require 'fastlane/swift_fastlane_function.rb' module Fastlane class SwiftToolDetail attr_accessor :swift_class attr_accessor :swift_protocol attr_accessor :command_line_tool_name def initialize(command_line_tool_name: nil, swift_class: nil, swift_protocol: nil) self.command_line_tool_name = command_line_tool_name self.swift_class = swift_class self.swift_protocol = swift_protocol end end class SwiftFastlaneAPIGenerator attr_accessor :tools_option_files attr_accessor :actions_not_supported attr_accessor :action_options_to_ignore attr_accessor :target_output_path def initialize(target_output_path: "swift") @target_output_path = File.expand_path(target_output_path) require 'fastlane' require 'fastlane/documentation/actions_list' Fastlane.load_actions # Tools that can be used with file, like Deliverfile, Screengrabfile # this is important because we need to generate the proper api for these by creating a protocol # with default implementation we can use in the Fastlane.swift API if people want to use # file.swift files. self.tools_option_files = { |config_file| config_file.downcase.chomp("file") }.to_set self.actions_not_supported = ["import", "import_from_git"].to_set self.action_options_to_ignore = { "precheck" => [ "negative_apple_sentiment", "placeholder_text", "other_platforms", "future_functionality", "test_words", "curse_words", "custom_text", "copyright_date", "unreachable_urls" ].to_set } end def generate_swift file_content = [] file_content << "import Foundation" tool_details = [] ActionsList.all_actions do |action| next if self.actions_not_supported.include?(action.action_name) swift_function = process_action(action: action) if defined?(swift_function.class_name) tool_details << command_line_tool_name: action.action_name, swift_class: swift_function.class_name, swift_protocol: swift_function.protocol_name ) end unless swift_function next end file_content << swift_function.swift_code end file_content << "" # newline because we're adding an extension file_content << "// These are all the parsing functions needed to transform our data into the expected types" file_content << generate_lanefile_parsing_functions tool_objects = generate_lanefile_tool_objects(classes: file_content << tool_objects file_content += autogen_version_warning_text_array file_content = file_content.join("\n") target_path = File.join(@target_output_path, "Fastlane.swift") File.write(target_path, file_content) UI.success(target_path) generate_default_implementation_opening(tool_details: tool_details) end def write_lanefile(lanefile_implementation_opening: nil, class_name: nil, tool_name: nil) disclaimer = [] disclaimer << "// This class is automatically included in FastlaneRunner during build" disclaimer << "" disclaimer << "// This autogenerated file will be overwritten or replaced during build time, or when you initialize `#{tool_name}`" disclaimer << lanefile_implementation_opening disclaimer << "// If you want to enable `#{tool_name}`, run `fastlane #{tool_name} init`" disclaimer << "// After, this file will be replaced with a custom implementation that contains values you supplied" disclaimer << "// during the `init` process, and you won't see this message" disclaimer << "}" disclaimer << "" disclaimer << "" disclaimer << "" disclaimer << "" disclaimer << "" disclaimer << "// Generated with fastlane #{Fastlane::VERSION}" disclaimer << "" file_content = disclaimer.join("\n") target_path = File.join(@target_output_path, "#{class_name}.swift") File.write(target_path, file_content) UI.success(target_path) end def generate_default_implementation_opening(tool_details: nil) tool_details.each do |tool_detail| lanefile_implementation_opening = "class #{tool_detail.swift_class}: #{tool_detail.swift_protocol} {" write_lanefile( lanefile_implementation_opening: lanefile_implementation_opening, class_name: tool_detail.swift_class, tool_name: tool_detail.command_line_tool_name ) end end def generate_lanefile_parsing_functions parsing_functions = 'func parseArray(fromString: String, function: String = #function) -> [String] { verbose(message: "parsing an Array from data: \(fromString), from function: \(function)") let potentialArray: String if fromString.count < 2 { potentialArray = "[\(fromString)]" } else { potentialArray = fromString } let array: [String] = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: .utf8)!, options: []) as! [String] return array } func parseDictionary(fromString: String, function: String = #function) -> [String : String] { verbose(message: "parsing an Array from data: \(fromString), from function: \(function)") let potentialDictionary: String if fromString.count < 2 { verbose(message: "Dictionary value too small: \(fromString), from function: \(function)") potentialDictionary = "{}" } else { potentialDictionary = fromString } let dictionary: [String : String] = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: .utf8)!, options: []) as! [String : String] return dictionary } func parseBool(fromString: String, function: String = #function) -> Bool { verbose(message: "parsing a Bool from data: \(fromString), from function: \(function)") return NSString(string: fromString).boolValue } func parseInt(fromString: String, function: String = #function) -> Int { verbose(message: "parsing a Bool from data: \(fromString), from function: \(function)") return NSString(string: fromString).integerValue } ' return parsing_functions end def generate_lanefile_tool_objects(classes: nil) objects = do |filename| "let #{filename.downcase}: #{filename} = #{filename}()" end return objects end def autogen_version_warning_text_array warning_text_array = [] warning_text_array << "" warning_text_array << "// Please don't remove the lines below" warning_text_array << "// They are used to detect outdated files" warning_text_array << "// FastlaneRunnerAPIVersion [0.9.1]" warning_text_array << "" return warning_text_array end def generate_tool_protocol(tool_swift_function: nil) protocol_content_array = [] protocol_name = tool_swift_function.protocol_name protocol_content_array << "protocol #{protocol_name}: class {" protocol_content_array += tool_swift_function.swift_vars protocol_content_array << "}" protocol_content_array << "" protocol_content_array << "extension #{protocol_name} {" protocol_content_array += tool_swift_function.swift_default_implementations protocol_content_array << "}" protocol_content_array << "" protocol_content_array += autogen_version_warning_text_array target_path = File.join(@target_output_path, "#{protocol_name}.swift") file_content = protocol_content_array.join("\n") File.write(target_path, file_content) UI.success(target_path) end def ignore_param?(function_name: nil, param_name: nil) option_set = @action_options_to_ignore[function_name.to_s] unless option_set return false end return option_set.include?(param_name.to_s) end def process_action(action: nil) unless action.available_options return nil end options = action.available_options action_name = action.action_name keys = [] key_descriptions = [] key_default_values = [] key_optionality_values = [] key_type_overrides = [] if options.kind_of? Array options.each do |current| next unless current.kind_of? FastlaneCore::ConfigItem if ignore_param?(function_name: action_name, param_name: current.key) next end keys << current.key.to_s key_descriptions << current.description key_default_values << current.default_value key_optionality_values << current.optional key_type_overrides << current.data_type end end action_return_type = action.return_type if self.tools_option_files.include?(action_name.to_s.downcase) tool_swift_function = action_name: action_name, keys: keys, key_descriptions: key_descriptions, key_default_values: key_default_values, key_optionality_values: key_optionality_values, key_type_overrides: key_type_overrides, return_type: action_return_type ) generate_tool_protocol(tool_swift_function: tool_swift_function) return tool_swift_function else return action_name: action_name, keys: keys, key_descriptions: key_descriptions, key_default_values: key_default_values, key_optionality_values: key_optionality_values, key_type_overrides: key_type_overrides, return_type: action_return_type ) end end end end