define("dojox/mobile/Accordion", [ "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/sniff", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom-construct", "dijit/_Contained", "dijit/_Container", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "./iconUtils", "./lazyLoadUtils", "require" ], function(array, declare, lang, has, dom, domClass, domConstruct, Contained, Container, WidgetBase, iconUtils, lazyLoadUtils, require){ // module: // dojox/mobile/Accordion // inner class var _AccordionTitle = declare([WidgetBase, Contained], { // summary: // A widget for the title of the accordion. // label: String // The title of the accordion. label: "Label", // icon1: String // A path for the unselected (typically dark) icon. If icon is not // specified, the iconBase parameter of the parent widget is used. icon1: "", // icon2: String // A path for the selected (typically highlight) icon. If icon is // not specified, the iconBase parameter of the parent widget or // icon1 is used. icon2: "", // iconPos1: String // The position of an aggregated unselected (typically dark) // icon. IconPos1 is a comma-separated list of values like // top,left,width,height (ex. "0,0,29,29"). If iconPos1 is not // specified, the iconPos parameter of the parent widget is used. iconPos1: "", // iconPos2: String // The position of an aggregated selected (typically highlight) // icon. IconPos2 is a comma-separated list of values like // top,left,width,height (ex. "0,0,29,29"). If iconPos2 is not // specified, the iconPos parameter of the parent widget or // iconPos1 is used. iconPos2: "", // selected: Boolean // If true, the widget is in the selected state. selected: false, // baseClass: String // The name of the CSS class of this widget. baseClass: "mblAccordionTitle", buildRendering: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); var a = this.anchorNode = domConstruct.create("a", { className: "mblAccordionTitleAnchor" }, this.domNode); a.href = "javascript:void(0)"; // for a11y // text box this.textBoxNode = domConstruct.create("div", {className:"mblAccordionTitleTextBox"}, a); this.labelNode = domConstruct.create("span", { className: "mblAccordionTitleLabel", innerHTML: this._cv ? this._cv(this.label) : this.label }, this.textBoxNode); this._isOnLine = this.inheritParams(); }, postCreate: function(){ this._clickHandle = this.connect(this.domNode, "onclick", "_onClick"); dom.setSelectable(this.domNode, false); }, inheritParams: function(){ var parent = this.getParent(); if(parent){ if(this.icon1 && parent.iconBase && parent.iconBase.charAt(parent.iconBase.length - 1) === '/'){ this.icon1 = parent.iconBase + this.icon1; } if(!this.icon1){ this.icon1 = parent.iconBase; } if(!this.iconPos1){ this.iconPos1 = parent.iconPos; } if(this.icon2 && parent.iconBase && parent.iconBase.charAt(parent.iconBase.length - 1) === '/'){ this.icon2 = parent.iconBase + this.icon2; } if(!this.icon2){ this.icon2 = parent.iconBase || this.icon1; } if(!this.iconPos2){ this.iconPos2 = parent.iconPos || this.iconPos1; } } return !!parent; }, _setIcon: function(icon, n){ // tags: // private if(!this.getParent()){ return; } // icon may be invalid because inheritParams is not called yet this._set("icon" + n, icon); if(!this["iconParentNode" + n]){ this["iconParentNode" + n] = domConstruct.create("div", {className:"mblAccordionIconParent mblAccordionIconParent" + n}, this.anchorNode, "first"); } this["iconNode" + n] = iconUtils.setIcon(icon, this["iconPos" + n], this["iconNode" + n], this.alt, this["iconParentNode" + n]); this["icon" + n] = icon; domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "mblAccordionHasIcon", icon && icon !== "none"); }, _setIcon1Attr: function(icon){ // tags: // private this._setIcon(icon, 1); }, _setIcon2Attr: function(icon){ // tags: // private this._setIcon(icon, 2); }, startup: function(){ if(this._started){ return; } if(!this._isOnLine){ this.inheritParams(); } if(!this._isOnLine){ this.set({ // retry applying the attribute icon1: this.icon1, icon2: this.icon2 }); } this.inherited(arguments); }, _onClick: function(e){ // summary: // Internal handler for click events. // tags: // private if(this.onClick(e) === false){ return; } // user's click action var p = this.getParent(); if(!p.fixedHeight && !