=begin rdoc
Create a new Cassandra client instance. Accepts a keyspace name, and optional host and port.
client = Cassandra.new('twitter', '')
If the server requires authentication, you must authenticate before make calls
You can then make calls to the server via the client instance.
client.insert(:UserRelationships, "5", {"user_timeline" => {SimpleUUID::UUID.new => "1"}})
client.get(:UserRelationships, "5", "user_timeline")
For read methods, valid option parameters are:
:count:: How many results to return. Defaults to 100.
:start:: Column name token at which to start iterating, inclusive. Defaults to nil, which means the first column in the collation order.
:finish:: Column name token at which to stop iterating, inclusive. Defaults to nil, which means no boundary.
:reversed:: Swap the direction of the collation order.
:consistency:: The consistency level of the request. Defaults to Cassandra::Consistency::ONE (one node must respond). Other valid options are Cassandra::Consistency::ZERO, Cassandra::Consistency::QUORUM, and Cassandra::Consistency::ALL.
Note that some read options have no relevance in some contexts.
For write methods, valid option parameters are:
:timestamp :: The transaction timestamp. Defaults to the current time in milliseconds. This is used for conflict resolution by the server; you normally never need to change it.
:consistency:: See above.
For the initial client instantiation, you may also pass in :thrift_client with a ThriftClient subclass attached. On connection, that class will be used instead of the default ThriftClient class, allowing you to add additional behavior to the connection (e.g. query logging).
class Cassandra
include Columns
include Protocol
include Helpers
class AccessError < StandardError #:nodoc:
module Consistency
include CassandraThrift::ConsistencyLevel
:count => 1000,
:timestamp => nil,
:consistency => Consistency::ONE,
:ttl => nil
:count => 100,
:start => nil,
:finish => nil,
:reversed => false,
:consistency => Consistency::ONE
:transport_wrapper => Thrift::FramedTransport,
:thrift_client_class => ThriftClient
THRIFT_DEFAULTS[:protocol] = Thrift::BinaryProtocolAccelerated if Thrift.const_defined?(:BinaryProtocolAccelerated)
attr_reader :keyspace, :servers, :schema, :thrift_client_options, :thrift_client_class, :auth_request
# Create a new Cassandra instance and open the connection.
def initialize(keyspace, servers = "", thrift_client_options = {})
@is_super = {}
@column_name_class = {}
@sub_column_name_class = {}
@column_name_maker = {}
@sub_column_name_maker = {}
@auto_discover_nodes = true
thrift_client_options[:transport_wrapper] ||= Cassandra.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_WRAPPER
@thrift_client_options = THRIFT_DEFAULTS.merge(thrift_client_options)
@thrift_client_class = @thrift_client_options[:thrift_client_class]
@keyspace = keyspace
@servers = Array(servers)
# This method will prevent us from trying to auto-discover all the
# server addresses, and only use the list of servers provided on
# initialization.
# This is primarily helpful when the cassandra cluster is communicating
# internally on a different ip address than what you are using to connect.
# A prime example of this would be when using EC2 to host a cluster.
# Typically, the cluster would be communicating over the local ip
# addresses issued by Amazon, but any clients connecting from outside EC2
# would need to use the public ip.
def disable_node_auto_discovery!
@auto_discover_nodes = false
# Disconnect the current client connection.
def disconnect!
