require_relative '../helper' require 'fluent/plugin_helper/child_process' require 'fluent/plugin/base' require 'timeout' require 'tempfile' class ChildProcessTest < Test::Unit::TestCase TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT = 30 TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING = 0.1 # This may be shorter than ruby's threading timer, but work well # @nalsh says that ruby's cpu assignments for threads are almost 200ms or so. # Loop interval (expected that it work as specified) should be longer than it. TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_LOOP = 0.5 setup do @d = @d.configure(config_element()) @d.start end teardown do if @d @d.stop unless @d.stopped? @d.shutdown unless @d.shutdown? @d.close unless @d.closed? @d.terminate unless @d.terminated? @d.log.reset end end class Dummy < Fluent::Plugin::TestBase helpers :child_process def configure(conf) super @_child_process_kill_timeout = 1 end end test 'can be instantiated' do d1 = assert d1.respond_to?(:_child_process_processes) end test 'can be configured and started' do d1 = assert_nothing_raised do d1.configure(config_element()) end assert d1.plugin_id assert d1.log d1.start end test 'can execute external command asyncronously' do m = m.lock ary = [] Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false @d.child_process_execute(:t0, 'echo', arguments: ['foo', 'bar'], mode: [:read]) do |io| m.lock ran = true # discard ary << 2 m.unlock end ary << 1 m.unlock sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock m.unlock end assert_equal [1,2], ary end test 'can execute external command at just once, which finishes immediately' do m = t1 = ary = [] Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false @d.child_process_execute(:t1, 'echo', arguments: ['foo', 'bar'], mode: [:read]) do |io| m.lock ran = true ary << m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock m.unlock end assert{ - t1 < 4.0 } end test 'can execute external command at just once, which can handle both of read and write' do m = ary = [] Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false cmd = "ruby -e 'while !STDIN.eof? && line = STDIN.readline; puts line.chomp; STDOUT.flush rescue nil; end'" @d.child_process_execute(:t2, cmd, mode: [:write, :read]) do |writeio, readio| m.lock ran = true [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]].each do |i,j| writeio.write "my data#{i}\n" writeio.write "my data#{j}\n" writeio.flush end writeio.close while line = readio.readline ary << line end m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock m.unlock end assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs expected = (1..6).map{|i| "my data#{i}\n" } assert_equal expected, ary end test 'can execute external command at just once, which can handle all of read, write and stderr' do m = ary1 = [] ary2 = [] Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false cmd = "ruby -e 'while !STDIN.eof? && line = STDIN.readline; puts line.chomp; STDOUT.flush rescue nil; STDERR.puts line.chomp; STDERR.flush rescue nil; end'" @d.child_process_execute(:t2a, cmd, mode: [:write, :read, :stderr]) do |writeio, readio, stderrio| m.lock ran = true [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]].each do |i,j| writeio.write "my data#{i}\n" writeio.write "my data#{j}\n" writeio.flush end writeio.close while (line1 = readio.readline) && (line2 = stderrio.readline) ary1 << line1 ary2 << line2 end m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock m.unlock end assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs expected = (1..6).map{|i| "my data#{i}\n" } assert_equal expected, ary1 assert_equal expected, ary2 end test 'can execute external command at just once, which can handle both of write and read (with stderr)' do m = ary = [] Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false cmd = "ruby" args = ['-e', 'while !STDIN.eof? && line = STDIN.readline; puts "[s]" + line.chomp; STDOUT.flush rescue nil; STDERR.puts "[e]" + line.chomp; STDERR.flush rescue nil; end'] @d.child_process_execute(:t2b, cmd, arguments: args, mode: [:write, :read_with_stderr]) do |writeio, readio| m.lock ran = true [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]].each do |i,j| writeio.write "my data#{i}\n" writeio.write "my data#{j}\n" writeio.flush end writeio.close while line = readio.readline ary << line end m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock m.unlock end assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs expected = (1..6).map{|i| ["[s]my data#{i}\n", "[e]my data#{i}\n"] }.flatten assert_equal expected, ary end test 'can execute external command at just once, which runs forever' do m = ary = [] Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false args = ["-e", "while sleep #{TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_LOOP}; puts 1; STDOUT.flush; end"] @d.child_process_execute(:t3, "ruby", arguments: args, mode: [:read]) do |io| m.lock ran = true begin while @d.child_process_running? && line = io.readline ary << line end rescue # ignore ensure m.unlock end end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_LOOP * 10 @d.stop # nothing occurs @d.shutdown assert{ ary.size > 5 } @d.close @d.terminate assert @d._child_process_processes.empty? end end # In windows environment, child_process try KILL at first (because there's no SIGTERM) test 'can execute external command just once, and can terminate it forcedly when shutdown/terminate even if it ignore SIGTERM' do omit "SIGTERM is unavailable on Windows" if m = ary = [] Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false @d.child_process_execute(:t4, "ruby -e 'Signal.trap(:TERM, nil); while sleep #{TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_LOOP}; puts 1; STDOUT.flush rescue nil; end'", mode: [:read]) do |io| m.lock ran = true begin while line = io.readline ary << line end rescue # ignore ensure m.unlock end end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs @d.stop # nothing occurs sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_LOOP * 5 lines1 = ary.size assert{ lines1 > 1 } pid = @d._child_process_processes.keys.first @d.shutdown sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_LOOP * 5 lines2 = ary.size assert{ lines2 > lines1 } @d.close assert_nil((Process.waitpid(pid, Process::WNOHANG) rescue nil)) @d.terminate assert @d._child_process_processes.empty? begin Process.waitpid(pid) rescue Errno::ECHILD end # Process successfully KILLed if test reaches here assert true end end test 'can execute external command many times, which finishes immediately' do ary = [] arguments = ["-e", "3.times{ puts 'okay'; STDOUT.flush rescue nil; sleep #{TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_LOOP} }"] # 0.5 * 3 Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do @d.child_process_execute(:t5, "ruby", arguments: arguments, interval: 5, mode: [:read]) do |io| ary <<"\n").map(&:chomp).join end sleep 13 # 5sec * 2 + 3sec assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs @d.stop assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate assert_equal 2, ary.size end end test 'can execute external command many times, with leading once executed immediately' do ary = [] arguments = ["-e", "3.times{ puts 'okay'; STDOUT.flush rescue nil; sleep #{TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_LOOP} }"] Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do @d.child_process_execute(:t6, "ruby", arguments: arguments, interval: 5, immediate: true, mode: [:read]) do |io| ary <<"\n").map(&:chomp).join end sleep 8 # 5sec * 1 + 3sec # but expected lines are same with test above @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate assert_equal 2, ary.size assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs end end test 'does not execute long running external command in parallel in default' do ary = [] arguments = ["-e", "10.times{ puts 'okay'; STDOUT.flush rescue nil; sleep #{TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_LOOP} }"] # 0.5 * 10 Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs @d.log.out.singleton_class.module_eval do define_method(:write){|message| raise "boo" if message.include?('test: {"test":"test"}') || message.include?('test: {"test"=>"test"}') @logs.push message } end @d.child_process_execute(:t7, "ruby", arguments: arguments, interval: 2, immediate: true, mode: [:read]) do |io| ary <<"\n").map(&:chomp).join end sleep 4 assert_equal 1, @d._child_process_processes.size @d.stop warn_msg = '[warn]: previous child process is still running. skipped. title=:t7 command="ruby" arguments=["-e", "10.times{ puts \'okay\'; STDOUT.flush rescue nil; sleep 0.5 }"] interval=2 parallel=false' + "\n" logs = @d.log.out.logs assert{ logs.first.end_with?(warn_msg) } assert{ logs.all?{|line| line.end_with?