require "test_helper" require "time_travel_helper" class HasPaperTrailModelTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase context "A record with defined 'only' and 'ignore' attributes" do setup { @article = Article.create } should "creation should change the number of versions" do assert_equal(1, PaperTrail::Version.count) end context "which updates an ignored column" do should "not change the number of versions" do @article.update_attributes title: "My first title" assert_equal(1, PaperTrail::Version.count) end end context "which updates an ignored column with truly Proc" do should "not change the number of versions" do @article.update_attributes abstract: "ignore abstract" assert_equal(1, PaperTrail::Version.count) end end context "which updates an ignored column with falsy Proc" do should "change the number of versions" do @article.update_attributes abstract: "do not ignore abstract!" assert_equal(2, PaperTrail::Version.count) end end context "which updates an ignored column, ignored with truly Proc and a selected column" do setup do @article.update_attributes( title: "My first title", content: "Some text here.", abstract: "ignore abstract" ) end should "change the number of versions" do assert_equal(2, PaperTrail::Version.count) end should "show the new version in the model's `versions` association" do assert_equal(2, @article.versions.size) end should "have stored only non-ignored attributes" do expected = { "content" => [nil, "Some text here."] } assert_equal expected, @article.versions.last.changeset end end context "which updates an ignored column, ignored with falsy Proc and a selected column" do setup do @article.update_attributes( title: "My first title", content: "Some text here.", abstract: "do not ignore abstract" ) end should "change the number of versions" do assert_equal(2, PaperTrail::Version.count) end should "show the new version in the model's `versions` association" do assert_equal(2, @article.versions.size) end should "have stored only non-ignored attributes" do expected = { "content" => [nil, "Some text here."], "abstract" => [nil, "do not ignore abstract"] } assert_equal expected, @article.versions.last.changeset end end context "which updates a selected column" do setup { @article.update_attributes content: "Some text here." } should "change the number of versions" do assert_equal(2, PaperTrail::Version.count) end should "show the new version in the model's `versions` association" do assert_equal(2, @article.versions.size) end end context "which updates a non-ignored and non-selected column" do should "not change the number of versions" do @article.update_attributes abstract: "Other abstract" assert_equal(1, PaperTrail::Version.count) end end context "which updates a skipped column" do should "not change the number of versions" do @article.update_attributes file_upload: "Your data goes here" assert_equal(1, PaperTrail::Version.count) end end context "which updates a skipped column and a selected column" do setup do @article.update_attributes( file_upload: "Your data goes here", content: "Some text here." ) end should "change the number of versions" do assert_equal(2, PaperTrail::Version.count) end should "show the new version in the model's `versions` association" do assert_equal(2, @article.versions.size) end should "have stored only non-skipped attributes" do assert_equal ({ "content" => [nil, "Some text here."] }), @article.versions.last.changeset end context "and when updated again" do setup do @article.update_attributes( file_upload: "More data goes here", content: "More text here." ) @old_article = @article.versions.last end should "have removed the skipped attributes when saving the previous version" do assert_equal nil, PaperTrail.serializer.load(@old_article.object)["file_upload"] end should "have kept the non-skipped attributes in the previous version" do assert_equal "Some text here.", PaperTrail.serializer.load(@old_article.object)["content"] end end end context "which gets destroyed" do setup { @article.destroy } should "change the number of versions" do assert_equal(2, PaperTrail::Version.count) end should "show the new version in the model's `versions` association" do assert_equal(2, @article.versions.size) end end end context "A record with defined 'ignore' attribute" do setup { @legacy_widget = LegacyWidget.create } context "which updates an ignored column" do setup { @legacy_widget.update_attributes version: 1 } should "not change the number of versions" do assert_equal(1, PaperTrail::Version.count) end end end context 'A record with defined "if" and "unless" attributes' do setup { @translation = headline: "Headline" } context "for non-US translations" do setup { } should "not change the number of versions" do assert_equal(0, PaperTrail::Version.count) end context "after update" do setup { @translation.update_attributes content: "Content" } should "not change the