if @client
@client = nil
# Issues a login attempt using the username and password specified.
# * username
# * password
def login!(username, password)
request = CassandraThrift::AuthenticationRequest.new
request.credentials = {'username' => username, 'password' => password}
ret = client.login(request)
# To avoid a double login on the initial connect, we set
# @auth_request after the first successful login.
@auth_request = request
def inspect
"# #{cfdef.column_type}"}.join(', ')
}}, @servers=#{servers.inspect}>"
# Set the keyspace to use.
# Please note that this only works on version 0.7.0 and higher.
def keyspace=(ks)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
@schema = nil; @keyspace = ks
# Return an array of the keyspace names available.
# Please note that this only works on version 0.7.0 and higher.
def keyspaces
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
client.describe_keyspaces.to_a.collect {|ksdef| ksdef.name }
# Return a hash of column_family definitions indexed by their
# names
def column_families
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
schema.cf_defs.inject(Hash.new){|memo, cf_def| memo[cf_def.name] = cf_def; memo;}
# Return a Cassandra::Keyspace object loaded with the current
# keyspaces schema.
# Please note that this only works on version 0.7.0 and higher.
def schema(load=true)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
if !load && !@schema
@schema ||= client.describe_keyspace(@keyspace)
# This returns true if all servers are in agreement on the schema.
# Please note that this only works on version 0.7.0 and higher.
def schema_agreement?
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
client.describe_schema_versions().length == 1
# Lists the current cassandra.thrift version.
# Please note that this only works on version 0.7.0 and higher.
def version
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
# Returns the string name specified for the cluster.
# Please note that this only works on version 0.7.0 and higher.
def cluster_name
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
@cluster_name ||= client.describe_cluster_name()
# Returns an array of CassandraThrift::TokenRange objects indicating
# which servers make up the current ring. What their start and end
# tokens are, and their list of endpoints.
# Please note that this only works on version 0.7.0 and higher.
def ring
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
# Returns a string identifying which partitioner is in use by the
# current cluster. Typically, this will be RandomPartitioner, but it
# could be OrderPreservingPartioner as well.
# Please note that this only works on version 0.7.0 and higher.
def partitioner
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
# Remove all rows in the column family you request.
# * column_family
# * options
# * consitency
# * timestamp
def truncate!(column_family)
alias clear_column_family! truncate!
# Remove all column families in the keyspace.
# This method calls Cassandra#truncate! for each column family in the
# keyspace.
# Please note that this only works on version 0.7.0 and higher.
def clear_keyspace!
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
schema.cf_defs.each { |cfdef| truncate!(cfdef.name) }
# Creates a new column family from the passed in
# Cassandra::ColumnFamily instance, and returns the schema id.
def add_column_family(cf_def)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
@schema = nil
return client.system_add_column_family(cf_def)
# Delete the specified column family. Return the new schema id.
# * column_family - The column_family name to drop.
def drop_column_family(column_family)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
@schema = nil
return client.system_drop_column_family(column_family)
# Rename a column family. Returns the new schema id.
# * old_name - The current column_family name.
# * new_name - The desired column_family name.
def rename_column_family(old_name, new_name)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f != 0.7
@schema = nil
return client.system_rename_column_family(old_name, new_name)
# Update the column family based on the passed in definition.
def update_column_family(cf_def)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
@schema = nil
return client.system_update_column_family(cf_def)
# Add keyspace using the passed in keyspace definition.
# Returns the new schema id.
def add_keyspace(ks_def)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
@keyspaces = nil
return client.system_add_keyspace(ks_def)
# Deletes keyspace using the passed in keyspace name.
# Returns the new schema id.
def drop_keyspace(keyspace=@keyspace)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
@keyspaces = nil
ret = client.system_drop_keyspace(keyspace)
keyspace = "system" if keyspace.eql?(@keyspace)
