/* Copyright 2007, 2008 Daniel Zerbino (zerbino@ebi.ac.uk) This file is part of Velvet. Velvet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Velvet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Velvet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "tightString.h" #include "readSet.h" #include "utility.h" #include "binarySequences.h" #include "autoOpen.h" #include "kseq.h" #if !defined(BUNDLEDZLIB) #include #elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(WIN32) #include "../third-party/zlib-1.2.3/Win32/include/zlib.h" #else #include "../third-party/zlib-1.2.3/zlib.h" #endif #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) # include # include # define SET_BINARY_MODE(file) setmode(fileno(file), O_BINARY) #else # define SET_BINARY_MODE(file) #endif static Mask *allocateMask(SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo) { if (seqWriteInfo->m_maskMemory == NULL) seqWriteInfo->m_maskMemory = newRecycleBin(sizeof(Mask), 10000); return (Mask *) allocatePointer(seqWriteInfo->m_maskMemory); } static Mask * newMask(SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo, Coordinate position) { Mask * mask = allocateMask(seqWriteInfo); mask->start = position; mask->finish = position; mask->next = NULL; return mask; } // // cmd line args can override the createBinary flag // note that createBinary is only used by velveth // boolean createBinary = false; boolean isCreateBinary() { return createBinary; } void setCreateBinary(boolean val) { createBinary = val; } ReadSet *newReadSet() { ReadSet *rs = callocOrExit(1, ReadSet); return rs; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reference identifiers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct referenceCoordinate_st ReferenceCoordinate; static Coordinate reference_coordinate_double_strand = true; struct referenceCoordinate_st { char * name; Coordinate start; Coordinate finish; IDnum referenceID; IDnum counter; boolean positive_strand; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; static int compareRefCoords(const void * ptrA, const void * ptrB) { ReferenceCoordinate * A = (ReferenceCoordinate *) ptrA; ReferenceCoordinate * B = (ReferenceCoordinate *) ptrB; int comp = strcmp(A->name, B->name); if (comp != 0) return comp; else if (!reference_coordinate_double_strand && A->positive_strand != B->positive_strand) return A->positive_strand > B->positive_strand; else { if (A->finish > -1 && A->finish < B->start) return -1; else if (B->finish > -1 && A->start > B->finish) return 1; else return 0; } } typedef struct referenceCoordinateTable_st ReferenceCoordinateTable; struct referenceCoordinateTable_st { ReferenceCoordinate * array; IDnum arrayLength; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; static ReferenceCoordinateTable * newReferenceCoordinateTable() { ReferenceCoordinateTable * table = callocOrExit(1, ReferenceCoordinateTable); table->array = NULL; table->arrayLength = 0; return table; } static void printReferenceCoordinateTableStats(ReferenceCoordinateTable * table) { IDnum index; IDnum counter = 0; velvetLog("Reference mapping counters\n"); velvetLog("Name\tRead mappings\n"); for (index = 0; index < table->arrayLength; index++) { velvetLog("%s\t%li\n", table->array[index].name, (long) table->array[index].counter); counter += table->array[index].counter; } if (counter == 0) { velvetLog("WARNING: None of your read mappings recognized the reference sequence!\n"); velvetLog("Double check that the names are identical between reference fasta headers and SAM/BAM sequences.\n"); } } static void destroyReferenceCoordinateTable(ReferenceCoordinateTable * table) { IDnum index; if (table->array) { printReferenceCoordinateTableStats(table); for (index = 0; index < table->arrayLength; index++) free(table->array[index].name); free(table->array); } free(table); } static void resizeReferenceCoordinateTable(ReferenceCoordinateTable * table, IDnum extraLength) { if (table->array == NULL) table->array = callocOrExit(extraLength, ReferenceCoordinate); else table->array = reallocOrExit(table->array, table->arrayLength + extraLength, ReferenceCoordinate); } static ReferenceCoordinate * findReferenceCoordinate(ReferenceCoordinateTable * table, char * name, Coordinate start, Coordinate finish, boolean positive_strand) { ReferenceCoordinate * array = table->array; ReferenceCoordinate refCoord; Coordinate leftIndex = 0; Coordinate rightIndex = table->arrayLength - 1; Coordinate middleIndex; refCoord.name = name; refCoord.start = start; refCoord.finish = finish; refCoord.referenceID = 0; refCoord.positive_strand = positive_strand; while (true) { middleIndex = (rightIndex + leftIndex) / 2; if (leftIndex > rightIndex) return NULL; else if (compareRefCoords(&(array[middleIndex]), &refCoord) == 0) return &(array[middleIndex]); else if (leftIndex == middleIndex) return NULL; else if (compareRefCoords(&(array[middleIndex]), &refCoord) > 0) rightIndex = middleIndex; else leftIndex = middleIndex; } } static void addReferenceCoordinate(ReferenceCoordinateTable * table, char * name, Coordinate start, Coordinate finish, boolean positive_strand) { ReferenceCoordinate * refCoord; if ((refCoord = findReferenceCoordinate(table, name, start, finish, positive_strand))) { velvetLog("Overlapping reference coordinates:\n"); velvetLog("%s:%lli-%lli\n", name, (long long) start, (long long) finish); velvetLog("%s:%lli-%lli\n", refCoord->name, (long long) refCoord->start, (long long) refCoord->finish); velvetLog("Exiting...