# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') describe Point do before(:each) do @point = Point.new(4326) end it "should instantiatember" do violated unless @point @point.should be_instance_of(Point) end it "should be subclassable" do place = Class.new(Point) p = place.from_x_y(1,2) p.should be_a place end it "should have binary_geometry_type 2" do @point.binary_geometry_type.should eql(1) end it "should have the correct srid" do @point.srid.should eql(4326) end it "should not have z or m" do @point.with_z.should be_false @point.should_not be_with_z @point.with_m.should be_false @point.should_not be_with_m end it "should set params to 0.0" do @point.x.should eql(0.0) @point.y.should eql(0.0) @point.z.should eql(0.0) @point.m.should eql(0.0) end it "should compare ok" do point1= Point::new point1.set_x_y(1.5,45.4) point2= Point::new point2.set_x_y(1.5,45.4) point3= Point::new point3.set_x_y(4.5,12.3) point4= Point::new point4.set_x_y_z(1.5,45.4,423) point5= Point::new point5.set_x_y(1.5,45.4) point5.m=15 geometry= Geometry::new point1.should == point2 point1.should_not == point3 point1.should_not == point4 point1.should_not == point5 point1.should_not == geometry end describe "> Instantiation" do it "should instantiate a 2d point" do point = Point.from_x_y(10,20,123) point.x.should eql(10) point.y.should eql(20) point.srid.should eql(123) point.z.should eql(0.0) end it "should instantiate a 3d point" do point = Point.from_x_y_z(-10,-20,-30) point.x.should eql(-10) point.y.should eql(-20) point.z.should eql(-30) end it "should instantiate a 3d(m) point" do point = Point.from_x_y_m(10,20,30) point.x.should eql(10) point.y.should eql(20) point.m.should eql(30) point.z.should eql(0.0) end it "should instantiate a 4d point" do point = Point.from_x_y_z_m(10,20,30,40,123) point.x.should eql(10) point.y.should eql(20) point.z.should eql(30) point.m.should eql(40) point.srid.should eql(123) end it "should instantiate a point from polar coordinates" do point = Point.from_r_t(1.4142,45) point.y.should be_close(1, 0.00001) point.x.should be_close(1, 0.00001) end it "should instantiate from coordinates x,y" do point = Point.from_coordinates([1.6,2.8],123) point.x.should eql(1.6) point.y.should eql(2.8) point.should_not be_with_z point.z.should eql(0.0) point.srid.should eql(123) end it "should instantiate from coordinates x,y,z" do point = Point.from_coordinates([1.6,2.8,3.4],123, true) point.x.should eql(1.6) point.y.should eql(2.8) point.z.should eql(3.4) point.should be_with_z point.srid.should eql(123) end it "should instantiate from coordinates x,y,z,m" do point = Point.from_coordinates([1.6,2.8,3.4,15],123, true, true) point.x.should eql(1.6) point.y.should eql(2.8) point.z.should eql(3.4) point.m.should eql(15) point.should be_with_z point.should be_with_m point.srid.should eql(123) end it "should have a bbox" do bbox = Point.from_x_y_z_m(-1.6,2.8,-3.4,15,123).bounding_box bbox.length.should eql(2) bbox[0].should == Point.from_x_y_z(-1.6,2.8,-3.4) bbox[1].should == Point.from_x_y_z(-1.6,2.8,-3.4) end it "should parse lat long" do Point.from_latlong("-20° 47' 26.37","-20° 47' 26.37").x.should be_close(-20.790658, 0.00001) Point.from_latlong("20° 47' 26.378","20° 47' 26.378").y.should be_close(20.790658, 0.00001) end it "should parse lat long w/o sec" do Point.from_latlong("-20°47′26″","-20°47′26″").x.should be_close(-20.790555, 0.00001) Point.from_latlong("20°47′26″","20°47′26″").y.should be_close(20.790555, 0.00001) end it "should accept with W or S notation" do Point.from_latlong("20° 47' 26.37 W","20° 47' 26.37 S").x.should be_close(-20.790658, 0.00001) Point.from_latlong("20° 47' 26.37 W","20° 47' 26.37 S").y.should be_close(-20.790658, 0.00001) end it "should instantiate a point from positive degrees" do point = Point.from_latlong('47`20 06.09E','22`50 77.35N') point.y.should be_close(22.8548194, 0.000001) point.x.should be_close(47.335025, 0.000001) end it "should instantiate a point from negative degrees" do point = Point.from_latlong('47`20 06.09W','22`50 77.35S') point.y.should be_close(-22.8548194, 0.000001) point.x.should be_close(-47.335025, 0.000001) end