return ret
# Renames keyspace.
# * old_name - Current keyspace name.
# * new_name - Desired keyspace name.
# Returns the new schema id
def rename_keyspace(old_name, new_name)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
@keyspaces = nil
ret = client.system_rename_keyspace(old_name, new_name)
keyspace = new_name if old_name.eql?(@keyspace)
return ret
# Update the keyspace using the passed in keyspace definition.
def update_keyspace(ks_def)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
@keyspaces = nil
return client.system_update_keyspace(ks_def)
# The initial default consistency is set to ONE, but you can use this method
# to override the normal default with your specified value. Use this if you
# do not want to specify a write consistency for each insert statement.
def default_write_consistency=(value)
WRITE_DEFAULTS[:consistency] = value
# The initial default consistency is set to ONE, but you can use this method
# to override the normal default with your specified value. Use this if you
# do not want to specify a read consistency for each query.
def default_read_consistency=(value)
READ_DEFAULTS[:consistency] = value
# This is the main method used to insert rows into cassandra. If the
# column\_family that you are inserting into is a SuperColumnFamily then
# the hash passed in should be a nested hash, otherwise it should be a
# flat hash.
# This method can also be called while in batch mode. If in batch mode
# then we queue up the mutations (an insert in this case) and pass them to
# cassandra in a single batch at the end of the block.
# * column\_family - The column\_family that you are inserting into.
# * key - The row key to insert.
# * hash - The columns or super columns to insert.
# * options - Valid options are:
# * :timestamp - Uses the current time if none specified.
# * :consistency - Uses the default write consistency if none specified.
# * :ttl - If specified this is the number of seconds after the insert that this value will be available.
def insert(column_family, key, hash, options = {})
column_family, _, _, options = extract_and_validate_params(column_family, key, [options], WRITE_DEFAULTS)
timestamp = options[:timestamp] || Time.stamp
mutation_map = if is_super(column_family)
key => {
column_family => hash.collect{|k,v| _super_insert_mutation(column_family, k, v, timestamp, options[:ttl]) }
key => {
column_family => hash.collect{|k,v| _standard_insert_mutation(column_family, k, v, timestamp, options[:ttl])}
@batch ? @batch << [mutation_map, options[:consistency]] : _mutate(mutation_map, options[:consistency])
# This method is used to delete (actually marking them as deleted with a
# tombstone) rows, columns, or super columns depending on the parameters
# passed. If only a key is passed the entire row will be marked as deleted.
# If a column name is passed in that column will be deleted.
# This method can also be used in batch mode. If in batch mode then we
# queue up the mutations (a deletion in this case)
# * column\_family - The column\_family that you are inserting into.
# * key - The row key to insert.
# * columns - Either a single super_column or a list of columns.
# * sub_columns - The list of sub\_columns to select.
# * options - Valid options are:
# * :timestamp - Uses the current time if none specified.
# * :consistency - Uses the default write consistency if none specified.
def remove(column_family, key, *columns_and_options)
column_family, columns, sub_column, options = extract_and_validate_params(column_family, key, columns_and_options, WRITE_DEFAULTS)
if columns.is_a? Array
if sub_column
raise ArgumentError, 'remove does not support sub_columns with array of columns'
columns = [columns]
timestamp = options[:timestamp]|| Time.stamp
mutation_map =
key => {
column_family => columns.map {|column|
_delete_mutation(column_family, column, sub_column, timestamp)
mutation = [mutation_map, options[:consistency]]
@batch ? @batch << mutation : _mutate(*mutation)
# Count the columns for the provided parameters.
# * column_family - The column_family that you are inserting into.
# * key - The row key to insert.
# * columns - Either a single super_column or a list of columns.
# * sub_columns - The list of sub_columns to select.
# * options - Valid options are:
# * :start - The column name to start from.
# * :stop - The column name to stop at.
# * :count - The maximum count of columns to return. (By default cassandra will count up to 100 columns)
# * :consistency - Uses the default read consistency if none specified.
def count_columns(column_family, key, *columns_and_options)
column_family, super_column, _, options =
extract_and_validate_params(column_family, key, columns_and_options, READ_DEFAULTS)
_count_columns(column_family, key, super_column, options[:start], options[:stop], options[:count], options[:consistency])