== "none"){ p.collapse(this.contentWidget, !p.animation); }else{ p.expand(this.contentWidget, !p.animation); } }, onClick: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){ // summary: // User-defined function to handle clicks // tags: // callback }, _setSelectedAttr: function(/*Boolean*/selected){ // tags: // private domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "mblAccordionTitleSelected", selected); this._set("selected", selected); } }); var Accordion = declare("", [WidgetBase, Container, Contained], { // summary: // A layout widget that allows the user to freely navigate between panes. // description: // Accordion has no specific child widget. Any widgets can be its // child. Typically dojox/mobile/Pane, dojox/mobile/Container, // or dojox/mobile/ContentPane are used as child widgets. // iconBase: String // The default icon path for child widgets. iconBase: "", // iconPos: String // The default icon position for child widgets. iconPos: "", // fixedHeight: Boolean // If true, the entire accordion widget has fixed height regardless // of the height of each pane. fixedHeight: false, // singleOpen: Boolean // If true, only one pane is open at a time. The current open pane // is collapsed, when another pane is opened. singleOpen: false, // animation: Boolean // If true, animation is used when a pane is opened or // collapsed. The animation works only on webkit browsers. animation: true, // roundRect: Boolean // If true, the widget shows rounded corners. // Adding the "mblAccordionRoundRect" class to domNode has the same effect. roundRect: false, /* internal properties */ duration: .3, // [seconds] // baseClass: String // The name of the CSS class of this widget. baseClass: "mblAccordion", // _openSpace: [private] Number|String _openSpace: 1, startup: function(){ if(this._started){ return; } if(domClass.contains(this.domNode, "mblAccordionRoundRect")){ this.roundRect = true; }else if(this.roundRect){ domClass.add(this.domNode, "mblAccordionRoundRect"); } if(this.fixedHeight){ this.singleOpen = true; } var children = this.getChildren(); array.forEach(children, this._setupChild, this); var sel; array.forEach(children, function(child){ child.startup(); child._at.startup(); this.collapse(child, true); if(child.selected){ sel = child; } }, this); if(!sel && this.fixedHeight){ sel = children[children.length - 1]; } if(sel){ this.expand(sel, true); }else{ this._updateLast(); } setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){ this.resize(); }), 0); this._started = true; }, _setupChild: function(/*Widget*/ child){ // tags: // private if( != "hidden"){ = this.fixedHeight ? "auto" : "hidden"; } child._at = new _AccordionTitle({ label: child.label, alt: child.alt, icon1: child.icon1, icon2: child.icon2, iconPos1: child.iconPos1, iconPos2: child.iconPos2, contentWidget: child });, child.domNode, "before"); domClass.add(child.domNode, "mblAccordionPane"); }, addChild: function(/*Widget*/ widget, /*int?*/ insertIndex){ this.inherited(arguments); if(this._started){ this._setupChild(widget); widget._at.startup(); if(widget.selected){ this.expand(widget, true); setTimeout(function(){ = ""; }, 0); }else{ this.collapse(widget); } } }, removeChild: function(/*Widget|int*/ widget){ if(typeof widget == "number"){ widget = this.getChildren()[widget]; } if(widget){ widget._at.destroy(); } this.inherited(arguments); }, getChildren: function(){ return array.filter(this.inherited(arguments), function(child){ return !