# # ActiveFacts Generators. # Generate Ruby classes for the ActiveFacts API from an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts' require 'activefacts/vocabulary' require 'activefacts/generate/helpers/oo' require 'activefacts/generate/traits/ruby' require 'activefacts/mapping/rails' module ActiveFacts module Generate # Generate Ruby module containing classes for an ActiveFacts vocabulary. # Invoke as # afgen --ruby[=options] .cql # Options are comma or space separated: # * help list available options # * sql Emit the sql mapping for tables/columns (REVISIT: not functional at present) class RUBY < Helpers::OO private def set_option(option) @mapping = false case option when 'help', '?' $stderr.puts "Usage:\t\tafgen --ruby[=option,option] input_file.cql\n"+ "\t\tmapping={sql|rails}\tEmit data to enable mappings to SQL or to Rails" exit 0 when /mapping=(.*)/ @mapping = $1 @vocabulary.tables else super end end def vocabulary_start puts @vocabulary.prelude end def vocabulary_end puts @vocabulary.finale end def emit_mapping o case @mapping when 'sql' puts " table" when 'rails' puts " table :#{o.rails_name}" end end def data_type_dump(o) value_type_dump(o, o.name, {}) if o.all_role.size > 0 end def value_type_dump(o, super_type_name, facets) puts o.ruby_definition end def subtype_dump(o, supertypes, pi = nil) primary_supertype = o && (o.identifying_supertype || o.supertypes[0]) secondary_supertypes = o.supertypes-[primary_supertype] puts " class #{o.name.gsub(/ /,'')} < #{ primary_supertype.name.gsub(/ /,'') }" puts " identified_by #{identified_by(o, pi)}" if pi puts " supertypes "+secondary_supertypes.map{|st| st.name.gsub(/ /,'')}*", " if secondary_supertypes.size > 0 emit_mapping(o) if o.is_table fact_roles_dump(o.fact_type) if o.fact_type roles_dump(o) puts " end\n\n" pi.ordered_dumped! if pi end def non_subtype_dump(o, pi) puts " class #{o.name.gsub(/ /,'')}" # We want to name the absorption role only when it's absorbed along its single identifying role. puts " identified_by #{identified_by(o, pi)}" emit_mapping o if o.is_table fact_roles_dump(o.fact_type) if o.fact_type roles_dump(o) puts " end\n\n" pi.ordered_dumped! end # Dump one fact type. def fact_type_dump(fact_type, name) return if skip_fact_type(fact_type) o = fact_type.entity_type primary_supertype = o && (o.identifying_supertype || o.supertypes[0]) secondary_supertypes = o.supertypes-[primary_supertype] # Get the preferred identifier, but don't emit it unless it's different from the primary supertype's: pi = o.preferred_identifier pi = nil if pi && primary_supertype && primary_supertype.preferred_identifier == pi puts " class #{name.gsub(/ /,'')}" + (primary_supertype ? " < "+primary_supertype.name.gsub(/ /,'') : "") + "\n" + secondary_supertypes.map{|sst| " supertype :#{sst.name.gsub(/ /,'_')}"}*"\n" + (pi ? " identified_by #{identified_by(o, pi)}" : "") emit_mapping o if o.is_table fact_roles_dump(fact_type) roles_dump(o) puts " end\n\n" fact_type.ordered_dumped! end def identified_by_roles_and_facts(entity_type, identifying_role_refs, identifying_facts) identifying_role_refs.map{|role_ref| ":"+role_ref.role.preferred_role_name(entity_type) }*", " end def unary_dump(role, role_name) puts " maybe :"+role_name end def binary_dump(role, role_name, role_player, mandatory = nil, one_to_one = nil, readings = nil, counterpart_role_name = nil, counterpart_method_name = nil) puts role.as_binary(role_name, role_player, mandatory, one_to_one, readings, counterpart_role_name, counterpart_method_name) end end end end ActiveFacts::Registry.generator('ruby', ActiveFacts::Generate::RUBY)