\n"); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } refCoord = &(table->array[table->arrayLength++]); refCoord->name = name; refCoord->start = start; refCoord->finish = finish; refCoord->referenceID = table->arrayLength; refCoord->positive_strand = positive_strand; refCoord->counter = 0; } static void sortReferenceCoordinateTable(ReferenceCoordinateTable * table) { qsort(table->array, table->arrayLength, sizeof(ReferenceCoordinate), compareRefCoords); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File reading ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void velvetifySequence(char * str, SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo) { int i; char c; size_t length = strlen(str); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { c = str[i]; switch (c) { case '\n': case '\r': case EOF: str[i] = '\0'; break; case 'A': case 'a': str[i] = 'A'; break; case 'C': case 'c': str[i] = 'C'; break; case 'G': case 'g': str[i] = 'G'; break; case 'T': case 't': str[i] = 'T'; break; default: str[i] = 'N'; } // non NULL indicates ref masks are being created if (seqWriteInfo->m_referenceMask != NULL) { if (str[i] == 'N') { if (seqWriteInfo->m_openMask) { seqWriteInfo->m_current->finish++; } else if (*(seqWriteInfo->m_referenceMask) == NULL) { *(seqWriteInfo->m_referenceMask) = newMask(seqWriteInfo, seqWriteInfo->m_position); seqWriteInfo->m_current = *(seqWriteInfo->m_referenceMask); } else { seqWriteInfo->m_current->next = newMask(seqWriteInfo, seqWriteInfo->m_position); seqWriteInfo->m_current = seqWriteInfo->m_current->next; } seqWriteInfo->m_openMask = true; seqWriteInfo->m_position += 1; } else if (str[i] != '\0') { seqWriteInfo->m_openMask = false; seqWriteInfo->m_position += 1; } } } } static void reverseComplementSequence(char * str) { size_t length = strlen(str); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < length-1 - i; i++) { char c = str[i]; str[i] = str[length-1 - i]; str[length-1 - i] = c; } #ifndef COLOR for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { switch (str[i]) { case 'A': case 'a': str[i] = 'T'; break; case 'C': case 'c': str[i] = 'G'; break; case 'G': case 'g': str[i] = 'C'; break; // As in velvetifySequence(), anything unusual ends up as 'A' default: str[i] = 'A'; break; } } #endif } static void writeFastaSequence(FILE * outfile, const char * str) { size_t length = strlen(str); size_t start; for (start = 0; start < length; start += 60) velvetFprintf(outfile, "%.60s\n", &str[start]); } void convertSequences(ReadSet * rs) { rs->tSequences = newTightStringArrayFromStringArray(rs->sequences, rs->readCount, &rs->tSeqMem); rs->sequences = NULL; } // Returns the value of a 32-bit little-endian-stored integer. static int int32(const unsigned char * ptr) { int x = ptr[3]; x = (x << 8) | ptr[2]; x = (x << 8) | ptr[1]; x = (x << 8) | ptr[0]; return x; } void goToEndOfLine(char *line, FILE * file) { size_t length = strlen(line); char c = line[length - 1]; while (c != '\n') c = fgetc(file); } static void writeSeqName(char*seq_name, SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo, Category cat, IDnum *sequenceIndex) { char name[5001]; if (isCreateBinary()) { cnySeqInsertStart(seqWriteInfo); sprintf(name, ">%s", seq_name); cnySeqInsertSequenceName(name, (long) ((*sequenceIndex)++), seqWriteInfo, cat); } else { velvetFprintf(seqWriteInfo->m_pFile,">%s\t%ld\t%d\n", seq_name, (long) ((*sequenceIndex)++), (int) cat); } } static void writeSequence(char*seq, SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo) { char str[100]; velvetifySequence(seq, seqWriteInfo); if (isCreateBinary()) { cnySeqInsertNucleotideString(seq, seqWriteInfo); cnySeqInsertEnd(seqWriteInfo); } else { Coordinate start = 0; while (start <= strlen(seq)) { strncpy(str, seq + start, 60); str[60] = '\0'; velvetFprintf(seqWriteInfo->m_pFile, "%s\n", str); start += 60; } } } static void initFastX(SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo, Category cat) { seqWriteInfo->m_referenceMask = NULL; seqWriteInfo->m_position = 0; seqWriteInfo->m_openMask = false; // Binary file stuff if (isCreateBinary() && (cat == REFERENCE)) { seqWriteInfo->m_referenceMask = callocOrExit(1, Mask*); } if (isCreateBinary()) { inputCnySeqFileStart(cat, seqWriteInfo); } } static void cleanupFastX(SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo, Category cat) { if (seqWriteInfo->m_referenceMask) { free(seqWriteInfo->m_referenceMask); seqWriteInfo->m_referenceMask = NULL; } } // Imports sequences from a raw sequence file // Memory space allocated within this function. static void readRawFile(SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo, char *filename, Category cat, IDnum * sequenceIndex) { FILE *file; const int maxline = 5000; char line[5000]; IDnum counter = 0; initFastX(seqWriteInfo, cat); if (strcmp(filename, "-")) file = fopen(filename, "r"); else file = stdin; if (file != NULL) velvetLog("Reading raw file %s\n", filename); else exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not open %s", filename); while(fgets(line, maxline, file)) { if (strlen(line) >= maxline - 1) { velvetLog("Raw sequence files cannot contain reads longer than %i bp\n", maxline - 1); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } writeSeqName("RAW", seqWriteInfo, cat, sequenceIndex); writeSequence(line, seqWriteInfo); counter++; } fclose(file); cleanupFastX(seqWriteInfo, cat); velvetLog("%li reads found.