require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Netzke::ActiveRecord::Attributes do it "should return Netzke attributes in natural order" do User.send(:netzke_attrs_in_natural_order).map{ |a| a[:name] }.should =~ %w(id first_name last_name role__name created_at updated_at) end it "should return exposed Netzke attributes" do class UserExt < User netzke_expose_attributes :first_name, :created_at end{ |a| a[:name] }.should =~ %w(id first_name created_at) end it "should return Netzke attributes including an association attribute represented by a virtual method" do{ |a| a[:name] }.should =~ %w(id author__name title exemplars digitized notes tags rating created_at updated_at last_read_at published_on) Book.netzke_attributes.detect{ |a| a[:name] == "author__name" }[:attr_type].should == :string end it "should be possible to access author's id via a book using association attribute" do author = Factory(:author) book = Factory(:book, :author => author) book.value_for_attribute({:name => :author__first_name}).should == end it "should be possible to assign author's name via a book using association attribute" do author = Factory(:author) book = Factory(:book, :author => author) book.set_value_for_attribute({:name => :author__first_name, :nested_attribute => true}, "Carlitos") author.reload if defined? Sequel::Model author.first_name.should == "Carlitos" end it "should be possible to change author for a book using association attribute" do author_carlos = Factory(:author, :first_name => "Carlos") author_herman = Factory(:author, :first_name => "Herman") book = Factory(:book, :author => author_carlos) book.set_value_for_attribute({:name => :author__first_name}, book.author_id.should == end it "should be possible to change address of a user (has_one association) via association attribute without specifying :nested_attribute => true" do address = Factory(:address) user = Factory(:user) user.address = address user.set_value_for_attribute({:name => :address__city}, "Hidden Treasures") == "Hidden Treasures" end it "should consider netzke_attributes, normalize date formats and niftify on #netzke_json" do = 'UTC' author = Factory(:author, :created_at =>, :updated_at => author.netzke_json.should == "{\"id\":#{},\"firstName\":\"Carlos\",\"lastName\":\"Castaneda\",\"createdAt\":\"1970-01-01 00:00:00\",\"updatedAt\":\"1970-01-01 00:00:00\",\"name\":\"Castaneda, Carlos\"}" end end