number of versions" do assert_equal(0, PaperTrail::Version.count) end end context "after destroy" do setup { @translation.destroy } should "not change the number of versions" do assert_equal(0, PaperTrail::Version.count) end end end context "for US translations" do setup { @translation.language_code = "US" } context "that are drafts" do setup do @translation.type = "DRAFT" end should "not change the number of versions" do assert_equal(0, PaperTrail::Version.count) end context "after update" do setup { @translation.update_attributes content: "Content" } should "not change the number of versions" do assert_equal(0, PaperTrail::Version.count) end end end context "that are not drafts" do setup { } should "change the number of versions" do assert_equal(1, PaperTrail::Version.count) end context "after update" do setup { @translation.update_attributes content: "Content" } should "change the number of versions" do assert_equal(2, PaperTrail::Version.count) end should "show the new version in the model's `versions` association" do assert_equal(2, @translation.versions.size) end end context "after destroy" do setup { @translation.destroy } should "change the number of versions" do assert_equal(2, PaperTrail::Version.count) end should "show the new version in the model's `versions` association" do assert_equal(2, @translation.versions.size) end end end end end context "A new record" do setup { @widget = } should "not have any previous versions" do assert_equal [], @widget.versions end should "be live" do assert end context "which is then created" do setup { @widget.update_attributes name: "Henry", created_at: - } should "have one previous version" do assert_equal 1, @widget.versions.length end should "be nil in its previous version" do assert_nil @widget.versions.first.object assert_nil @widget.versions.first.reify end should "record the correct event" do assert_match(/create/i, @widget.versions.first.event) end should "be live" do assert end should "use the widget `updated_at` as the version's `created_at`" do assert_equal @widget.updated_at.to_i, @widget.versions.first.created_at.to_i end should "have changes" do # TODO: Postgres does not appear to pass back # ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, so choosing the lowest common denominator # to test. changes = { "name" => [nil, "Henry"], "created_at" => [nil, @widget.created_at.to_time.utc], "updated_at" => [nil, @widget.updated_at.to_time.utc], "id" => [nil,] } assert_kind_of Time, @widget.versions.last.changeset["updated_at"][1] assert_changes_equal changes, @widget.versions.last.changeset end context "and then updated without any changes" do setup { @widget.touch } should "not have a new version" do assert_equal 1, @widget.versions.length end end context "and then updated with changes" do setup { @widget.update_attributes name: "Harry" } should "have two previous versions" do assert_equal 2, @widget.versions.length end should "be available in its previous version" do assert_equal "Harry", assert_not_nil @widget.versions.last.object widget = @widget.versions.last.reify assert_equal "Henry", assert_equal "Harry", end should "have the same ID in its previous version" do assert_equal, end should "record the correct event" do assert_match(/update/i, @widget.versions.last.event) end should "have versions that are not live" do assert { |w| ! } end should "have stored changes" do # Behavior for ActiveRecord 4 is different than ActiveRecord 3; # AR4 includes the `updated_at` column in changes for updates, which # is why we reject it from the right side of this assertion. last_obj_changes = @widget.versions.last.object_changes actual = PaperTrail.serializer.load(last_obj_changes).reject { |k, _v| k.to_sym == :updated_at } assert_equal ({ "name" => %w(Henry Harry) }), actual actual = @widget.versions.last.changeset.reject { |k, _v| k.to_sym == :updated_at } assert_equal ({ "name" => %w(Henry Harry) }), actual end should "return changes with indifferent access" do assert_equal %w(Henry Harry), @widget.versions.last.changeset[:name] assert_equal %w(Henry Harry), @widget.versions.last.changeset["name"] end context "and has one associated object" do setup do @wotsit = @widget.create_wotsit name: "John" end should "not copy the has_one association by default when reifying" do reified_widget = @widget.versions.last.reify # association hasn't been affected by reifying assert_equal @wotsit, reified_widget.wotsit # confirm that the association is correct assert_equal @wotsit, @widget.reload.wotsit end should "copy the has_one association when reifying with :has_one => true" do reified_widget = @widget.versions.last.reify(has_one: true) # wotsit wasn't there at the last version assert_nil reified_widget.wotsit # wotsit should still exist on live object assert_equal @wotsit, @widget.reload.wotsit end end context "and has many associated objects" do setup do @f0 = @widget.fluxors.create