(warn_msg) } } @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs end end test 'can execute long running external command in parallel if specified' do ary = [] arguments = ["-e", "10.times{ puts 'okay'; STDOUT.flush rescue nil; sleep #{TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_LOOP} }"] # 0.5 * 10 sec Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do @d.child_process_execute(:t8, "ruby", arguments: arguments, interval: 1, immediate: true, parallel: true, mode: [:read]) do |io| ary <<"\n").map(&:chomp).join end sleep 4 processes = @d._child_process_processes.size assert{ processes >= 3 && processes <= 5 } @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs end end test 'execute external processes only for writing' do m = unreadable = false Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false @d.child_process_execute(:t9, "ruby", arguments: ['-e', 'a=""; while b=STDIN.readline; a+=b; end'], mode: [:write]) do |io| m.lock ran = true begin rescue IOError unreadable = true end 50.times do io.write "hahaha\n" end m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock m.unlock assert unreadable @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs end end test 'execute external processes only for reading' do m = unwritable = false Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false @d.child_process_execute(:t10, "ruby", arguments: ["-e", "while sleep #{TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_LOOP}; puts 1; STDOUT.flush rescue nil; end"], mode: [:read]) do |io| m.lock ran = true begin io.write "foobar" rescue IOError unwritable = true end _data = io.readline m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock m.unlock @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate assert unwritable assert_equal [], @d.log.out.logs end end test 'can control external encodings' do m = encodings = [] Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false @d.child_process_execute(:t11, "ruby -e 'sleep 10'", external_encoding: 'ascii-8bit') do |r, w| m.lock ran = true encodings << r.external_encoding encodings << w.external_encoding m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock assert_equal Encoding::ASCII_8BIT, encodings[0] assert_equal Encoding::ASCII_8BIT, encodings[1] @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate end end test 'can control internal encodings' do m = encodings = [] Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false @d.child_process_execute(:t12, "ruby -e 'sleep 10'", external_encoding: 'utf-8', internal_encoding: 'ascii-8bit') do |r, w| m.lock ran = true encodings << r.internal_encoding encodings << w.internal_encoding m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock assert_equal Encoding::ASCII_8BIT, encodings[0] assert_equal Encoding::ASCII_8BIT, encodings[1] @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate end end test 'can convert encodings from ascii-8bit to utf-8' do m = str = nil Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false args = ['-e', 'STDOUT.set_encoding("ascii-8bit"); STDOUT.write "\xA4\xB5\xA4\xC8\xA4\xB7"'] @d.child_process_execute(:t13, "ruby", arguments: args, external_encoding: 'euc-jp', internal_encoding: 'windows-31j', mode: [:read]) do |io| m.lock ran = true str = m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock assert_equal Encoding.find('windows-31j'), str.encoding expected = "さとし".encode('windows-31j') assert_equal expected, str @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate end end test 'can scrub characters without exceptions' do m = str = nil Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false args = ['-e', 'STDOUT.set_encoding("ascii-8bit"); STDOUT.write "\xFF\xFF\x00\xF0\xF0"'] @d.child_process_execute(:t13a, "ruby", arguments: args, mode: [:read]) do |io| m.lock ran = true str = m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock assert_equal Encoding.find('utf-8'), str.encoding expected = "\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD\x00\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD".force_encoding("utf-8") assert_equal expected, str @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate end end test 'can scrub characters without exceptions and replace specified chars' do m = str = nil Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false args = ['-e', 'STDOUT.set_encoding("ascii-8bit"); STDOUT.write "\xFF\xFF\x00\xF0\xF0"'] @d.child_process_execute(:t13b, "ruby", arguments: args, mode: [:read], scrub: true, replace_string: '?') do |io| m.lock ran = true str = m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock assert_equal Encoding.find('utf-8'), str.encoding expected = "??