it "should print out nicely" do Point.from_x_y(47.88, -20.1).as_latlong.should eql("47°52′48″, -20°06′00″") end it "should print out nicely" do Point.from_x_y(-20.78, 20.78).as_latlong(:full => true).should eql("-20°46′48.00″, 20°46′48.00″") end it "should print out nicely" do Point.from_x_y(47.11, -20.2).as_latlong(:full => true).should eql("47°06′36.00″, -20°11′60.00″") end it "should print out nicely" do Point.from_x_y(47.11, -20.2).as_latlong(:coord => true).should eql("47°06′36″N, 20°11′60″W") end it "should print out nicely" do Point.from_x_y(-47.11, 20.2).as_latlong(:full => true,:coord => true).should eql("47°06′36.00″S, 20°11′60.00″E") end end describe " > Distance & Bearing" do before(:each) do @p1 = Point.from_x_y(1,1) @p2 = Point.from_x_y(2,2) end it "and a 3th grade child should calculate euclidian distance" do @p1.euclidian_distance(@p2). should be_close(1.4142135623731, 0.00000001) end it "should calculate spherical distance" do @p1.spherical_distance(@p2). should be_close(157225.358003181,0.00000001) end it "should calculate ellipsoidal distance" do @p1.ellipsoidal_distance(@p2). should be_close(156876.149400742, 0.00000001) end it "should calculate the bearing from apoint to another in degrees" do @p1.bearing_to(@p2).should be_close(45.0, 0.01) end it "should calculate the bearing from apoint to another in degrees" do p3 = Point.from_x_y(1,-1) @p1.bearing_to(p3).should be_close(180.0, 0.01) end it "should calculate the bearing from apoint to another in degrees" do p3 = Point.from_x_y(-1,-1) @p1.bearing_to(p3).should be_close(225.0, 0.01) end it "should calculate the bearing from apoint to another in degrees" do p3 = Point.from_x_y(-1,1) @p1.bearing_to(p3).should be_close(270.0, 0.01) end it "should calculate the bearing from apoint to another in degrees" do p3 = Point.from_x_y(2,-1) @p1.bearing_to(p3).should be_close(153.4349488, 0.0001) end it "should calculate a clone point bearing to 0" do @p1.bearing_to(@p1).should eql(0) end it "should calculate the bearing from apoint to another in degrees" do @p1.bearing_text(@p2).should eql(:ne) end it "should calculate the bearing from apoint to another in degrees" do p3 = Point.from_x_y(-1,1) @p1.bearing_text(p3).should eql(:w) end end describe "> Export Formats" do before(:each) do @point = Point.from_x_y( -11.2431, 32.3141 ) end it "should print nicely" do @point.text_representation.should eql("-11.2431 32.3141") end it "should printoout as binary" do Point.from_x_y(12.4,45.3,123).as_hex_ewkb.should eql("01010000207B000000CDCCCCCCCCCC28406666666666A64640") point = Point.from_x_y_z_m(12.4,45.3,-3.5,15,123) point.as_hex_ewkb.should eql("01010000E07B000000CDCCCCCCCCCC28406666666666A646400000000000000CC00000000000002E40") point.as_hex_wkb.should eql("0101000000CDCCCCCCCCCC28406666666666A64640") end it "should printoout as text" do Point.from_x_y(12.4,45.3,123).as_ewkt.should eql("SRID=123;POINT(12.4 45.3)") point = Point.from_x_y_z(12.4,45.3,-3.5,123) point.as_ewkt.should eql("SRID=123;POINT(12.4 45.3 -3.5)") point.as_wkt.should eql("POINT(12.4 45.3)") point.as_ewkt(false,true).should eql("POINT(12.4 45.3 -3.5)") point = Point.from_x_y_m(12.4,45.3,-3.5,123) point.as_ewkt.should eql("SRID=123;POINTM(12.4 45.3 -3.5)") point.as_ewkt(true,true,false).should eql("SRID=123;POINT(12.4 45.3)") end it "should have a nice bounding box" do @point.should have(2).bounding_box @point.bounding_box.each do |point| point.x.should eql(@point.x) point.y.should eql(@point.y) end end it "should print as kml too" do @point.kml_representation.should eql("\n-11.2431,32.3141\n\n") end it "should print as georss" do @point.georss_simple_representation(:georss_ns => 'hey').should eql("32.3141 -11.2431\n") end it "should print r (polar coords)" do @point.r.should be_close(34.214154, 0.00001) end it "should print theta as degrees" do @point.theta_deg.should be_close(289.184406352127, 0.0001) end it "should print theta as radians" do @point.theta_rad.should be_close(5.04722003626982, 0.0001) end it "should output as polar" do @point.as_polar.should be_instance_of(Array) @point.should have(2).as_polar #.length.should eql(2) end end end