name: "f-zero" @f1 = @widget.fluxors.create name: "f-one" @reified_widget = @widget.versions.last.reify end should "copy the has_many associations when reifying" do assert_equal @widget.fluxors.length, @reified_widget.fluxors.length assert_same_elements @widget.fluxors, @reified_widget.fluxors assert_equal @widget.versions.length, @reified_widget.versions.length assert_same_elements @widget.versions, @reified_widget.versions end end context "and has many associated polymorphic objects" do setup do @f0 = @widget.whatchamajiggers.create name: "f-zero" @f1 = @widget.whatchamajiggers.create name: "f-zero" @reified_widget = @widget.versions.last.reify end should "copy the has_many associations when reifying" do assert_equal @widget.whatchamajiggers.length, @reified_widget.whatchamajiggers.length assert_same_elements @widget.whatchamajiggers, @reified_widget.whatchamajiggers assert_equal @widget.versions.length, @reified_widget.versions.length assert_same_elements @widget.versions, @reified_widget.versions end end context "polymorphic objects by themselves" do setup do @widget = name: "f-zero" end should "not fail with a nil pointer on the polymorphic association" do! end end context "and then destroyed" do setup do @fluxor = @widget.fluxors.create name: "flux" @widget.destroy @reified_widget = PaperTrail::Version.last.reify end should "record the correct event" do assert_match(/destroy/i, PaperTrail::Version.last.event) end should "have three previous versions" do assert_equal 3, PaperTrail::Version.with_item_keys("Widget", end should "be available in its previous version" do assert_equal, assert_attributes_equal @widget.attributes, @reified_widget.attributes end should "be re-creatable from its previous version" do assert end should "restore its associations on its previous version" do assert_equal 1, @reified_widget.fluxors.length end should "have nil item for last version" do assert_nil(@widget.versions.last.item) end should "not have changes" do assert_equal({}, @widget.versions.last.changeset) end end end end end # Test the serialisation and deserialisation. # TODO: binary context "A record's papertrail" do setup do @date_time = @time = @date = 2009, 5, 29 @widget = Widget.create( name: "Warble", a_text: "The quick brown fox", an_integer: 42, a_float: 153.01, a_decimal: 2.71828, a_datetime: @date_time, a_time: @time, a_date: @date, a_boolean: true ) @widget.update_attributes( name: nil, a_text: nil, an_integer: nil, a_float: nil, a_decimal: nil, a_datetime: nil, a_time: nil, a_date: nil, a_boolean: false ) @previous = @widget.versions.last.reify end should "handle strings" do assert_equal "Warble", end should "handle text" do assert_equal "The quick brown fox", @previous.a_text end should "handle integers" do assert_equal 42, @previous.an_integer end should "handle floats" do assert_in_delta 153.01, @previous.a_float, 0.001 end should "handle decimals" do assert_in_delta 2.7183, @previous.a_decimal, 0.0001 end should "handle datetimes" do assert_equal @date_time.to_time.utc.to_i, @previous.a_datetime.to_time.utc.to_i end should "handle times" do assert_equal @time.utc.to_i, @previous.a_time.utc.to_i end should "handle dates" do assert_equal @date, @previous.a_date end should "handle booleans" do assert @previous.a_boolean end context "after a column is removed from the record's schema" do setup do change_schema Widget.connection.schema_cache.clear! Widget.reset_column_information assert_raise(NoMethodError) { } @last = @widget.versions.last end teardown do restore_schema end should "reify previous version" do assert_kind_of Widget, @last.reify end should "restore all forward-compatible attributes" do assert_equal "Warble", assert_equal "The quick brown fox", @last.reify.a_text assert_equal 42, @last.reify.an_integer assert_in_delta 153.01, @last.reify.a_float, 0.001 assert_in_delta 2.7183, @last.reify.a_decimal, 0.0001 assert_equal @date_time.to_time.utc.to_i, @last.reify.a_datetime.to_time.utc.to_i assert_equal @time.utc.to_i, @last.reify.a_time.utc.to_i assert_equal @date, @last.reify.a_date assert @last.reify.a_boolean end end end context "A record" do setup { @widget = Widget.create name: "Zaphod" } context "with PaperTrail globally disabled" do setup do PaperTrail.enabled = false @count = @widget.versions.length end teardown { PaperTrail.enabled = true } context "when updated" do setup { @widget.update_attributes name: "Beeblebrox" } should "not add to its trail" do assert_equal @count, @widget.versions.length end end end context "with its paper trail turned off" do setup do Widget.paper_trail.disable @count = @widget.versions.length end teardown { Widget.paper_trail.enable } context "when updated" do setup { @widget.update_attributes name: "Beeblebrox" } should "not add to its trail" do assert_equal @count, @widget.versions.length end end context 'when destroyed "without versioning"' do should "leave paper