\x00??".force_encoding("utf-8") assert_equal expected, str @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate end end unless test 'can specify subprocess name' do io = IO.popen([["cat", "caaaaaaaaaaat"], '-']) process_naming_enabled = (open("|ps"){|_io| _io.readlines }.select{|line| line.include?("caaaaaaaaaaat") }.size > 0) Process.kill(:TERM, rescue nil io.close rescue nil # Does TravisCI prohibit process renaming? # This test will be passed in such environment pend unless process_naming_enabled m = pids = [] proc_lines = [] Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false @d.child_process_execute(:t14, "ruby", arguments:['-e', 'sleep 10; puts "hello"'], subprocess_name: "sleeeeeeeeeper", mode: [:read]) do |readio| m.lock ran = true pids << @d.child_process_id proc_lines += open("|ps"){|_io| _io.readlines } m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock pid = pids.first # 51358 ttys001 0:00.00 sleeper -e sleep 10 assert{{|line| line =~ /^\s*#{pid}\s/ }.first.strip.split(/\s+/)[3] == "sleeeeeeeeeper" } @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate end end end test 'can set ENV variables' do m = str = nil Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false args = ['-e', 'puts ENV["testing_child_process"]'] @d.child_process_execute(:t15a, "ruby", arguments: args, mode: [:read], env: {'testing_child_process' => 'Yes! True!'}) do |io| m.lock ran = true str = m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock expected = "Yes! True!\n" assert_equal expected, str @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate end end test 'can unset ENV variables of Fluentd process' do m = str = nil Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do current_env_path = ENV['PATH'] ran = false args = ['-e', 'puts ENV["testing_child_process1"].to_s + ENV["testing_child_process2"].to_s'] ENV['testing_child_process1'] = "No! False!" @d.child_process_execute(:t15b, "ruby", arguments: args, mode: [:read], unsetenv: true, env: {'testing_child_process2' => 'Yes! True!', 'PATH' => current_env_path}) do |io| m.lock ran = true str = m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock expected = "Yes! True!\n" assert_equal expected, str @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate end end unless test 'can change working directory' do # check my real /tmp directory (for mac) cmd = %[|ruby -e 'Dir.chdir("/tmp"); puts Dir.pwd'] mytmpdir = open(cmd){|io| } m = str = nil Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do ran = false args = ['-e', 'puts Dir.pwd'] @d.child_process_execute(:t16, "ruby", arguments: args, mode: [:read], chdir: "/tmp") do |io| m.lock ran = true str = m.unlock end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until m.locked? || ran m.lock assert_equal mytmpdir, str @d.stop; @d.shutdown; @d.close; @d.terminate end end end sub_test_case 'on_exit_callback is specified' do setup do @temp = Tempfile.create("child_process_wait_with_on_exit_callback") @temp_path = @temp.path @temp.close end teardown do File.unlink @temp_path if File.exist?(@temp_path) end test 'can return exit status for child process successfully exits using on_exit_callback' do assert File.exist?(@temp_path) block_exits = false callback_called = false exit_status = nil args = ['-e', 'sleep ARGV[0].to_i; puts "yay"; File.unlink ARGV[1]', '1', @temp_path] cb = ->(status){ exit_status = status; callback_called = true } str = nil Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do pid = nil @d.child_process_execute(:st1, "ruby", arguments: args, mode: [:read], on_exit_callback: cb) do |readio| pid = @d.instance_eval{ child_process_id } str = block_exits = true end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING while @d.child_process_exist?(pid) # to get exit status sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until block_exits sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until callback_called end assert callback_called assert exit_status assert_equal 0, exit_status.exitstatus assert !File.exist?(@temp_path) assert_equal "yay", str end test 'can return exit status with signal code for child process killed by signal using on_exit_callback' do omit "SIGQUIT is unsupported on Windows" if assert File.exist?