# Multi-key version of Cassandra#count_columns. Please note that this
# queries the server for each key passed in.
# Supports same parameters as Cassandra#count_columns.
# * column_family - The column_family that you are inserting into.
# * key - The row key to insert.
# * columns - Either a single super_column or a list of columns.
# * sub_columns - The list of sub_columns to select.
# * options - Valid options are:
# * :consistency - Uses the default read consistency if none specified.
# FIXME: Not real multi; needs server support
def multi_count_columns(column_family, keys, *options)
OrderedHash[*keys.map { |key| [key, count_columns(column_family, key, *options)] }._flatten_once]
# Return a hash of column value pairs for the path you request.
# * column_family - The column_family that you are inserting into.
# * key - The row key to insert.
# * columns - Either a single super_column or a list of columns.
# * sub_columns - The list of sub_columns to select.
# * options - Valid options are:
# * :consistency - Uses the default read consistency if none specified.
def get_columns(column_family, key, *columns_and_options)
column_family, columns, sub_columns, options =
extract_and_validate_params(column_family, key, columns_and_options, READ_DEFAULTS)
_get_columns(column_family, key, columns, sub_columns, options[:consistency])
# Multi-key version of Cassandra#get_columns. Please note that this
# queries the server for each key passed in.
# Supports same parameters as Cassandra#get_columns
# * column_family - The column_family that you are inserting into.
# * key - The row key to insert.
# * columns - Either a single super_column or a list of columns.
# * sub_columns - The list of sub_columns to select.
# * options - Valid options are:
# * :consistency - Uses the default read consistency if none specified.
def multi_get_columns(column_family, keys, *columns_and_options)
column_family, columns, sub_columns, options =
extract_and_validate_params(column_family, keys, columns_and_options, READ_DEFAULTS)
_multi_get_columns(column_family, keys, columns, sub_columns, options[:consistency])
# Return a hash (actually, a Cassandra::OrderedHash) or a single value
# representing the element at the column_family:key:[column]:[sub_column]
# path you request.
# * column_family - The column_family that you are inserting into.
# * key - The row key to insert.
# * column - Either a single super_column or single column.
# * sub_column - A single sub_column to select.
# * options - Valid options are:
# * :count - The number of columns requested to be returned.
# * :start - The starting value for selecting a range of columns.
# * :finish - The final value for selecting a range of columns.
# * :reversed - If set to true the results will be returned in
# reverse order.
# * :consistency - Uses the default read consistency if none specified.
def get(column_family, key, *columns_and_options)
multi_get(column_family, [key], *columns_and_options)[key]
# Multi-key version of Cassandra#get.
# This method allows you to select multiple rows with a single query.
# If a key that is passed in doesn't exist an empty hash will be
# returned.
# Supports the same parameters as Cassandra#get.
# * column_family - The column_family that you are inserting into.
# * keys - An array of keys to select.
# * column - Either a single super_column or a single column.
# * sub_column - A single ub_columns to select.
# * options - Valid options are:
# * :count - The number of columns requested to be returned.
# * :start - The starting value for selecting a range of columns.
# * :finish - The final value for selecting a range of columns.
# * :reversed - If set to true the results will be returned in reverse order.
# * :consistency - Uses the default read consistency if none specified.
def multi_get(column_family, keys, *columns_and_options)
column_family, column, sub_column, options =
extract_and_validate_params(column_family, keys, columns_and_options, READ_DEFAULTS)
hash = _multiget(column_family, keys, column, sub_column, options[:count], options[:start], options[:finish], options[:reversed], options[:consistency])
# Restore order
ordered_hash = OrderedHash.new
keys.each { |key| ordered_hash[key] = hash[key] || (OrderedHash.new if is_super(column_family) and !sub_column) }
