import { EMPTY_OBJ } from '../constants'; import { Component, getDomSibling } from '../component'; import { Fragment } from '../create-element'; import { diffChildren } from './children'; import { diffProps, setProperty } from './props'; import { assign, removeNode, slice } from '../util'; import options from '../options'; /** * Diff two virtual nodes and apply proper changes to the DOM * @param {import('../internal').PreactElement} parentDom The parent of the DOM element * @param {import('../internal').VNode} newVNode The new virtual node * @param {import('../internal').VNode} oldVNode The old virtual node * @param {object} globalContext The current context object. Modified by getChildContext * @param {boolean} isSvg Whether or not this element is an SVG node * @param {Array} excessDomChildren * @param {Array} commitQueue List of components * which have callbacks to invoke in commitRoot * @param {import('../internal').PreactElement} oldDom The current attached DOM * element any new dom elements should be placed around. Likely `null` on first * render (except when hydrating). Can be a sibling DOM element when diffing * Fragments that have siblings. In most cases, it starts out as `oldChildren[0]._dom`. * @param {boolean} [isHydrating] Whether or not we are in hydration */ export function diff( parentDom, newVNode, oldVNode, globalContext, isSvg, excessDomChildren, commitQueue, oldDom, isHydrating ) { let tmp, newType = newVNode.type; // When passing through createElement it assigns the object // constructor as undefined. This to prevent JSON-injection. if (newVNode.constructor !== undefined) return null; // If the previous diff bailed out, resume creating/hydrating. if (oldVNode._hydrating != null) { isHydrating = oldVNode._hydrating; oldDom = newVNode._dom = oldVNode._dom; // if we resume, we want the tree to be "unlocked" newVNode._hydrating = null; excessDomChildren = [oldDom]; } if ((tmp = options._diff)) tmp(newVNode); try { outer: if (typeof newType == 'function') { let c, isNew, oldProps, oldState, snapshot, clearProcessingException; let newProps = newVNode.props; // Necessary for createContext api. Setting this property will pass // the context value as `this.context` just for this component. tmp = newType.contextType; let provider = tmp && globalContext[tmp._id]; let componentContext = tmp ? provider ? provider.props.value : tmp._defaultValue : globalContext; // Get component and set it to `c` if (oldVNode._component) { c = newVNode._component = oldVNode._component; clearProcessingException = c._processingException = c._pendingError; } else { // Instantiate the new component if ('prototype' in newType && newType.prototype.render) { // @ts-ignore The check above verifies that newType is suppose to be constructed newVNode._component = c = new newType(newProps, componentContext); // eslint-disable-line new-cap } else { // @ts-ignore Trust me, Component implements the interface we want newVNode._component = c = new Component(newProps, componentContext); c.constructor = newType; c.render = doRender; } if (provider) provider.sub(c); c.props = newProps; if (!c.state) c.state = {}; c.context = componentContext; c._globalContext = globalContext; isNew = c._dirty = true; c._renderCallbacks = []; } // Invoke getDerivedStateFromProps if (c._nextState == null) { c._nextState = c.state; } if (newType.getDerivedStateFromProps != null) { if (c._nextState == c.state) { c._nextState = assign({}, c._nextState); } assign( c._nextState, newType.getDerivedStateFromProps(newProps, c._nextState) ); } oldProps = c.props; oldState = c.state; // Invoke pre-render lifecycle methods if (isNew) { if ( newType.getDerivedStateFromProps == null && c.componentWillMount != null ) { c.componentWillMount(); } if (c.componentDidMount != null) { c._renderCallbacks.push(c.componentDidMount); } } else { if ( newType.getDerivedStateFromProps == null && newProps !== oldProps && c.componentWillReceiveProps != null ) { c.componentWillReceiveProps(newProps, componentContext); } if ( (!c._force && c.shouldComponentUpdate != null && c.shouldComponentUpdate( newProps, c._nextState, componentContext ) === false) || newVNode._original === oldVNode._original ) { c.props = newProps; c.state = c._nextState; // More info about this here: if (newVNode._original !