@include govuk-exports("govuk/component/hint") { .govuk-hint { @include govuk-font($size: 19); display: block; margin-bottom: govuk-spacing(3); color: $govuk-secondary-text-colour; } // Reduces margin-bottom of hint when used after the default label (no class) // or govuk-label--s for better vertical alignment. // This adjustment will not work when the label is inside the

, however it // is unlikely that the default or govuk-label--s class would be used in this // case. // This adjustment will not work in browsers that do not support :not(). // Users with these browsers will see the default size margin (5px larger). .govuk-label:not(.govuk-label--m):not(.govuk-label--l):not(.govuk-label--xl) + .govuk-hint { margin-bottom: govuk-spacing(2); } // Reduces margin-bottom of hint when used after the default legend (no class) // or govuk-fieldset__legend--s for better vertical alignment. // This adjustment will not work when the legend is outside the

, however // it is unlikely that the default or govuk-fieldset__legend--s class would be // used in this case. // This adjustment will not work in browsers that do not support :not(). // Users with these browsers will see the default size margin (5px larger). .govuk-fieldset__legend:not(.govuk-fieldset__legend--m):not(.govuk-fieldset__legend--l):not(.govuk-fieldset__legend--xl) + .govuk-hint { margin-bottom: govuk-spacing(2); } // Reduces visual spacing of legend when there is a hint .govuk-fieldset__legend + .govuk-hint { margin-top: -(govuk-spacing(1)); } }