# Return true if the column_family:key:[column]:[sub_column] path you
# request exists.
# If passed in only a row key it will query for any columns (limiting
# to 1) for that row key. If a column is passed in it will query for
# that specific column/super column.
# This method will return true or false.
# * column_family - The column_family that you are inserting into.
# * key - The row key to insert.
# * columns - Either a single super_column or a list of columns.
# * sub_columns - The list of sub_columns to select.
# * options - Valid options are:
# * :consistency - Uses the default read consistency if none specified.
def exists?(column_family, key, *columns_and_options)
column_family, column, sub_column, options =
extract_and_validate_params(column_family, key, columns_and_options, READ_DEFAULTS)
result = if column
_multiget(column_family, [key], column, sub_column, 1, '', '', false, options[:consistency])[key]
_multiget(column_family, [key], nil, nil, 1, '', '', false, options[:consistency])[key]
![{}, nil].include?(result)
# Return an Cassandra::OrderedHash containing the columns specified for the given
# range of keys in the column_family you request.
# This method is just a convenience wrapper around Cassandra#get_range_single
# and Cassandra#get_range_batch. If :key_size, :batch_size, or a block
# is passed in Cassandra#get_range_batch will be called. Otherwise
# Cassandra#get_range_single will be used.
# The start_key and finish_key parameters are only useful for iterating of all records
# as is done in the Cassandra#each and Cassandra#each_key methods if you are using the
# RandomPartitioner.
# If the table is partitioned with OrderPreservingPartitioner you may
# use the start_key and finish_key params to select all records with
# the same prefix value.
# If a block is passed in we will yield the row key and columns for
# each record returned.
# Please note that Cassandra returns a row for each row that has existed in the
# system since gc_grace_seconds. This is because deleted row keys are marked as
# deleted, but left in the system until the cluster has had resonable time to replicate the deletion.
# This function attempts to suppress deleted rows (actually any row returned without
# columns is suppressed).
# Please note that when enabling the :reversed option, :start and :finish should be swapped (e.g.
# reversal happens before selecting the range).
# * column_family - The column_family that you are inserting into.
# * options - Valid options are:
# * :start_key - The starting value for selecting a range of keys (only useful with OPP).
# * :finish_key - The final value for selecting a range of keys (only useful with OPP).
# * :key_count - The total number of keys to return from the query. (see note regarding deleted records)
# * :batch_size - The maximum number of keys to return per query. If specified will loop until :key_count is obtained or all records have been returned.
# * :columns - A list of columns to return.
# * :count - The number of columns requested to be returned.
# * :start - The starting value for selecting a range of columns.
# * :finish - The final value for selecting a range of columns.
# * :reversed - If set to true the results will be returned in reverse order.
# * :consistency - Uses the default read consistency if none specified.
def get_range(column_family, options = {}, &blk)
if block_given? || options[:key_count] || options[:batch_size]
get_range_batch(column_family, options, &blk)
get_range_single(column_family, options, &blk)
# Return an Cassandra::OrderedHash containing the columns specified for the given
# range of keys in the column_family you request.
# See Cassandra#get_range for more details.
def get_range_single(column_family, options = {})
return_empty_rows = options.delete(:return_empty_rows) || false
column_family, _, _, options =
extract_and_validate_params(column_family, "", [options],
READ_DEFAULTS.merge(:start_key => '',
:finish_key => '',
:key_count => 100,
:columns => nil,
:reversed => false
results = _get_range( column_family,
options[:reversed] )
multi_key_slices_to_hash(column_family, results, return_empty_rows)
# Return an Cassandra::OrderedHash containing the columns specified for the given
# range of keys in the column_family you request.
# If a block is passed in we will yield the row key and columns for
# each record returned and return a nil value instead of a Cassandra::OrderedHash.
# See Cassandra#get_range for more details.
def get_range_batch(column_family, options = {})
batch_size = options.delete(:batch_size) || 100
count = options.delete(:key_count)
result = (!block_given? && {}) || nil
num_results = 0
options[:start_key] ||= ''
last_key = nil
while count.nil? || count > num_results
res = get_range_single(column_family, options.merge!(:start_key => last_key || options[:start_key],
:key_count => batch_size,
:return_empty_rows => true
break if res.keys.last == last_key
res.each do |key, columns|
next if last_key == key
next if num_results == count
unless columns == {}
if block_given?