trail off after call" do @widget.paper_trail.without_versioning :destroy assert_equal false, Widget.paper_trail.enabled? end end context "and then its paper trail turned on" do setup { Widget.paper_trail.enable } context "when updated" do setup { @widget.update_attributes name: "Ford" } should "add to its trail" do assert_equal @count + 1, @widget.versions.length end end context 'when updated "without versioning"' do setup do @widget.paper_trail.without_versioning do @widget.update_attributes name: "Ford" end # The model instance should yield itself for convenience purposes @widget.paper_trail.without_versioning { |w| w.update_attributes name: "Nixon" } end should "not create new version" do assert_equal @count, @widget.versions.length end should "enable paper trail after call" do assert Widget.paper_trail.enabled? end end context "when receiving a method name as an argument" do setup { @widget.paper_trail.without_versioning(:touch_with_version) } should "not create new version" do assert_equal @count, @widget.versions.length end should "enable paper trail after call" do assert Widget.paper_trail.enabled? end end end end end context "A papertrail with somebody making changes" do setup do @widget = name: "Fidget" end context "when a record is created" do setup do PaperTrail.whodunnit = "Alice" @version = @widget.versions.last # only 1 version end should "track who made the change" do assert_equal "Alice", @version.whodunnit assert_nil @version.paper_trail_originator assert_equal "Alice", @version.terminator assert_equal "Alice", @widget.paper_trail.originator end context "when a record is updated" do setup do PaperTrail.whodunnit = "Bob" @widget.update_attributes name: "Rivet" @version = @widget.versions.last end should "track who made the change" do assert_equal "Bob", @version.whodunnit assert_equal "Alice", @version.paper_trail_originator assert_equal "Bob", @version.terminator assert_equal "Bob", @widget.paper_trail.originator end context "when a record is destroyed" do setup do PaperTrail.whodunnit = "Charlie" @widget.destroy @version = PaperTrail::Version.last end should "track who made the change" do assert_equal "Charlie", @version.whodunnit assert_equal "Bob", @version.paper_trail_originator assert_equal "Charlie", @version.terminator assert_equal "Charlie", @widget.paper_trail.originator end end end end end context "Timestamps" do setup do @wotsit = Wotsit.create! name: "wotsit" end should "record timestamps" do @wotsit.update_attributes! name: "changed" assert_not_nil @wotsit.versions.last.reify.created_at assert_not_nil @wotsit.versions.last.reify.updated_at end # Tests that it doesn't try to write created_on as an attribute just because # a created_on method exists. # # - Deprecation warning in Rails 3.2 # - ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError in Rails 4 # # In rails 5, `capture` is deprecated in favor of `capture_io`. # should "not generate warning" do assert_update_raises_nothing = lambda { assert_nothing_raised { @wotsit.update_attributes! name: "changed" } } warnings = if respond_to?(:capture_io) capture_io { }.last else capture(:stderr) { } end assert_equal "", warnings end end context "A subclass" do setup do @foo = FooWidget.create @foo.update_attributes! name: "Foo" end should "reify with the correct type" do # For some reason this test appears to be broken on AR4 in the test env. # Executing it manually in the Rails console seems to work.. not sure what # the issues is here. assert_kind_of FooWidget, @foo.versions.last.reify if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 assert_equal @foo.versions.first, PaperTrail::Version.last.previous assert_nil end should "should return the correct originator" do PaperTrail.whodunnit = "Ben" @foo.update_attribute(:name, "Geoffrey") assert_equal PaperTrail.whodunnit, @foo.paper_trail.originator end context "when destroyed" do setup { @foo.destroy } should "reify with the correct type" do assert_kind_of FooWidget, @foo.versions.last.reify assert_equal @foo.versions[1], PaperTrail::Version.last.previous assert_nil end end end context "An item with versions" do setup do @widget = Widget.create name: "Widget" @widget.update_attributes name: "Fidget" @widget.update_attributes name: "Digit" end context "which were created over time" do setup do @created = 2.days.ago @first_update = @second_update = 1.hour.ago @widget.versions[0].update_attributes created_at: @created @widget.versions[1].update_attributes created_at: @first_update @widget.versions[2].update_attributes created_at: @second_update @widget.update_attribute :updated_at, @second_update end should "return nil for version_at before it was created" do assert_nil @widget.paper_trail.version_at(@created - 1) end should "return how it looked when created for version_at its creation" do assert_equal "Widget", @widget.paper_trail.version_at(@created).name end should "return how it looked