DRYDOCK, CHANGES #### 0.6.9 (2009-10-??) ############################# * CHANGE: Using autoload where appropriate. #### 0.6.8 (2009-09-15) ############################# * FIXED: require 'thread' added to Drydock::Screen * FIXED: require 'drydock/console' #### 0.6.7 (2009-09-15) ############################# * ADDED: Drydock::Screen #### 0.6.6 (2009-06-24) ############################# NOTE: Because at_exit has been removed, Drydock scripts will no longer run automatically. You can explicitly call the following at the bottom of your scripts: Drydock.run!(ARGV, STDIN) if Drydock.run? * CHANGE: Removed at_exit * CHANGE: Drydock.run? will now return false if Drydock hasl already run #### 0.6.5 (2009-05-21) ############################# * ADDED: "with_args" support for default command. When specified, arguments can be passed to the default command with run in the short form. e.g. "script arg1 arg2" == "script cmdname arg1 arg2" #### 0.6.3 (2009-05-10) ############################# * ADDED: show-commands now displays a note about which command is the default * CHANGE: Moved mixins to lib/drydock/mixins (so other projects can require 'drydock/mixins') * FIXED: Support for inline command aliases when specifying a class: command [:name, :alias1, :alias2] => SomeClass #### 0.6.2 (2009-05-07) ############################# * ADDED: drydock/console.rb to start a new wing in the drydock * ADDED: mixins for String and Object (for Console) #### 0.6.1 (2009-05-03) ############################# * FIXED: @@trawler raises an error in Ruby 1.8 if it's a Symbol #### 0.6.0 (2009-04-30) ############################# * CHANGE: Cleaner default error message for UnknownCommand exceptions * CHANGE: 'desc' is now 'about' (desc works, but it prints a notice) * CHANGE: I now recommend implementing the Drydock DSL in a module. bin/example was updated to reflect the change. This prevents Drydock keywords from being included in the global namespace. * ADDED: Inline commands aliases. command :cmd1, :cmd2 do; ...; end * ADDED: Unknown commands can be directed to a trawler. #### 0.5.6 (2009-04-22) ############################# * CHANGED: Interrupts now handled in rescue rather than a trap. * ADDED: Drydock::ArgError and Drydock::OptError are rescued at runtime by default #### 0.5.5 (2009-04-19) ############################# * CHANGED: Improved help screen formatting. #### 0.5.4 (2009-04-15) ############################# * ADDED: Better error handling with new Drydock::ArgError and Drydock::OptError #### 0.5.3 (2009-04-05) ############################# * FIXED: Command actions were not being handled correctly. Added rdocs to clarify the code. #### 0.5.2 (2009-04-04) ############################# * ADDED: before and after blocks now receive a primed reference to the command object (which gives them access to the globals and options) * CHANGE: The prep stuff in Drydock::Command#call is now split into a separate method: prepare so call no longer takes arguments. * FIXED: Drydock#capture_io was using yield. It now accepts a block instead. #### 0.5.1 (2009-03-15) ############################# * FIXED: Prevent calling default command in at_exit when there's a LoadError. * FIXED: Exit gracefully when the application exits. * FIXED: Print command names with dashes rather than underscores #### 0.5 (2009-03-11) ############################### * ADDED: Checks that the command class is a subclass of Drydock::Command * CHANGE: Cleaned up show-commands screen * FIXED: Help didn't work when using command alias * ADDED: Named argv values. * CHANGE: argv are now part of the Command class (not passed to command blocks) * CHANGE: "project" now automatically requires the lowercase name of the project and gracefully continues if the require failed. * CHANGE: Drydock will look for different validation method, based on the method being executed. If a validation method is found it's executed and must return a true valid (it can also raise its own exceptions). * ADDED: command actions. These are boolean switches with a twist. Drydock looks for command_action or action_command methods. Saves checking the switches and sending to other methods manually. #### 0.4 (2009-02-28) ############################### * FIXED: "interning empty string" error when bare "option" is used * ADDED: Calls valid? method (if present) before calling command block. * ADDED: "capture" method. Auto capture STDOUT to obj.stdout etc... * ADDED: Automatically calls init and print_header methods before the command and print_footer after the command (if available) * ADDED: Tries to call obj.command if available when no block is supplied * ADDED: "show_commands" command built-in. Displays commands with descriptions * ADDED: A default usage help msg for every command: "#{$0} command-name" * ADDED: "usage" work multiple times for the same command. * ADDED: "desc" method for per command descriptions * CHANGE: options are now stored as obj.option.name instead of obj.name * CHANGE: global options are now stored as obj.globals.name * CHANGE: removed auto importing methods OLD: require 'drydock' ADDED: require 'drydock' extend Drydock #### 0.3.3 (2009-02-14) ############################### * ADDED: init method hook for subclasses of Drydock::Command * UPDATED: Rdocs * CHANGE: added method command_aliaz to mirror aliaz_command #### 0.3 (2009-02-05) ############################### * Added support for custom Drydock::Commands objects * Global and command-specific options are now available as attributes of the Drydock::Commands class instance. * Automatic execution * Now in a single file (lib/drydock.rb) * Started adding tests * Improved documentation #### 0.2 (2008-12-27) ############################### * Initial release * Forked from bmizerany/frylock