Entrance ======== Clean, adaptable authentication library for Rails and Sinatra. $ gem install entrance # Usage ``` rb # in an intializer, e.g. config/initializers/entrance.rb require 'entrance' Entrance.configure do |config| config.username_attr = 'email' config.password_attr = 'password_hash' # make sure you map the right attribute name config.access_denied_message_key = 'messages.access_denied' config.remember_for = 1.month config.cookie_secure = Rails.env.production? end # in your controller class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include Entrance::Controller before_filter :login_required ... end # in your model class User include Entrance::Model ... (setup fields) validate_entrance! # ensures fields for authentication/remember/reset are present end ``` Now, you're ready to roll. ``` rb class SessionsController < ApplicationController skip_before_filter :login_required def new # render login form end def create if user = authenticate_and_login(params[:email], params[:password], params[:remember_me] == 'on') redirect_to '/app' else redirect_to '/login', :notice => "Invalid credentials." end end end ``` If you need more control, -- like checking a users state before letting him in -- you can call directly the model's `.authenticate` method, and then call the `login!` method once you're ready. ``` rb def create if user = User.authenticate(params[:email], params[:password]) and user.active? login!(user, params[:remember_me] == '1') redirect_to '/app' else redirect_to '/login', :notice => "Invalid credentials." end end ``` As you can see, Entrance comes with out-of-box support for the "remember me" option. It also supports the usual 'reset password' token/email logic, but that's it. That's as far as Entrance goes -- we want to keep things simple and lean. ## Entrance::Config All available options, along with their defaults. ``` rb Entrance.configure do |config| config.model = 'User' config.cipher = Entrance::Ciphers::BCrypt # can also be Entrance::Ciphers::SHA1 config.secret = nil config.stretches = 10 config.salt_attr = nil config.username_attr = 'email' config.password_attr = 'password_hash' config.remember_token_attr = 'remember_token' config.remember_until_attr = 'remember_token_expires_at' config.reset_token_attr = 'reset_token' config.reset_until_attr = 'reset_token_expires_at' config.access_denied_redirect_to = '/' config.access_denied_message_key = nil config.reset_password_mailer = 'UserMailer' config.reset_password_method = 'reset_password_request' config.reset_password_window = 1.hour config.remember_for = 2.weeks config.cookie_domain = nil config.cookie_secure = true config.cookie_path = '/' config.cookie_httponly = false end ``` ## Entrance::Controller When including it into your controller, this module will provide the following methods: - authenticate_and_login(username, password, remember_me = false) - login!(user, remember_me = false) - logout! And the following helpers: - current_user - login_required - logged_in? - logged_out? ## Entrance::Model Provides: - .validate_entrance! - .authenticate(username, password) - .with_password_reset_token(token) - #password and #password=(value) - #remember_me! and #forget_me! (unless remember_attr is set to nil) - #request_password_reset! (unless reset_attr is set to nil) Examples ======== Thought you might ask. There's a full example Rails app and a Sinatra app in the examples folder. Check them out. Author ====== Written by Tomás Pollak. Copyright ========= (c) Fork, Ltd. MIT Licensed.