before its first update" do assert_equal "Widget", @widget.paper_trail.version_at(@first_update - 1).name end should "return how it looked after its first update" do assert_equal "Fidget", @widget.paper_trail.version_at(@first_update).name end should "return how it looked before its second update" do assert_equal "Fidget", @widget.paper_trail.version_at(@second_update - 1).name end should "return how it looked after its second update" do assert_equal "Digit", @widget.paper_trail.version_at(@second_update).name end should "return the current object for version_at after latest update" do assert_equal "Digit", @widget.paper_trail.version_at( end context "passing in a string representation of a timestamp" do should "still return a widget when appropriate" do # need to add 1 second onto the timestamps before casting to a string, # since casting a Time to a string drops the microseconds assert_equal "Widget", @widget.paper_trail.version_at((@created + 1.second).to_s).name assert_equal "Fidget", @widget.paper_trail.version_at((@first_update + 1.second).to_s).name assert_equal "Digit", @widget.paper_trail.version_at((@second_update + 1.second).to_s).name end end end context ".versions_between" do setup do @created = 30.days.ago @first_update = 15.days.ago @second_update = @widget.versions[0].update_attributes created_at: @created @widget.versions[1].update_attributes created_at: @first_update @widget.versions[2].update_attributes created_at: @second_update @widget.update_attribute :updated_at, @second_update end should "return versions in the time period" do assert_equal ["Fidget"], @widget.paper_trail.versions_between(20.days.ago, 10.days.ago).map(&:name) assert_equal %w(Widget Fidget), @widget.paper_trail.versions_between(45.days.ago, 10.days.ago).map(&:name) assert_equal %w(Fidget Digit Digit), @widget.paper_trail.versions_between(16.days.ago, 1.minute.ago).map(&:name) assert_equal [], @widget.paper_trail.versions_between(60.days.ago, 45.days.ago).map(&:name) end end context "on the first version" do setup { @version = @widget.versions.first } should "have a nil previous version" do assert_nil @version.previous end should "return the next version" do assert_equal @widget.versions[1], end should "return the correct index" do assert_equal 0, @version.index end end context "on the last version" do setup { @version = @widget.versions.last } should "return the previous version" do assert_equal @widget.versions[@widget.versions.length - 2], @version.previous end should "have a nil next version" do assert_nil end should "return the correct index" do assert_equal @widget.versions.length - 1, @version.index end end end context "An item" do setup do @initial_title = "Foobar" @article = title: @initial_title end context "which is created" do setup { } should "store fixed meta data" do assert_equal 42, @article.versions.last.answer end should "store dynamic meta data which is independent of the item" do assert_equal "31 + 11 = 42", @article.versions.last.question end should "store dynamic meta data which depends on the item" do assert_equal, @article.versions.last.article_id end should "store dynamic meta data based on a method of the item" do assert_equal @article.action_data_provider_method, @article.versions.last.action end should "store dynamic meta data based on an attribute of the item at creation" do assert_equal @initial_title, @article.versions.last.title end context "and updated" do setup do @article.update_attributes! content: "Better text.", title: "Rhubarb" end should "store fixed meta data" do assert_equal 42, @article.versions.last.answer end should "store dynamic meta data which is independent of the item" do assert_equal "31 + 11 = 42", @article.versions.last.question end should "store dynamic meta data which depends on the item" do assert_equal, @article.versions.last.article_id end should "store dynamic meta data based on an attribute of the item prior to the update" do assert_equal @initial_title, @article.versions.last.title end end context "and destroyed" do setup { @article.destroy } should "store fixed metadata" do assert_equal 42, @article.versions.last.answer end should "store dynamic metadata which is independent of the item" do assert_equal "31 + 11 = 42", @article.versions.last.question end should "store dynamic metadata which depends on the item" do assert_equal, @article.versions.last.article_id end should "store dynamic metadata based on attribute of item prior to destruction" do assert_equal @initial_title, @article.versions.last.title end end end end context "A reified item" do setup do widget = Widget.create name: "Bob" %w( Tom Dick Jane ).each { |name| widget.update_attributes name: name } @version = widget.versions.last @widget = @version.reify end should "know which version it came from" do assert_equal @version, @widget.version end should "return its previous self" do assert_equal @widget.versions[-2].reify, @widget.paper_trail.previous_version end end context "A non-reified item" do setup { @widget = } should "not have a previous version" do assert_nil @widget.paper_trail.previous_version end should "not have a next version" do assert_nil @widget.paper_trail.next_version end context "with versions" do setup do %w( Tom Dick Jane ).each { |name| @widget.update_attributes name: name } end should "have a previous version" do assert_equal, end should "not have a next version" do assert_nil @widget.paper_trail.next_version end end end context "A reified item" do setup do @widget = Widget.create name: "Bob" %w(Tom Dick Jane).each { |name| @widget.update_attributes name: name } @second_widget = @widget.versions[1].reify # first widget is `nil` @last_widget = @widget.versions.last.reify end should "have a previous version" do # `create` events return `nil` for `reify` assert_nil @second_widget.paper_trail.previous_version assert_equal @widget.versions[-2], end should "have a next version" do assert_equal @widget.versions[2], assert_equal, end end context ":has_many :through" do setup do @book = Book.create title: "War and Peace" @dostoyevsky = Person.create name: "Dostoyevsky" @solzhenitsyn = Person.create name: "Solzhenitsyn" end should "store version on source <<" do count = PaperTrail::Version.count @book.authors << @dostoyevsky assert_equal 1, PaperTrail::Version.count - count assert_equal PaperTrail::Version.last, @book.authorships.first.versions.first end should "store version on source create" do count = PaperTrail::Version.count @book.authors.create name: "Tolstoy" assert_equal 2, PaperTrail::Version.count - count actual = [ PaperTrail::Version.order(:id).to_a[-2].item, PaperTrail::Version.last.item ] assert_same_elements [Person.last, Authorship.last], actual end should "store version on join destroy" do @book.authors << @dostoyevsky count = PaperTrail::Version.count @book.authorships.reload.last.destroy assert_equal 1, PaperTrail::Version.count - count assert_equal @book, assert_equal @dostoyevsky, end should "store version on join clear" do @book.authors << @dostoyevsky count = PaperTrail::Version.count @book.authorships.reload.destroy_all assert_equal 1, PaperTrail::Version.count - count assert_equal @book, assert_equal @dostoyevsky, end end context "When an attribute has a custom serializer" do setup do @person = "Samoa") end should "be an instance of ActiveSupport::TimeZone" do assert_equal ActiveSupport::TimeZone, @person.time_zone.class end context "when the model is saved" do setup do @changes_before_save = @person.changes.dup! end # Test for serialization: should "version.object_changes should store long serialization of TimeZone object" do len = @person.versions.last.object_changes.length assert len < 105, "object_changes length was #{len}" end # It should store the serialized value. should "version.object_changes attribute should have stored the value from serializer" do as_stored_in_version = HashWithIndifferentAccess[ YAML.load(@person.versions.last.object_changes) ] assert_equal [nil, "Samoa"], as_stored_in_version[:time_zone] serialized_value = Person::TimeZoneSerializer.dump(@person.time_zone) assert_equal serialized_value, as_stored_in_version[:time_zone].last end # Tests for unserialization: should "version.changeset should convert attribute to original, unserialized value" do unserialized_value = Person::TimeZoneSerializer.load(@person.time_zone) assert_equal unserialized_value, @person.versions.last.changeset[:time_zone].last end should "record.changes (before save) returns the original, unserialized values" do assert_equal [NilClass, ActiveSupport::TimeZone], @changes_before_save[:time_zone].map(&:class) end should "version.changeset should be the same as record.changes was before the save" do actual = @person.versions.last.changeset.delete_if { |k, _v| k.to_sym == :id } assert_equal @changes_before_save, actual actual = @person.versions.last.changeset[:time_zone].map(&:class) assert_equal [NilClass, ActiveSupport::TimeZone], actual end context "when that attribute is updated" do setup do @attribute_value_before_change = @person.time_zone @person.assign_attributes(time_zone: "Pacific Time (US & Canada)") @changes_before_save = @person.changes.dup! end # Tests for serialization # ----------------------- # # Before the serialized attributes fix, the object/object_changes value # that was stored was ridiculously long (58723). # # version.object should not have stored the default, ridiculously long # (to_yaml) serialization of the TimeZone object. should "object should not store long serialization of TimeZone object" do len = @person.versions.last.object.length assert len < 105, "object length was #{len}" end # Need an additional clause to detect what version of ActiveRecord is # being used for this test because AR4 injects the `updated_at` column # into the changeset for updates to models. # # version.object_changes should not have stored the default, # ridiculously long (to_yaml) serialization of the TimeZone object should "object_changes should not store long serialization of TimeZone object" do max_len = ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 ? 