== oldVNode._original) c._dirty = false; c._vnode = newVNode; newVNode._dom = oldVNode._dom; newVNode._children = oldVNode._children; newVNode._children.forEach(vnode => { if (vnode) vnode._parent = newVNode; }); if (c._renderCallbacks.length) { commitQueue.push(c); } break outer; } if (c.componentWillUpdate != null) { c.componentWillUpdate(newProps, c._nextState, componentContext); } if (c.componentDidUpdate != null) { c._renderCallbacks.push(() => { c.componentDidUpdate(oldProps, oldState, snapshot); }); } } c.context = componentContext; c.props = newProps; c.state = c._nextState; if ((tmp = options._render)) tmp(newVNode); c._dirty = false; c._vnode = newVNode; c._parentDom = parentDom; tmp = c.render(c.props, c.state, c.context); // Handle setState called in render, see #2553 c.state = c._nextState; if (c.getChildContext != null) { globalContext = assign(assign({}, globalContext), c.getChildContext()); } if (!isNew && c.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate != null) { snapshot = c.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(oldProps, oldState); } let isTopLevelFragment = tmp != null && tmp.type === Fragment && tmp.key == null; let renderResult = isTopLevelFragment ? tmp.props.children : tmp; diffChildren( parentDom, Array.isArray(renderResult) ? renderResult : [renderResult], newVNode, oldVNode, globalContext, isSvg, excessDomChildren, commitQueue, oldDom, isHydrating ); c.base = newVNode._dom; // We successfully rendered this VNode, unset any stored hydration/bailout state: newVNode._hydrating = null; if (c._renderCallbacks.length) { commitQueue.push(c); } if (clearProcessingException) { c._pendingError = c._processingException = null; } c._force = false; } else if ( excessDomChildren == null && newVNode._original === oldVNode._original ) { newVNode._children = oldVNode._children; newVNode._dom = oldVNode._dom; } else { newVNode._dom = diffElementNodes( oldVNode._dom, newVNode, oldVNode, globalContext, isSvg, excessDomChildren, commitQueue, isHydrating ); } if ((tmp = options.diffed)) tmp(newVNode); } catch (e) { newVNode._original = null; // if hydrating or creating initial tree, bailout preserves DOM: if (isHydrating || excessDomChildren != null) { newVNode._dom = oldDom; newVNode._hydrating = !!isHydrating; excessDomChildren[excessDomChildren.indexOf(oldDom)] = null; // ^ could possibly be simplified to: // excessDomChildren.length = 0; } options._catchError(e, newVNode, oldVNode); } } /** * @param {Array} commitQueue List of components * which have callbacks to invoke in commitRoot * @param {import('../internal').VNode} root */ export function commitRoot(commitQueue, root) { if (options._commit) options._commit(root, commitQueue); commitQueue.some(c => { try { // @ts-ignore Reuse the commitQueue variable here so the type changes commitQueue = c._renderCallbacks; c._renderCallbacks = []; commitQueue.some(cb => { // @ts-ignore See above ts-ignore on commitQueue; }); } catch (e) { options._catchError(e, c._vnode); } }); } /** * Diff two virtual nodes representing DOM element * @param {import('../internal').PreactElement} dom The DOM element representing * the virtual nodes being diffed * @param {import('../internal').VNode} newVNode The new virtual node * @param {import('../internal').VNode} oldVNode The old virtual node * @param {object} globalContext The current context object * @param {boolean} isSvg Whether or not this DOM node is an SVG node * @param {*} excessDomChildren * @param {Array} commitQueue List of components * which have callbacks to invoke in commitRoot * @param {boolean} isHydrating Whether or not we are in hydration * @returns {import('../internal').PreactElement} */ function diffElementNodes( dom, newVNode, oldVNode, globalContext, isSvg, excessDomChildren, commitQueue, isHydrating ) { let oldProps = oldVNode.props; let newProps = newVNode.props; let nodeType = newVNode.type; let i = 0; // Tracks entering and exiting SVG namespace when descending through the tree. if (nodeType === 'svg') isSvg = true; if (excessDomChildren != null) { for (; i < excessDomChildren.length; i++) { const child = excessDomChildren[i]; // if newVNode matches an element in excessDomChildren or the `dom` // argument matches an element in excessDomChildren, remove it from // excessDomChildren so it isn't later removed in diffChildren if ( child && 'setAttribute' in child === !!nodeType && (nodeType ? child.localName === nodeType : child.nodeType === 3) ) { dom = child; excessDomChildren[i] = null; break; } } } if (dom == null) { if (nodeType === null) { // @ts-ignore createTextNode returns Text, we expect PreactElement return document.createTextNode(newProps); } if (isSvg) { dom = document.createElementNS( '', // @ts-ignore We know `newVNode.type` is a string nodeType ); } else { dom = document.createElement( // @ts-ignore We know `newVNode.type` is a string nodeType, && newProps ); } // we created a new parent, so none of the previously attached children can be reused: excessDomChildren = null; // we are creating a new node, so we can assume this is a new subtree (in case we are hydrating), this deopts the hydrate isHydrating = false; } if (nodeType === null) { // During hydration, we still have to split merged text from SSR'd HTML. if (oldProps !