\n", (long) counter); velvetLog("Done\n"); } // Imports sequences from a zipped raw file // Memory space allocated within this function. static void readRawGZFile(SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo, char *filename, Category cat, IDnum *sequenceIndex) { gzFile file; const int maxline = 5000; char line[5000]; IDnum counter = 0; initFastX(seqWriteInfo, cat); if (strcmp(filename, "-")) file = gzopen(filename, "rb"); else { file = gzdopen(fileno(stdin), "rb"); SET_BINARY_MODE(stdin); } if (file != NULL) velvetLog("Reading zipped raw sequence file %s\n", filename); else exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not open %s", filename); while(gzgets(file, line, maxline)) { if (strlen(line) >= maxline - 1) { velvetLog("Raw sequence files cannot contain reads longer than %i bp\n", maxline - 1); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } writeSeqName("RAW", seqWriteInfo, cat, sequenceIndex); writeSequence(line, seqWriteInfo); counter++; } gzclose(file); cleanupFastX(seqWriteInfo, cat); velvetLog("%li reads found.\n", (long) counter); velvetLog("Done\n"); } static void fillReferenceCoordinateTable(char *filename, ReferenceCoordinateTable * refCoords, IDnum counter) { FILE *file; const int maxline = 5000; char line[5000]; char * name; long long start, finish; Coordinate i; IDnum index = 0; if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "Cannot read reference sequence from stdin"); else file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (counter == 0) return; resizeReferenceCoordinateTable(refCoords,counter); while (fgets(line, maxline, file) && index < counter) { if (line[0] == '>') { name = callocOrExit(strlen(line), char); if (strchr(line, ':')) { sscanf(strtok(line, ":-\r\n\t "), ">%s", name); sscanf(strtok(NULL, ":-\r\n\t "), "%lli", &start); sscanf(strtok(NULL, ":-\r\n\t "), "%lli", &finish); if (start <= finish) addReferenceCoordinate(refCoords, name, start, finish, true); else addReferenceCoordinate(refCoords, name, finish, start, false); } else { // Chomping EOL characters and comments for (i=strlen(line) - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (line[i] == '\n' || line[i] == '\r' || line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t') line[i] = '\0'; strcpy(name, line + 1); addReferenceCoordinate(refCoords, name, 1, -1, true); } index++; } } sortReferenceCoordinateTable(refCoords); } #define FASTQ 1 #define FASTA 2 #define FASTA_GZ 5 #define FASTQ_GZ 6 #define SAM 8 #define BAM 9 #define RAW 10 #define RAW_GZ 11 #define AUTO 12 static gzFile openFastXFile(int fileType, char*filename) { gzFile file; char c; // Choose file or stdin if (strcmp(filename, "-")==0) { file = gzdopen(fileno(stdin), "rb"); SET_BINARY_MODE(stdin); } else { file = gzopen(filename, "rb"); } // Verify filetype c = gzgetc(file); switch (fileType) { case FASTA: case FASTA_GZ: if (c != EOF && c!='>') exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "%s does not seem to be in FastA format", filename); break; case FASTQ: case FASTQ_GZ: if (c != EOF && c!='@') exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "%s does not seem to be in FastQ format", filename); break; } gzungetc(c, file); if (file != NULL) { char *type; switch (fileType) { case FASTA: case FASTA_GZ: type = "FastA"; break; case FASTQ: case FASTQ_GZ: type = "FastQ"; break; default: type = ""; break; } velvetLog("Reading %s file %s;\n", type, filename); } else exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not open %s", filename); return file; } typedef struct { gzFile gzFile; AutoFile *autoFile; } FileGZOrAuto; size_t fileGZOrAuto_read(FileGZOrAuto kseq_file, void *ptr, size_t size) { if (kseq_file.gzFile) return gzread(kseq_file.gzFile, ptr, size); else return fread(ptr, 1, size, kseq_file.autoFile->file); } void fileGZOrAuto_close(FileGZOrAuto kseq_file) { if (kseq_file.gzFile) gzclose(kseq_file.gzFile); else closeFileAuto(kseq_file.autoFile); } char const* charToType(char c) { switch(c) { case '>': return "FastA"; case '@': return "FastQ"; default: return "Unknown"; } } // Define mode to use kseq in KSEQ_INIT(FileGZOrAuto, fileGZOrAuto_read) // Read in FastA or FastQ files in compressed or gz format static void readFastXFile(int fileType, SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo, char *filename, Category cat, IDnum * sequenceIndex, ReferenceCoordinateTable * refCoords) { kseq_t *seq; FileGZOrAuto file; IDnum counter = 0; file.gzFile = file.autoFile = NULL; if (fileType == AUTO) { file.autoFile = openFileAuto(filename); if (!file.autoFile) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "Unable to open file '%s' in auto mode", filename); velvetLog("Reading file '%s' using '%s' as %s\n", filename, file.autoFile->decompressor, charToType(file.autoFile->first_char)); } else file.gzFile = openFastXFile(fileType, filename); initFastX(seqWriteInfo, cat); // Read a sequence at a time seq = kseq_init(file); while (kseq_read(seq) >= 0) { counter++; writeSeqName(seq->name.s, seqWriteInfo, cat, sequenceIndex); writeSequence(seq->seq.s, seqWriteInfo); } kseq_destroy(seq); fileGZOrAuto_close(file); if (cat == REFERENCE) { fillReferenceCoordinateTable(filename, refCoords, counter); } cleanupFastX(seqWriteInfo, cat); velvetLog("%li sequences found\n", (long) counter); velvetLog("Done\n"); } static void readFastXPair(int fileType, SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo, char *filename1, char *filename2, Category cat, IDnum * sequenceIndex) { kseq_t *seq1, *seq2; FileGZOrAuto file1, file2; IDnum counter = 0; if (cat==REFERENCE) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "Cannot read reference sequence in 'separate' read mode"); file1.gzFile = file1.autoFile = NULL; file2.gzFile = file2.autoFile = NULL; if (fileType == AUTO) { file1.autoFile = openFileAuto(filename1); if (!file1.autoFile) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "Unable to open file '%s' in auto mode", filename1); velvetLog("Reading file '%s' using '%s' as %s\n", filename1, file1.autoFile->decompressor, charToType(file1.autoFile->first_char)); file2.autoFile = openFileAuto(filename2); if (!file2.autoFile) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "Unable to open file '%s' in auto mode", filename2); velvetLog("Reading file '%s' using '%s' as %s\n", filename2, file2.autoFile->decompressor, charToType(file2.autoFile->first_char)); } else { file1.gzFile = openFastXFile(fileType, filename1); file2.gzFile = openFastXFile(fileType, filename2); } initFastX(seqWriteInfo, cat); // Read a sequence at a time seq1 = kseq_init(file1); seq2 = kseq_init(file2); while (kseq_read(seq1) >= 0) { counter++; writeSeqName(seq1->name.s, seqWriteInfo, cat, sequenceIndex); writeSequence(seq1->seq.s, seqWriteInfo); if (kseq_read(seq2) < 0) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "Right sequence file '%s' has too few sequences", filename2); counter++; writeSeqName(seq2->name.s, seqWriteInfo, cat, sequenceIndex); writeSequence(seq2->seq.s, seqWriteInfo); } if (kseq_read(seq2) >= 0) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "Right sequence file '%s' has too many sequences", filename2); kseq_destroy(seq1); kseq_destroy(seq2); fileGZOrAuto_close(file1); fileGZOrAuto_close(file2); cleanupFastX(seqWriteInfo, cat); velvetLog("%li sequences found in total in the paired sequence files\n", (long) counter); velvetLog("Done\n"); } static void addMapping(boolean orientation, Coordinate pos, char * seq, ReferenceCoordinate * refCoord, char * buffer, SequencesWriter * seqWriteInfo, RefInfoList ** refTail, size_t * buffer_size) { if (isCreateBinary()) { seqWriteInfo->m_bIsRef = true; RefInfoList *refElem = callocOrExit(1, RefInfoList); if (refCoord->positive_strand) { refElem->m_elem.m_referenceID = (long) orientation * refCoord->referenceID; refElem->m_elem.m_pos = (long long) (pos - refCoord->start); } else { refElem->m_elem.m_referenceID = (long) -orientation * refCoord->referenceID; refElem->m_elem.m_pos = (long long) (refCoord->finish - pos - strlen(seq)); } refElem->next = NULL; if (seqWriteInfo->m_refInfoHead == NULL) { seqWriteInfo->m_refInfoHead = refElem; } else { (*refTail)->next = refElem; } *refTail = refElem; seqWriteInfo->m_refCnt++; } else { if (refCoord->positive_strand) { snprintf(buffer, *buffer_size, "%sM\t%li\t%lli\n", buffer, (long) orientation * refCoord->referenceID, (long long) (pos - refCoord->start)); } else snprintf(buffer, *buffer_size, "%sM\t%li\t%lli\n", buffer, (long) - orientation * refCoord->referenceID, (long long) (refCoord->finish - pos - strlen(seq))); if (*buffer_size - strlen(buffer) < 100) { *buffer_size += 1000; buffer = reallocOrExit(buffer, *buffer_size, char); } } // Increment counter refCoord->counter++; } static void writeMappedSequence(IDnum * sequenceIndex, Category cat, Category prev_cat, char * previous_seq, char * previous_qname, char * previous_qname_pairing, char * buffer, SequencesWriter * seqWriteInfo) { char print_qname[5000]; if (isCreateBinary()) { if (prev_cat != cat) { inputCnySeqFileStart(cat, seqWriteInfo); prev_cat = cat; } cnySeqInsertStart(seqWriteInfo); cnySeqInsertNucleotideString(previous_seq, seqWriteInfo); sprintf(print_qname, ">%s%s", previous_qname, previous_qname_pairing); cnySeqInsertSequenceName(print_qname, (long) ((*sequenceIndex)++), seqWriteInfo, cat); cnySeqInsertEnd(seqWriteInfo); } else { velvetFprintf(seqWriteInfo->m_pFile, ">%s%s\t%ld\t%d\n", previous_qname, previous_qname_pairing, (long) ((*sequenceIndex)++), (int) cat); writeFastaSequence(seqWriteInfo->m_pFile, previous_seq); velvetFprintf(seqWriteInfo->m_pFile, "%s", buffer); strcpy(buffer, ""); } } static void readCigar(char * cigar, boolean orientation, Coordinate pos, char * seq, ReferenceCoordinate * refCoord, char * buffer, SequencesWriter * seqWriteInfo, RefInfoList ** refTail, size_t * buffer_size) { long long cigar_num; int cigar_index; char c; if (strlen(cigar) == 1 && cigar[0] == '*') ; else { cigar_num = 0; for (cigar_index = 0; cigar_index < strlen(cigar); cigar_index++) { c = cigar[cigar_index]; if (c == 'M' || c == '=' || c == 'X') { if (refCoord->finish < 0 || pos < refCoord->finish) addMapping(orientation, pos, seq, refCoord, buffer, seqWriteInfo, refTail, buffer_size); cigar_num = 0; } else if (c == 'S' || c == 'I') { pos -= cigar_num; cigar_num = 0; } else if (c == 'D' || c == 'N') { pos += cigar_num; cigar_num = 0; } else if (c == 'H' || c == 'P') { cigar_num = 0; } else if (isdigit(c)) { cigar_num = 10 * cigar_num + (c - 48); } else { abort(); } } } } static void readSAMFile(SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo, char *filename, Category cat, IDnum *sequenceIndex, ReferenceCoordinateTable * refCoords) { char line[5000]; unsigned long lineno; IDnum readCount = 0; char previous_qname_pairing[10]; char previous_qname[5000]; char previous_seq[5000]; boolean previous_paired = false; Category prev_cat = cat; Category apparentCat; ReferenceCoordinate * refCoord; RefInfoList *refTail = NULL; seqWriteInfo->m_referenceMask = NULL; // no ref masks for SAM/BAM seqWriteInfo->m_position = 0; seqWriteInfo->m_openMask = false; size_t buffer_size = 5000; char * buffer = callocOrExit(buffer_size, char); if (cat == REFERENCE) { velvetLog("SAM file %s cannot contain reference sequences.\n", filename); velvetLog("Please check the command line.