5.to_i hash[:mi] = $6.to_i hash[:se] = $7.to_f value = hash end self.new(value) end # @return [Float] def to_f (((((@yr.to_i * 12 + @mo.to_i) * 30 + @da.to_i) * 24 + @hr.to_i) * 60 + @mi.to_i) * 60 + @se.to_f) * (@ne || 1) end # @return [Integer] def to_i; Integer(self.to_f); end # @param [Duration, String, Numeric] something (false) # @return [Boolean] def eql?(something) case something when Duration self.to_f == something.to_f when String self.to_s(:xml) == something when Numeric self.to_f == something else false end end alias_method :==, :eql? # @param [Symbol] format Output format, :xml outputs in xmlschema mode, otherwise in Human form # @return [String] def to_s(format = nil) usec = (@se * 1000).to_i % 1000 sec_str = usec > 0 ? "%2.3f" % @se : @se.to_i.to_s if format == :xml str = @ne < 0 ? "-P" : "P" str << "%dY" % @yr if @yr > 0 str << "%dM" % @mo if @mo > 0 str << "%dD" % @da if @da > 0 str << "T" if @hr + @mi + @se > 0 str << "%dH" % @hr if @hr > 0 str << "%dM" % @mi if @mi > 0 str << "#{sec_str}S" if @se > 0 else ar = [] ar << "%d years" % @yr if @yr > 0 ar << "%d months" % @mo if @mo > 0 ar << "%d days" % @da if @da > 0 ar << "%d hours" % @hr if @hr > 0 ar << "%d minutes" % @mi if @mi > 0 ar << "%s seconds" % sec_str if @se > 0 last = ar.pop first = ar.join(", ") res = first.empty? ? last : "#{first} and #{last}" ne < 0 ? "#{res} ago" : res end end protected # Normalize representation by adding everything up and then breaking it back down again def normalize s = self.to_f @ne = s < 0 ? -1 : 1 s = s * @ne _mi, @se = s.divmod(60) _hr, @mi = _mi.to_i.divmod(60) _da, @hr = _hr.divmod(24) _mo, @da = _da.divmod(30) @yr, @mo = _mo.divmod(12) end end end