yield key, columns
result[key] = columns
num_results += 1
last_key = key
# Count all rows in the column_family you request.
# This method just calls Cassandra#get_range_keys and returns the
# number of records returned.
# See Cassandra#get_range for options.
def count_range(column_family, options = {})
get_range_keys(column_family, options).length
# Return an Array containing all of the keys within a given range.
# This method just calls Cassandra#get_range and returns the
# row keys for the records returned.
# See Cassandra#get_range for options.
def get_range_keys(column_family, options = {})
get_range(column_family,options.merge!(:count => 1)).keys
# Iterate through each key within the given parameters. This function can be
# used to iterate over each key in the given column family.
# This method just calls Cassandra#get_range and yields each row key.
# See Cassandra#get_range for options.
def each_key(column_family, options = {})
get_range_batch(column_family, options) do |key, columns|
yield key
# Iterate through each row in the given column family
# This method just calls Cassandra#get_range and yields the key and
# columns.
# See Cassandra#get_range for options.
def each(column_family, options = {})
get_range_batch(column_family, options) do |key, columns|
yield key, columns
# Open a batch operation and yield self. Inserts and deletes will be queued
# until the block closes or the queue is full(if option :queue_size is set),
# and then sent atomically to the server.
# Supports the :consistency option, which overrides the consistency set in
# the individual commands.
def batch(options = {})
@batch = Cassandra::Batch.new(self, options)
_, _, _, options =
extract_and_validate_params(schema.cf_defs.first.name, "", [options], WRITE_DEFAULTS)
@batch = nil
# Send the batch queue to the server
def flush_batch(options={})
compacted_map,seen_clevels = compact_mutations!
clevel = if options[:consistency] != nil # Override any clevel from individual mutations if
elsif seen_clevels.length > 1 # Cannot choose which CLevel to use if there are several ones
raise "Multiple consistency levels used in the batch, and no override...cannot pick one"
else # if no consistency override has been provided but all the clevels in the batch are the same: use that one
# Create secondary index.
# * keyspace
# * column_family
# * column_name
# * validation_class
def create_index(keyspace, column_family, column_name, validation_class)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
cf_def = client.describe_keyspace(keyspace).cf_defs.find{|x| x.name == column_family}
if !cf_def.nil? and !cf_def.column_metadata.find{|x| x.name == column_name}
c_def = CassandraThrift::ColumnDef.new do |cd|
cd.name = column_name
cd.validation_class = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal."+validation_class
cd.index_type = CassandraThrift::IndexType::KEYS
# Delete secondary index.
# * keyspace
# * column_family
# * column_name
def drop_index(keyspace, column_family, column_name)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
cf_def = client.describe_keyspace(keyspace).cf_defs.find{|x| x.name == column_family}
if !cf_def.nil? and cf_def.column_metadata.find{|x| x.name == column_name}
cf_def.column_metadata.delete_if{|x| x.name == column_name}
# This method is mostly used internally by get_index_slices to create
# a CassandraThrift::IndexExpression for the given options.
# * column_name - Column to be compared
# * value - Value to compare against
# * comparison - Type of comparison to do.
def create_index_expression(column_name, value, comparison)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
:column_name => column_name,
:value => value,
:op => (case comparison
when nil, "EQ", "eq", "=="
when "GTE", "gte", ">="
when "GT", "gt", ">"
when "LTE", "lte", "<="
when "LT", "lt", "<"
end ))