\n"); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } FILE *file = (strcmp(filename, "-") != 0)? fopen(filename, "r") : stdin; if (file) velvetLog("Reading SAM file %s\n", filename); else exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not open %s", filename); if (isCreateBinary()) { inputCnySeqFileStart(cat, seqWriteInfo); } strcpy(previous_qname, ""); for (lineno = 1; fgets(line, sizeof(line), file); lineno++) { if (line[0] != '@') { char *qname, *flag, *seq, *rname, *cigar; long long pos; int orientation; int i; qname = strtok(line, "\t"); flag = strtok(NULL, "\t"); rname = strtok(NULL, "\t"); sscanf(strtok(NULL, "\t"), "%lli", &pos); orientation = 1; // Mapping scor (void) strtok(NULL, "\t"); cigar = strtok(NULL, "\t"); // Columns 7,8,9 are paired name, position and score for (i = 7; i < 10; i++) (void) strtok(NULL, "\t"); seq = strtok(NULL, "\t"); if (seq == NULL) { velvetFprintf(stderr, "Line #%lu: ignoring SAM record with too few fields\n", lineno); } else if (strcmp(seq, "*") == 0) { velvetFprintf(stderr, "Line #%lu: ignoring SAM record with omitted SEQ field\n", lineno); } else { // Accept flags represented in either decimal or hex: int flagbits = strtol(flag, NULL, 0); if (flagbits & 0x4) strcpy(rname, ""); const char *qname_pairing = ""; if (flagbits & 0x40) qname_pairing = "/1"; else if (flagbits & 0x80) qname_pairing = "/2"; if (flagbits & 0x10) { orientation = -1; reverseComplementSequence(seq); } // Determine if paired to previous read boolean same_name = (strcmp(qname, previous_qname) == 0); if (readCount && (!same_name || strcmp(qname_pairing, previous_qname_pairing) != 0)) { if (cat % 2 && !same_name && !previous_paired) apparentCat = cat - 1; else apparentCat = cat; previous_paired = (cat % 2 && same_name); writeMappedSequence(sequenceIndex, apparentCat, prev_cat, previous_seq, previous_qname, previous_qname_pairing, buffer, seqWriteInfo); prev_cat = apparentCat; } if (!(flagbits & 0x4) && (refCoord = findReferenceCoordinate(refCoords, rname, (Coordinate) pos, (Coordinate) pos + strlen(seq) - 1, orientation))) { readCigar(cigar, orientation, pos, seq, refCoord, buffer, seqWriteInfo, &refTail, &buffer_size); } strcpy(previous_qname, qname); strcpy(previous_qname_pairing, qname_pairing); strcpy(previous_seq, seq); velvetifySequence(previous_seq, seqWriteInfo); readCount++; } } } if (readCount) { if (cat % 2 && !previous_paired) apparentCat = cat - 1; else apparentCat = cat; writeMappedSequence(sequenceIndex, apparentCat, prev_cat, previous_seq, previous_qname, previous_qname_pairing, buffer, seqWriteInfo); } free(buffer); fclose(file); velvetLog("%lu reads found.\n", (long) readCount); velvetLog("Done\n"); } static int readBAMint32(gzFile file) { unsigned char buffer[4]; if (gzread(file, buffer, 4) != 4) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "BAM file header truncated"); return int32(buffer); } static void readBAMFile(SequencesWriter *seqWriteInfo, char *filename, Category cat, IDnum *sequenceIndex, ReferenceCoordinateTable * refCoords) { size_t seqCapacity = 0; char *seq = NULL; char cigar[5000]; char cigar_buffer[5000]; size_t bufferCapacity = 4; unsigned char *buffer = mallocOrExit(bufferCapacity, unsigned char); unsigned long recno, readCount; int i, refCount; gzFile file; char previous_qname_pairing[10]; char previous_qname[5000]; char previous_seq[5000]; boolean previous_paired = false; Category prev_cat = cat; Category apparentCat; char ** refNames; ReferenceCoordinate * refCoord; seqWriteInfo->m_referenceMask = NULL; // no ref masks for SAM/BAM seqWriteInfo->m_position = 0; seqWriteInfo->m_openMask = false; RefInfoList *refTail = NULL; size_t mapBuffer_size = 1000; char * mapBuffer = callocOrExit(mapBuffer_size, char); if (cat == REFERENCE) { velvetLog("BAM file %s cannot contain reference sequences.\n", filename); velvetLog("Please check the command line.\n"); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } if (strcmp(filename, "-") != 0) file = gzopen(filename, "rb"); else { file = gzdopen(fileno(stdin), "rb"); SET_BINARY_MODE(stdin); } if (file != NULL) velvetLog("Reading BAM file %s\n", filename); else exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not open %s", filename); if (! (gzread(file, buffer, 4) == 4 && memcmp(buffer, "BAM\1", 4) == 0)) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "%s is not in BAM format", filename); // Skip header text if (gzseek(file, readBAMint32(file), SEEK_CUR) == -1) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "gzseek failed"); // Skip header reference list refCount = readBAMint32(file); refNames = callocOrExit(refCount, char *); for (i = 0; i < refCount; i++) { int strLength; if (gzread(file, buffer, 4) != 4) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "BAM alignment record truncated"); strLength = int32(buffer); refNames[i] = callocOrExit(strLength, char); if (bufferCapacity < 4 + strLength) { bufferCapacity = 4 + strLength + 4096; buffer = reallocOrExit(buffer, bufferCapacity, unsigned char); } if (gzread(file, buffer, 4 + strLength) != 4 + strLength) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "BAM alignment record truncated"); strcpy(refNames[i], (char *) buffer); } if (isCreateBinary()) { inputCnySeqFileStart(cat, seqWriteInfo); } strcpy(previous_qname, ""); readCount = 0; for (recno = 1; gzread(file, buffer, 4) == 4; recno++) { int blockSize = int32(buffer); int readLength; if (bufferCapacity < 4 + blockSize) { bufferCapacity = 4 + blockSize + 4096; buffer = reallocOrExit(buffer, bufferCapacity, unsigned char); } if (gzread(file, &buffer[4], blockSize) != blockSize) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "BAM alignment record truncated"); readLength = int32(&buffer[20]); if (readLength == 0) { velvetFprintf(stderr, "Record #%lu: ignoring BAM record with omitted SEQ field\n", recno); } else { int readNameLength = buffer[12]; int flag_nc = int32(&buffer[16]); int flagbits = flag_nc >> 16; int cigarLength = flag_nc & 0xffff; char *qname = (char *)&buffer[36]; uint32_t *rawcigar = (uint32_t *) &buffer[36 + readNameLength]; unsigned char *rawseq = &buffer[36 + readNameLength + 4 * cigarLength]; int rID = int32(&buffer[4]); // NOTE: BAM file coords are 0-based, not 1-based like SAM files // No comment long long pos = int32(&buffer[8]) + 1; int orientation = 1; const char *qname_pairing = ""; if (flagbits & 0x40) qname_pairing = "/1"; else if (flagbits & 0x80) qname_pairing = "/2"; strcpy(cigar, ""); for (i = 0; i < cigarLength; i++) { static const char decode_ops[] = "MIDNSHP=X"; uint32_t packed = *(rawcigar++); sprintf(cigar_buffer, "%i%c", packed >> 4, decode_ops[packed & 0xf]); strcat(cigar, cigar_buffer); } if (seqCapacity < readLength + 1) { seqCapacity = readLength * 2 + 1; seq = reallocOrExit(seq, seqCapacity, char); } for (i = 0; i < readLength; i += 2) { static const char decode_bases[] = "=ACMGRSVTWYHKDBN"; unsigned int packed = *(rawseq++); seq[i] = decode_bases[packed >> 4]; seq[i+1] = decode_bases[packed & 0xf]; } seq[readLength] = '\0'; if (flagbits & 0x10) { orientation = -1; reverseComplementSequence(seq); } // Determine if paired to previous read boolean same_name = (strcmp(qname, previous_qname) == 0); if (readCount > 0 && (!same_name || strcmp(qname_pairing, previous_qname_pairing) != 0)) { if (cat % 2 && !same_name && !previous_paired) apparentCat = cat - 1; else apparentCat = cat; previous_paired = (cat % 2 && same_name); writeMappedSequence(sequenceIndex, apparentCat, prev_cat, previous_seq, previous_qname, previous_qname_pairing, mapBuffer, seqWriteInfo); prev_cat = apparentCat; } if (!(flagbits & 0x4) && (refCoord = findReferenceCoordinate(refCoords, refNames[rID], (Coordinate) pos, (Coordinate) pos + strlen(seq) - 1, orientation))) readCigar(cigar, orientation, pos, seq, refCoord, mapBuffer, seqWriteInfo, &refTail, &mapBuffer_size); strcpy(previous_qname, qname); strcpy(previous_qname_pairing, qname_pairing); strcpy(previous_seq, seq); velvetifySequence(previous_seq, seqWriteInfo); readCount++; } } if (readCount) { if (cat % 2 && !previous_paired) apparentCat = cat - 1; else apparentCat = cat; writeMappedSequence(sequenceIndex, apparentCat, prev_cat, previous_seq, previous_qname, previous_qname_pairing, mapBuffer, seqWriteInfo); } free(seq); free(buffer); free(mapBuffer); gzclose(file); velvetLog("%lu reads found.\n", readCount); velvetLog("Done\n"); } static void printUsage() { puts("Usage:"); puts("./velveth directory hash_length {[-file_format][-read_type][-separate|-interleaved] filename} [options]"); puts(""); puts("\tdirectory\t\t: directory name for output files"); printf("\thash_length\t\t: odd integer (if even, it will be decremented) <= %i (if above, will be reduced)\n", MAXKMERLENGTH); puts("\tfilename\t\t: path to sequence file or - for standard input"); puts(""); puts("File format options:"); puts("\t-fasta"); puts("\t-fastq"); puts("\t-raw"); puts("\t-fasta.gz"); puts("\t-fastq.gz"); puts("\t-raw.gz"); puts("\t-sam"); puts("\t-bam"); puts("\t-fmtAuto"); puts(""); puts("Read type options:"); puts("\t-short"); puts("\t-shortPaired"); puts("\t-short2"); puts("\t-shortPaired2"); puts("\t-long"); puts("\t-longPaired"); puts("\t-reference"); puts(""); puts("Options:"); puts("\t-strand_specific\t: for strand specific transcriptome sequencing data (default: off)"); puts(""); puts("Output:"); puts("\tdirectory/Roadmaps"); puts("\tdirectory/Sequences"); puts("\t\t[Both files are picked up by graph, so please leave them there]"); } // General argument parser for most functions // Basically a reused portion of toplevel code dumped into here void parseDataAndReadFiles(char * filename, int argc, char **argv, boolean * double_strand, boolean * noHash) { int argIndex = 1; int filetype = FASTA; Category cat = 0; IDnum sequenceIndex = 1; short short_var; ReferenceCoordinateTable * refCoords = newReferenceCoordinateTable(); boolean reuseSequences = false; boolean separate_pair_files = false; if (argc < 2) { printUsage(); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } for (argIndex = 1; argIndex < argc; argIndex++) { if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-strand_specific") == 0) { *double_strand = false; reference_coordinate_double_strand = false; } else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-reuse_Sequences") == 0) { reuseSequences = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-reuse_binary") == 0) { reuseSequences = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-noHash") == 0) { *noHash = true; } } if (reuseSequences) return; SequencesWriter * seqWriteInfo = NULL; if (isCreateBinary()) { seqWriteInfo = openCnySeqForWrite(filename); seqWriteInfo->m_unifiedSeqFileHeader.m_bDoubleStrand = *double_strand; // file is already open } else { seqWriteInfo = callocOrExit(1, SequencesWriter); seqWriteInfo->m_pFile = fopen(filename, "w"); } for (argIndex = 1; argIndex < argc; argIndex++) { if (argv[argIndex][0] == '-' && strlen(argv[argIndex]) > 1) { if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-fastq") == 0) filetype = FASTQ; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-fasta") == 0) filetype = FASTA; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-fastq.gz") == 0) filetype = FASTQ_GZ; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-fasta.gz") == 0) filetype = FASTA_GZ; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-sam") == 0) filetype = SAM; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-bam") == 0) filetype = BAM; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-raw") == 0) filetype = RAW; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-raw.gz") == 0) filetype = RAW_GZ; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-fmtAuto") == 0) filetype = AUTO; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-short") == 