== newProps && (!isHydrating || !== newProps)) { = newProps; } } else { // If excessDomChildren was not null, repopulate it with the current element's children: excessDomChildren = excessDomChildren &&; oldProps = oldVNode.props || EMPTY_OBJ; let oldHtml = oldProps.dangerouslySetInnerHTML; let newHtml = newProps.dangerouslySetInnerHTML; // During hydration, props are not diffed at all (including dangerouslySetInnerHTML) // @TODO we should warn in debug mode when props don't match here. if (!isHydrating) { // But, if we are in a situation where we are using existing DOM (e.g. replaceNode) // we should read the existing DOM attributes to diff them if (excessDomChildren != null) { oldProps = {}; for (i = 0; i < dom.attributes.length; i++) { oldProps[dom.attributes[i].name] = dom.attributes[i].value; } } if (newHtml || oldHtml) { // Avoid re-applying the same '__html' if it did not changed between re-render if ( !newHtml || ((!oldHtml || newHtml.__html != oldHtml.__html) && newHtml.__html !== dom.innerHTML) ) { dom.innerHTML = (newHtml && newHtml.__html) || ''; } } } diffProps(dom, newProps, oldProps, isSvg, isHydrating); // If the new vnode didn't have dangerouslySetInnerHTML, diff its children if (newHtml) { newVNode._children = []; } else { i = newVNode.props.children; diffChildren( dom, Array.isArray(i) ? i : [i], newVNode, oldVNode, globalContext, isSvg && nodeType !== 'foreignObject', excessDomChildren, commitQueue, excessDomChildren ? excessDomChildren[0] : oldVNode._children && getDomSibling(oldVNode, 0), isHydrating ); // Remove children that are not part of any vnode. if (excessDomChildren != null) { for (i = excessDomChildren.length; i--; ) { if (excessDomChildren[i] != null) removeNode(excessDomChildren[i]); } } } // (as above, don't diff props during hydration) if (!isHydrating) { if ( 'value' in newProps && (i = newProps.value) !== undefined && // #2756 For the -element the initial value is 0, // despite the attribute not being present. When the attribute // is missing the progress bar is treated as indeterminate. // To fix that we'll always update it when it is 0 for progress elements (i !== oldProps.value || i !== dom.value || (nodeType === 'progress' && !i)) ) { setProperty(dom, 'value', i, oldProps.value, false); } if ( 'checked' in newProps && (i = newProps.checked) !== undefined && i !== dom.checked ) { setProperty(dom, 'checked', i, oldProps.checked, false); } } } return dom; } /** * Invoke or update a ref, depending on whether it is a function or object ref. * @param {object|function} ref * @param {any} value * @param {import('../internal').VNode} vnode */ export function applyRef(ref, value, vnode) { try { if (typeof ref == 'function') ref(value); else ref.current = value; } catch (e) { options._catchError(e, vnode); } } /** * Unmount a virtual node from the tree and apply DOM changes * @param {import('../internal').VNode} vnode The virtual node to unmount * @param {import('../internal').VNode} parentVNode The parent of the VNode that * initiated the unmount * @param {boolean} [skipRemove] Flag that indicates that a parent node of the * current element is already detached from the DOM. */ export function unmount(vnode, parentVNode, skipRemove) { let r; if (options.unmount) options.unmount(vnode); if ((r = vnode.ref)) { if (!r.current || r.current === vnode._dom) applyRef(r, null, parentVNode); } if ((r = vnode._component) != null) { if (r.componentWillUnmount) { try { r.componentWillUnmount(); } catch (e) { options._catchError(e, parentVNode); } } r.base = r._parentDom = null; } if ((r = vnode._children)) { for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { if (r[i]) { unmount(r[i], parentVNode, typeof vnode.type != 'function'); } } } if (!skipRemove && vnode._dom != null) removeNode(vnode._dom); // Must be set to `undefined` to properly clean up `_nextDom` // for which `null` is a valid value. See comment in `create-element.js` vnode._dom = vnode._nextDom = undefined; } /** The `.render()` method for a PFC backing instance. */ function doRender(props, state, context) { return this.constructor(props, context); }