105 : 118 len = @person.versions.last.object_changes.length assert len < max_len, "object_changes length was #{len}" end # But now it stores the short, serialized value. should "version.object attribute should have stored value from serializer" do as_stored_in_version = HashWithIndifferentAccess[ YAML.load(@person.versions.last.object) ] assert_equal "Samoa", as_stored_in_version[:time_zone] serialized_value = Person::TimeZoneSerializer.dump(@attribute_value_before_change) assert_equal serialized_value, as_stored_in_version[:time_zone] end should "version.object_changes attribute should have stored value from serializer" do as_stored_in_version = HashWithIndifferentAccess[ YAML.load(@person.versions.last.object_changes) ] assert_equal ["Samoa", "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"], as_stored_in_version[:time_zone] serialized_value = Person::TimeZoneSerializer.dump(@person.time_zone) assert_equal serialized_value, as_stored_in_version[:time_zone].last end # Tests for unserialization: should "version.reify should convert attribute to original, unserialized value" do unserialized_value = Person::TimeZoneSerializer.load(@attribute_value_before_change) assert_equal unserialized_value, @person.versions.last.reify.time_zone end should "version.changeset should convert attribute to original, unserialized value" do unserialized_value = Person::TimeZoneSerializer.load(@person.time_zone) assert_equal unserialized_value, @person.versions.last.changeset[:time_zone].last end should "record.changes (before save) returns the original, unserialized values" do assert_equal [ActiveSupport::TimeZone, ActiveSupport::TimeZone], @changes_before_save[:time_zone].map(&:class) end should "version.changeset should be the same as record.changes was before the save" do assert_equal @changes_before_save, @person.versions.last.changeset assert_equal [ActiveSupport::TimeZone, ActiveSupport::TimeZone], @person.versions.last.changeset[:time_zone].map(&:class) end end end end context "A new model instance which uses a custom PaperTrail::Version class" do setup { @post = } context "which is then saved" do setup { } should "change the number of post versions" do assert_equal 1, PostVersion.count end should "not change the number of versions" do assert_equal(0, PaperTrail::Version.count) end end end context "An existing model instance which uses a custom PaperTrail::Version class" do setup { @post = Post.create } should "have one post version" do assert_equal(1, PostVersion.count) end context "on the first version" do setup { @version = @post.versions.first } should "have the correct index" do assert_equal 0, @version.index end end should "have versions of the custom class" do assert_equal "PostVersion", end context "which is modified" do setup do @post.update_attributes(content: "Some new content") end should "change the number of post versions" do assert_equal(2, PostVersion.count) end should "not change the number of versions" do assert_equal(0, PaperTrail::Version.count) end should "not have stored changes when object_changes column doesn't exist" do assert_nil @post.versions.last.changeset end end end context "An overwritten default accessor" do setup do @song = Song.create length: 4 @song.update_attributes length: 5 end should 'return "overwritten" value on live instance' do assert_equal 5, @song.length end should 'return "overwritten" value on reified instance' do assert_equal 4, @song.versions.last.reify.length end context "Has a virtual attribute injected into the ActiveModel::Dirty changes" do setup do = "Good Vibrations" = "Yellow Submarine" end should "return persist the changes on the live instance properly" do assert_equal "Yellow Submarine", end should 'return "overwritten" virtual attribute on the reified instance' do assert_equal "Good Vibrations", end end end context "An unsaved record" do setup do @widget = @widget.destroy end should "not have a version created on destroy" do assert @widget.versions.empty? end end context "A model with a custom association" do setup do @doc = Document.create @doc.update_attributes name: "Doc 1" end should "not respond to versions method" do assert !@doc.respond_to?