0) cat = 0; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-shortPaired") == 0) cat = 1; else if (strncmp (argv[argIndex], "-shortPaired", 12) == 0) { sscanf(argv[argIndex], "-shortPaired%hd", &short_var); cat = (Category) short_var; if (cat < 1 || cat > CATEGORIES) { velvetLog("Unknown option: %s\n", argv[argIndex]); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } cat--; cat *= 2; cat++; } else if (strncmp(argv[argIndex], "-short", 6) == 0) { sscanf(argv[argIndex], "-short%hd", &short_var); cat = (Category) short_var; if (cat < 1 || cat > CATEGORIES) { velvetLog("Unknown option: %s\n", argv[argIndex]); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } cat--; cat *= 2; } else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-long") == 0) cat = LONG; // CATEGORIES * 2; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-longPaired") == 0) cat = LONG_PAIRED; // CATEGORIES * 2 + 1; else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-reference") == 0) cat = REFERENCE; // CATEGORIES * 2 + 2 else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-strand_specific") == 0) { *double_strand = false; reference_coordinate_double_strand = false; } else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-noHash") == 0) { ; } else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-create_binary") == 0) { ; } else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-interleaved") == 0) { separate_pair_files = false; } else if (strcmp(argv[argIndex], "-separate") == 0) { separate_pair_files = true; } else { velvetLog("Unknown option: %s\n", argv[argIndex]); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } continue; } if (cat == -1) continue; switch (filetype) { case FASTA: case FASTQ: case FASTA_GZ: case FASTQ_GZ: case AUTO: // Separate files for paired reads? Note odd categories used for paired read type if (separate_pair_files && cat%2==1) { argIndex++; if (argIndex>=argc) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "Require left & right filename for -separate mode"); readFastXPair(filetype, seqWriteInfo, argv[argIndex-1], argv[argIndex], cat, &sequenceIndex); } else { readFastXFile(filetype, seqWriteInfo, argv[argIndex], cat, &sequenceIndex, refCoords); } break; case RAW: if (separate_pair_files && cat%2==1) { exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "Currently do not support -separate mode for RAW"); } readRawFile(seqWriteInfo, argv[argIndex], cat, &sequenceIndex); break; case RAW_GZ: if (separate_pair_files && cat%2==1) { exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, false, "Currently do not support -separate mode for RAW"); } readRawGZFile(seqWriteInfo, argv[argIndex], cat, &sequenceIndex); break; case SAM: readSAMFile(seqWriteInfo, argv[argIndex], cat, &sequenceIndex, refCoords); break; case BAM: readBAMFile(seqWriteInfo, argv[argIndex], cat, &sequenceIndex, refCoords); break; default: velvetLog("Screw up in parser... exiting\n"); #ifdef DEBUG abort(); #endif exit(1); } } destroyReferenceCoordinateTable(refCoords); if (isCreateBinary()) { closeCnySeqForWrite(seqWriteInfo); } else { fclose(seqWriteInfo->m_pFile); } if (seqWriteInfo) { free(seqWriteInfo); } } void createReadPairingArray(ReadSet* reads) { IDnum index; IDnum *mateReads = mallocOrExit(reads->readCount, IDnum); Category cat = 0; int phase = 0; for (index = 0; index < reads->readCount; index++) mateReads[index] = -1; reads->mateReads = mateReads; for (index = 0; index < reads->readCount; index++) { // Paired category if (cat & 1) { // Leaving the paired category if (reads->categories[index] != cat) { if (phase == 1) { reads->mateReads[index - 1] = -1; reads->categories[index - 1]--; phase = 0; } cat = reads->categories[index]; // Into another paired category if (cat & 1) { reads->mateReads[index] = index + 1; phase = 1; } } else if (phase == 0) { reads->mateReads[index] = index + 1; phase = 1; } else { reads->mateReads[index] = index - 1; phase = 0; } } // Leaving an unpaired category else if (reads->categories[index] != cat) { cat = reads->categories[index]; // Into a paired category if (cat & 1) { reads->mateReads[index] = index + 1; phase = 1; } } } } int pairedCategories(ReadSet * reads) { boolean pairedCat[CATEGORIES + 1]; int pairedCatCount = 0; IDnum index; for (index = 0; index <= CATEGORIES; index++) pairedCat[index] = 0; for (index = 0; index < reads->readCount; index++) { if (reads->categories[index] & 1 && !pairedCat[reads->categories[index] / 2]) { pairedCat[reads->categories[index] / 2] = true; if (pairedCatCount++ == CATEGORIES) break; } } return pairedCatCount; } boolean isSecondInPair(ReadSet * reads, IDnum index) { return reads->secondInPair[index / 8] & (1 << (index & 7)); } void computeSecondInPair(ReadSet * reads) { IDnum index; Category currentCat = 0; Category previousCat = 0; int phase = 0; if (reads->secondInPair) free (reads->secondInPair); reads->secondInPair = callocOrExit((reads->readCount + 7) / 8, unsigned char); for (index = 0; index < reads->readCount; index++) { currentCat = reads->categories[index]; if (currentCat & 1) { if (previousCat == currentCat) { if (phase == 0) { phase = 1; } else { reads->secondInPair[index / 8] |= (1 << (index & 7)); phase = 0; } } else { phase = 1; if (index > 0 && previousCat & 1 && !isSecondInPair(reads, index - 1)) reads->categories[index - 1] = (reads->categories[index - 1] / 2) * 2; } } previousCat = currentCat; } // Safeguard against odd sets of reads if (!isSecondInPair(reads, reads->readCount - 1)) { reads->categories[reads->readCount - 1] = (reads->categories[reads->readCount - 1] / 2) * 2; } } void detachDubiousReads(ReadSet * reads, boolean * dubiousReads) { IDnum index; IDnum pairID; IDnum sequenceCount = reads->readCount; IDnum *mateReads = reads->mateReads; if (dubiousReads == NULL || mateReads == NULL) return; for (index = 0; index < sequenceCount; index++) { if (!dubiousReads[index] || reads->categories[index] % 2 == 0 ) continue; if (isSecondInPair(reads, index)) pairID = index - 1; else pairID = index + 1; reads->categories[index] = (reads->categories[index] / 2) * 2; reads->categories[pairID] = (reads->categories[pairID] / 2) * 2; } } ReadSet *importReadSet(char *filename) { FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); char *sequence = NULL; Coordinate bpCount = 0; const int maxline = 5000; char line[5000]; IDnum sequenceCount, sequenceIndex; ReadSet *reads; short int temp_short; int lineLength; if (file != NULL) velvetLog("Reading read set file %s;\n", filename); else exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not open %s", filename); reads = newReadSet(); // Count number of separate sequences sequenceCount = 0; while (fgets(line, maxline, file) != NULL) if (line[0] == '>') sequenceCount++; fclose(file); velvetLog("%li sequences found\n", (long) sequenceCount); reads->readCount = sequenceCount; if (reads->readCount == 0) { reads->sequences = NULL; reads->categories = NULL; return reads; } reads->sequences = callocOrExit(sequenceCount, char *); reads->categories = callocOrExit(sequenceCount, Category); // Counting base pair length of each sequence: file = fopen(filename, "r"); sequenceIndex = -1; while (fgets(line, maxline, file) != NULL) { if (line[0] == '>') { // Reading category info sscanf(line, "%*[^\t]\t%*[^\t]\t%hd", &temp_short); reads->categories[sequenceIndex + 1] = (Category) temp_short; if (sequenceIndex != -1) reads->sequences[sequenceIndex] = mallocOrExit(bpCount + 1, char); sequenceIndex++; bpCount = 0; } if (line[0] == 'M') {; // Map line } else { bpCount += (Coordinate) strlen(line) - 1; if (sizeof(ShortLength) == sizeof(int16_t) && (bpCount > SHRT_MAX || bpCount < 0)) { velvetLog("Read %li of length %lli, longer than limit %i\n", (long) sequenceIndex + 1, (long long) bpCount, SHRT_MAX); velvetLog("You should modify recompile with the LONGSEQUENCES option (cf. manual)\n"); exit(1); } } } //velvetLog("Sequence %d has length %d\n", sequenceIndex, bpCount); reads->sequences[sequenceIndex] = mallocOrExit(bpCount + 1, char); fclose(file); // Reopen file and memorize line: file = fopen(filename, "r"); sequenceIndex = -1; while (fgets(line, maxline, file)) { if (line[0] == '>') { if (sequenceIndex != -1) { sequence[bpCount] = '\0'; } sequenceIndex++; bpCount = 0; //velvetLog("Starting to read sequence %d\n", // sequenceIndex); sequence = reads->sequences[sequenceIndex]; } else if (line[0] == 'M') {; // Map line } else { lineLength = strlen(line) - 1; strncpy(sequence + bpCount, line, lineLength); bpCount += (Coordinate) lineLength; } } sequence[bpCount] = '\0'; fclose(file); computeSecondInPair(reads); velvetLog("Done\n"); return reads; } void logInstructions(int argc, char **argv, char *directory) { int index; char *logFilename = mallocOrExit(strlen(directory) + 100, char); FILE *logFile; time_t date; char *string; time(&date); string = ctime(&date); strcpy(logFilename, directory); strcat(logFilename, "/Log"); logFile = fopen(logFilename, "a"); if (logFile == NULL) exitErrorf(EXIT_FAILURE, true, "Could not write to %s", logFilename); velvetFprintf(logFile, "%s", string); for (index = 0; index < argc; index++) velvetFprintf(logFile, " %s", argv[index]); velvetFprintf(logFile, "\n"); velvetFprintf(logFile, "Version %i.%i.%2.2i%s\n", VERSION_NUMBER, RELEASE_NUMBER, UPDATE_NUMBER, VERSION_BRANCH); velvetFprintf(logFile, "Copyright 2007, 2008 Daniel Zerbino (zerbino@ebi.ac.uk)\n"); velvetFprintf(logFile, "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO\n"); velvetFprintf(logFile, "warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n"); velvetFprintf(logFile, "Compilation settings:\n"); velvetFprintf(logFile, "CATEGORIES = %i\n", CATEGORIES); velvetFprintf(logFile, "MAXKMERLENGTH = %i\n", MAXKMERLENGTH); #ifdef _OPENMP velvetFprintf(logFile, "OPENMP\n"); #endif #ifdef LONGSEQUENCES velvetFprintf(logFile, "LONGSEQUENCES\n"); #endif #ifdef BIGASSEMBLY velvetFprintf(logFile, "BIGASSEMBLY\n"); #endif #ifdef COLOR velvetFprintf(logFile, "COLOR\n"); #endif #ifdef DEBUG velvetFprintf(logFile, "DEBUG\n"); #endif velvetFprintf(logFile, "\n"); fclose(logFile); free(logFilename); } void destroyReadSet(ReadSet * reads) { IDnum index; if (reads == NULL) return; if (reads->sequences != NULL) { for (index = 0; index < reads->readCount; index++) free(reads->sequences[index]); free(reads->sequences); } if (reads->tSequences != NULL) free (reads->tSequences); if (reads->tSeqMem != NULL) free (reads->tSeqMem); if (reads->labels != NULL) for (index = 0; index < reads->readCount; index++) free(reads->labels[index]); if (reads->confidenceScores != NULL) for (index = 0; index < reads->readCount; index++) free(reads->confidenceScores[index]); if (reads->kmerProbabilities != NULL) for (index = 0; index < reads->readCount; index++) free(reads->kmerProbabilities[index]); free(reads->labels); free(reads->confidenceScores); free(reads->kmerProbabilities); free(reads->mateReads); free(reads->categories); free(reads->secondInPair); free(reads); } ShortLength *getSequenceLengths(ReadSet * reads, int wordLength) { ShortLength *lengths = callocOrExit(reads->readCount, ShortLength); IDnum index; int lengthOffset = wordLength - 1; for (index = 0; index < reads->readCount; index++) lengths[index] = getLength(getTightStringInArray(reads->tSequences, index)) - lengthOffset; return lengths; }