# frozen_string_literal: true namespace :utilities do desc "Generate CSS utility classes" task :build do require "yaml" require "json" require File.expand_path("./../../lookbook/config/environment.rb", __dir__) require "ariadne/classify/utilities" # Keys that are looked for to be included in the utilities.yml file SUPPORTED_KEYS = [ /^anim\b/, /^color-bg\b/, /^color-border\b/, /^color-fg\b/, /^col\b/, /^container\b/, /^clearfix\b/, /^d\b/, /^float\b/, /^height\b/, /^hide\b/, /^m[trblxy]?\b/, /^p[trblxy]?\b/, /^position\b/, /^wb\b/, /^width\b/, /^v\b/, ].freeze BREAKPOINTS = [nil, "sm", "md", "lg", "xl"].freeze utility_data = JSON.parse( File.read( File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "node_modules", "@primer", "css", "dist", "stats", "utilities.json"), __dir__) ) )["selectors"]["values"] custom_utility_data = YAML.load_file( File.join(__dir__, "custom_utilities.yml") ) layout_data = JSON.parse( File.read( File.expand_path(File.join("..", "..", "node_modules", "@primer", "css", "dist", "stats", "layout.json"), __dir__) ) )["selectors"]["values"] css_data = utility_data + layout_data output = {} css_data.each do |selector| selector.sub!(/^./, "") selector.sub!(/:[^\s]*$/, "") # Next if selector has ancestors or sibling selectors next if selector.match?(/[:><~\[.]/) next unless SUPPORTED_KEYS.any? { |key| selector =~ key } # Dupe so we still have the selector at the end of slicing it up classname = selector.dup key = "" # Look for a replacement key Ariadne::Classify::Utilities::REPLACEMENT_KEYS.each do |k, v| next unless classname.match?(Regexp.new(k)) key = v classname.sub!(Regexp.new("#{k}-"), "") end # If we didn't find a replacement, grab the first text before hyphen if classname == selector key = classname.split("-").first classname.sub!(/^[^-]+-/, "") end # Check if the next bit of the classname is a breakpoint if classname.match?(/^(sm-|md-|lg-|xl-)/) breakpoint = classname.split("-").first classname.sub!(/^[^-]+-/, "") end # Change the rest from hyphens to underscores classname.sub!(/-/, "_") # convert padding/margin negative values ie n7 to -7 classname.sub!(/^n/, "-") if classname.match?(/^n[0-9]/) # If key and classname are equal, then classname is boolean classname = true if key == classname key = key.to_sym if classname.is_a?(String) classname = classname.match?(/\A[-+]?[0-9]+\z/) ? classname.to_i : classname.to_sym end if output[key].nil? output[key] = { classname => Array.new(5, nil) } elsif output[key][classname].nil? output[key][classname] = Array.new(5, nil) end output[key][classname][BREAKPOINTS.index(breakpoint)] = selector end output.transform_values! do |x| x.transform_values { |y| y.reverse.drop_while(&:nil?).reverse } end output.merge!(custom_utility_data) File.open("lib/ariadne/classify/utilities.yml", "w") do |f| f.puts YAML.dump(output) end end end