(:versions) end should "create a new version record" do assert_equal 2, @doc.paper_trail_versions.length end should "respond to `next_version` as normal" do reified = @doc.paper_trail_versions.last.reify assert_equal, end should "respond to `previous_version` as normal" do @doc.update_attributes name: "Doc 2" assert_equal 3, @doc.paper_trail_versions.length assert_equal "Doc 1", end end context "The `on` option" do context "on create" do setup do Fluxor.instance_eval <<-END has_paper_trail :on => [:create] END @fluxor = Fluxor.create @fluxor.update_attributes name: "blah" @fluxor.destroy end should "only have a version for the create event" do assert_equal 1, @fluxor.versions.length assert_equal "create", @fluxor.versions.last.event end end context "on update" do setup do Fluxor.reset_callbacks :create Fluxor.reset_callbacks :update Fluxor.reset_callbacks :destroy Fluxor.instance_eval <<-END has_paper_trail :on => [:update] END @fluxor = Fluxor.create @fluxor.update_attributes name: "blah" @fluxor.destroy end should "only have a version for the update event" do assert_equal 1, @fluxor.versions.length assert_equal "update", @fluxor.versions.last.event end end context "on destroy" do setup do Fluxor.reset_callbacks :create Fluxor.reset_callbacks :update Fluxor.reset_callbacks :destroy Fluxor.instance_eval <<-END has_paper_trail :on => [:destroy] END @fluxor = Fluxor.create @fluxor.update_attributes name: "blah" @fluxor.destroy end should "only have a version for the destroy event" do assert_equal 1, @fluxor.versions.length assert_equal "destroy", @fluxor.versions.last.event end end context "on []" do setup do Fluxor.reset_callbacks :create Fluxor.reset_callbacks :update Fluxor.reset_callbacks :destroy Fluxor.instance_eval <<-END has_paper_trail :on => [] END @fluxor = Fluxor.create @fluxor.update_attributes name: "blah" end teardown do @fluxor.destroy end should "not have any versions" do assert_equal 0, @fluxor.versions.length end should "still respond to touch_with_version" do @fluxor.paper_trail.touch_with_version assert_equal 1, @fluxor.versions.length end end context "allows a symbol to be passed" do setup do Fluxor.reset_callbacks :create Fluxor.reset_callbacks :update Fluxor.reset_callbacks :destroy Fluxor.instance_eval <<-END has_paper_trail :on => :create END @fluxor = Fluxor.create @fluxor.update_attributes name: "blah" @fluxor.destroy end should "only have a version for hte create event" do assert_equal 1, @fluxor.versions.length assert_equal "create", @fluxor.versions.last.event end end end context "A model with column version and custom version_method" do setup do @legacy_widget = LegacyWidget.create(name: "foo", version: 2) end should "set version on create" do assert_equal 2, @legacy_widget.version end should "allow version updates" do @legacy_widget.update_attributes version: 3 assert_equal 3, @legacy_widget.version end should "create a new version record" do assert_equal 1, @legacy_widget.versions.size end end context "A reified item with a column -version- and custom version_method" do setup do widget = LegacyWidget.create(name: "foo", version: 2) %w( bar baz ).each { |name| widget.update_attributes name: name } @version = widget.versions.last @widget = @version.reify end should "know which version it came from" do assert_equal @version, @widget.custom_version end should "return its previous self" do assert_equal @widget.versions[-2].reify, @widget.paper_trail.previous_version end end context "custom events" do context "on create" do setup do Fluxor.reset_callbacks :create Fluxor.reset_callbacks :update Fluxor.reset_callbacks :destroy Fluxor.instance_eval <<-END has_paper_trail :on => [:create] END @fluxor = { |model| model.paper_trail_event = "created" } @fluxor.update_attributes name: "blah" @fluxor.destroy end should "only have a version for the created event" do assert_equal 1, @fluxor.versions.length assert_equal "created", @fluxor.versions.last.event end end context "on update" do setup do Fluxor.reset_callbacks :create Fluxor.reset_callbacks :update Fluxor.reset_callbacks :destroy Fluxor.instance_eval <<-END has_paper_trail :on => [:update] END @fluxor = Fluxor.create.tap { |model| model.paper_trail_event = "name_updated" } @fluxor.update_attributes name: "blah" @fluxor.destroy end should "only have a version for the name_updated event" do assert_equal 1, @fluxor.versions.length assert_equal "name_updated", @fluxor.versions.last.event end end context "on destroy" do setup do Fluxor.reset_callbacks :create Fluxor.reset_callbacks :update Fluxor.reset_callbacks :destroy Fluxor.instance_eval <<-END has_paper_trail :on => [:destroy] END @fluxor = Fluxor.create.tap { |model| model.paper_trail_event = "destroyed" } @fluxor.update_attributes name: "blah" @fluxor.destroy end should "only have a version for the destroy event" do assert_equal 1, @fluxor.versions.length assert_equal "destroyed", @fluxor.versions.last.event end end end context "`PaperTrail::Config.version_limit` set" do setup do PaperTrail.config.version_limit = 2 @widget = Widget.create! name: "Henry" 6.times { @widget.update_attribute(:name, FFaker::Lorem.word) } end teardown { PaperTrail.config.version_limit = nil } should "limit the number of versions to 3 (2 plus the created at event)" do assert_equal "create", @widget.versions.first.event assert_equal 3, @widget.versions.size end end end