(@temp_path) block_exits = false callback_called = false exit_status = nil args = ['-e', 'sleep ARGV[0].to_i; puts "yay"; File.unlink ARGV[1]', '25', @temp_path] cb = ->(status){ exit_status = status; callback_called = true } str = nil Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do pid = nil @d.child_process_execute(:st1, "ruby", arguments: args, mode: [:read], on_exit_callback: cb) do |readio| pid = @d.instance_eval{ child_process_id } Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) Process.kill(:QUIT, pid) rescue nil # once more to kill certainly str = rescue nil # empty string before EOF block_exits = true end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING while @d.child_process_exist?(pid) # to get exit status sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until block_exits sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until callback_called end assert callback_called assert exit_status assert_equal [nil, 3], [exit_status.exitstatus, exit_status.termsig] # SIGQUIT assert File.exist?(@temp_path) assert_equal "", str end test 'calls on_exit_callback for each process exits for interval call using on_exit_callback' do read_data_list = [] exit_status_list = [] args = ['-e', 'puts "yay"', '1'] cb = ->(status){ exit_status_list << status } Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do @d.child_process_execute(:st1, "ruby", arguments: args, immediate: true, interval: 2, mode: [:read], on_exit_callback: cb) do |readio| read_data_list << end sleep 10 end assert{ read_data_list.size >= 3 } assert{ exit_status_list.size >= 3 } end test 'waits lasting child process until wait_timeout if block is not specified' do assert File.exist?(@temp_path) callback_called = false exit_status = nil args = ['-e', 'sleep ARGV[0].to_i; File.unlink ARGV[1]', '1', @temp_path] cb = ->(status){ exit_status = status; callback_called = true } Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do @d.child_process_execute(:t17, "ruby", arguments: args, on_exit_callback: cb, wait_timeout: 5) sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until callback_called end assert callback_called assert exit_status assert_equal 0, exit_status.exitstatus assert !File.exist?(@temp_path) end test 'waits lasting child process until wait_timeout after block rans if block is specified' do assert File.exist?(@temp_path) callback_called = false exit_status = nil args = ['-e', 'sleep ARGV[0].to_i; File.unlink ARGV[1]', '3', @temp_path] cb = ->(status){ exit_status = status; callback_called = true } Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do @d.child_process_execute(:t17, "ruby", arguments: args, mode: nil, on_exit_callback: cb, wait_timeout: 10) do sleep 1 end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until callback_called end assert callback_called assert exit_status assert_equal 0, exit_status.exitstatus assert !File.exist?(@temp_path) end test 'kills lasting child process after wait_timeout if block is not specified' do assert File.exist?(@temp_path) callback_called = false exit_status = nil args = ['-e', 'sleep ARGV[0].to_i; File.unlink ARGV[1]', '20', @temp_path] cb = ->(status){ exit_status = status; callback_called = true } Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do @d.child_process_execute(:t17, "ruby", arguments: args, on_exit_callback: cb, wait_timeout: 3) sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until callback_called end assert callback_called assert exit_status unless # On Windows, exitstatus is always 0 and termsig is nil assert_nil exit_status.exitstatus assert_equal 9, exit_status.termsig # SIGKILL end assert File.exist?(@temp_path) end test 'kills lasting child process after block ran and wait_timeout expires if block is specified' do assert File.exist?(@temp_path) callback_called = false exit_status = nil args = ['-e', 'sleep ARGV[0].to_i; File.unlink ARGV[1]', '20', @temp_path] cb = ->(status){ exit_status = status; callback_called = true } Timeout.timeout(TEST_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT) do @d.child_process_execute(:t17, "ruby", arguments: args, mode: nil, on_exit_callback: cb, wait_timeout: 3) do sleep 3 end sleep TEST_WAIT_INTERVAL_FOR_BLOCK_RUNNING until callback_called end assert callback_called assert exit_status unless # On Windows, exitstatus is always 0 and termsig is nil assert_nil exit_status.exitstatus assert_equal 9, exit_status.termsig # SIGKILL end assert File.exist?(@temp_path) end end end