alias :create_idx_expr :create_index_expression
# This method takes an array if CassandraThrift::IndexExpression
# objects and creates a CassandraThrift::IndexClause for use in the
# Cassandra#get_index_slices
# * index_expressions - Array of CassandraThrift::IndexExpressions.
# * start - The starting row key.
# * count - The count of items to be returned
def create_index_clause(index_expressions, start = "", count = 100)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
:start_key => start,
:expressions => index_expressions,
:count => count)
alias :create_idx_clause :create_index_clause
# This method is used to query a secondary index with a set of
# provided search parameters.
# Please note that you can either specify a
# CassandraThrift::IndexClause or an array of hashes with the
# format as below.
# * column_family - The Column Family this operation will be run on.
# * index_clause - This can either be a CassandraThrift::IndexClause or an array of hashes with the following keys:
# * :column_name - Column to be compared
# * :value - Value to compare against
# * :comparison - Type of comparison to do.
# * options
# * :key_count - Set maximum number of rows to return. (Only works if CassandraThrift::IndexClause is not passed in.)
# * :start_key - Set starting row key for search. (Only works if CassandraThrift::IndexClause is not passed in.)
# * :consistency
# TODO: Supercolumn support.
def get_indexed_slices(column_family, index_clause, *columns_and_options)
return false if Cassandra.VERSION.to_f < 0.7
column_family, columns, _, options =
extract_and_validate_params(column_family, [], columns_and_options,
READ_DEFAULTS.merge(:key_count => 100, :start_key => nil, :key_start => nil))
start_key = options[:start_key] || options[:key_start] || ""
if index_clause.class != CassandraThrift::IndexClause
index_expressions = index_clause.collect do |expression|
create_index_expression(expression[:column_name], expression[:value], expression[:comparison])
index_clause = create_index_clause(index_expressions, start_key, options[:key_count])
key_slices = _get_indexed_slices(column_family, index_clause, columns, options[:count], options[:start],
options[:finish], options[:reversed], options[:consistency])
key_slices.inject(OrderedHash.new) {|h, key_slice| h[key_slice.key] = key_slice.columns; h }
def calling_method
# Roll up queued mutations, to improve atomicity (and performance).
def compact_mutations!
used_clevels = {} # hash that lists the consistency levels seen in the batch array. key is the clevel, value is true
by_key = Hash.new{|h,k | h[k] = {}}
# @batch is an array of mutation_ops.
# A mutation op is a 2-item array containing [mutationmap, consistency_number]
# a mutation map is a hash, by key (string) that has a hash by CF name, containing a list of column_mutations)
@batch.each do |mutation_op|
# A single mutation op looks like:
# For an insert/update
#[ { key1 =>
# { CF1 => [several of CassThrift:Mutation(colname,value,TS,ttl)]
# CF2 => [several mutations]
# },
# key2 => {...} # Not sure if they can come batched like this...so there might only be a single key (and CF)
# }, # [0]
# consistency # [1]
mmap = mutation_op[0] # :remove OR a hash like {"key"=> {"CF"=>[mutationclass1,...] } }
used_clevels[mutation_op[1]] = true #save the clevel required for this operation
mmap.keys.each do |k|
mmap[k].keys.each do |cf| # For each CF in that key
by_key[k][cf] ||= []
by_key[k][cf].concat(mmap[k][cf]) # Append the list of mutations for that key and CF
# Returns the batch mutations map, and an array with the consistency levels 'seen' in the batch
[by_key, used_clevels.keys]
# Creates a new client as specified by Cassandra.thrift_client_options[:thrift_client_class]
def new_client
thrift_client_class.new(CassandraThrift::Cassandra::Client, @servers, @thrift_client_options)
def client
if @client.nil? || @client.current_server.nil?
def reconnect!
@servers = all_nodes
@client = new_client
@client.add_callback :post_connect do |cli|
# Set the active keyspace after connecting
# If using an authenticated keyspace, ensure we relogin
cli.login(@auth_request) if @auth_request
def all_nodes
if @auto_discover_nodes && !@keyspace.eql?("system")
temp_client = new_client
ips = (temp_client.describe_ring(@keyspace).map {|range| range.endpoints}).flatten.uniq
port = @servers.first.split(':').last
ips.map{|ip| "#{ip}:#{port}" }