(child instanceof _AccordionTitle); }); }, getSelectedPanes: function(){ return array.filter(this.getChildren(), function(pane){ return != "none"; }); }, resize: function(){ if(this.fixedHeight){ var panes = array.filter(this.getChildren(), function(child){ // active pages return != "none"; }); var openSpace = this.domNode.clientHeight; // height of all panes array.forEach(panes, function(child){ openSpace -= child._at.domNode.offsetHeight; }); this._openSpace = openSpace > 0 ? openSpace : 0; var sel = this.getSelectedPanes()[0]; = ""; = this._openSpace + "px"; } }, _updateLast: function(){ // tags: // private var children = this.getChildren(); array.forEach(children, function(c, i){ // add "mblAccordionTitleLast" to the last, closed accordion title domClass.toggle(c._at.domNode, "mblAccordionTitleLast", i === children.length - 1 && !domClass.contains(c._at.domNode, "mblAccordionTitleSelected")) }, this); }, expand: function(/*Widget*/pane, /*boolean*/noAnimation){ // summary: // Expands the given pane to make it visible. // pane: // A pane widget to expand. // noAnimation: // If true, the pane expands immediately without animation effect. if(pane.lazy){ lazyLoadUtils.instantiateLazyWidgets(pane.containerNode, pane.requires); pane.lazy = false; } var children = this.getChildren(); array.forEach(children, function(c, i){ = noAnimation ? "" : "height "+this.duration+"s linear"; if(c === pane){ = ""; var h; if(this.fixedHeight){ h = this._openSpace; }else{ h = parseInt(c.height || c.domNode.getAttribute("height")); // ScrollableView may have the height property if(!h){ = ""; h = c.domNode.offsetHeight; = "0px"; } } setTimeout(function(){ // necessary for webkitTransition to work = h + "px"; }, 0);; }else if(this.singleOpen){ this.collapse(c, noAnimation); } }, this); this._updateLast(); }, collapse: function(/*Widget*/pane, /*boolean*/noAnimation){ // summary: // Collapses the given pane to close it. // pane: // A pane widget to collapse. // noAnimation: // If true, the pane collapses immediately without animation effect. if( === "none"){ return; } // already collapsed = noAnimation ? "" : "height "+this.duration+"s linear"; = "0px"; if(!has("webkit") || noAnimation){ = "none"; this._updateLast(); }else{ // Adding a webkitTransitionEnd handler to panes may cause conflict // when the panes already have the one. (e.g. ScrollableView) var _this = this; setTimeout(function(){ = "none"; _this._updateLast(); // Need to call parent view's resize() especially when the Accordion is // on a ScrollableView, the ScrollableView is scrolled to // the bottom, and then expand any other pane while in the // non-fixed singleOpen mode. if(!_this.fixedHeight && _this.singleOpen){ for(var v = _this.getParent(); v; v = v.getParent()){ if(domClass.contains(v.domNode, "mblView")){ if(v && v.resize){ v.resize(); } break; } } } }, this.duration*1000); } this.deselect(pane); }, select: function(/*Widget*/pane){ // summary: // Highlights the title bar of the given pane. // pane: // A pane widget to highlight. pane._at.set("selected", true); }, deselect: function(/*Widget*/pane){ // summary: // Unhighlights the title bar of the given pane. // pane: // A pane widget to unhighlight. pane._at.set("selected", false); } }); Accordion.ChildWidgetProperties = { // summary: // These properties can be specified for the children of a dojox/mobile/Accordion. // alt: String // The alternate text of the Accordion title. alt: "", // label: String // The label of the Accordion title. label: "", // icon1: String // The unselected icon of the Accordion title. icon1: "", // icon2: String // The selected icon of the Accordion title. icon2: "", // iconPos1: String // The position ("top,left,width,height") of the unselected aggregated icon of the Accordion title. iconPos1: "", // iconPos2: String // The position ("top,left,width,height") of the selected aggregated icon of the Accordion title. iconPos2: "", // selected: Boolean // The selected state of the Accordion title. selected: false, // lazy: Boolean // Specifies that the Accordion child must be lazily loaded. lazy: false }; // Since any widget can be specified as an Accordion child, mix ChildWidgetProperties // into the base widget class. (This is a hack, but it's effective.) // This is for the benefit of the parser. Remove for 2.0. Also, hide from doc viewer. lang.extend(WidgetBase, /*===== {} || =====*/ Accordion.ChildWidgetProperties); return Accordion; });