#ifndef insns_info__h_ #define insns_info__h_ #include "ruby.h" #ifdef RUBY_VM #include "vm_core.h" #ifdef HAVE_VM_H #include "vm.h" #endif /** -*-c-*- This file contains YARV instructions list. ---- This file is auto generated by insns2vm.rb DO NOT TOUCH! If you want to fix something, you must edit 'template/insns.inc.tmpl' or insns2vm.rb */ /* BIN : Basic Instruction Name */ #define BIN(n) YARVINSN_##n enum ruby_vminsn_type { BIN(nop) = 0, BIN(getlocal) = 1, BIN(setlocal) = 2, BIN(getspecial) = 3, BIN(setspecial) = 4, BIN(getdynamic) = 5, BIN(setdynamic) = 6, BIN(getinstancevariable) = 7, BIN(setinstancevariable) = 8, BIN(getclassvariable) = 9, BIN(setclassvariable) = 10, BIN(getconstant) = 11, BIN(setconstant) = 12, BIN(getglobal) = 13, BIN(setglobal) = 14, BIN(putnil) = 15, BIN(putself) = 16, BIN(putobject) = 17, BIN(putspecialobject) = 18, BIN(putiseq) = 19, BIN(putstring) = 20, BIN(concatstrings) = 21, BIN(tostring) = 22, BIN(toregexp) = 23, BIN(newarray) = 24, BIN(duparray) = 25, BIN(expandarray) = 26, BIN(concatarray) = 27, BIN(splatarray) = 28, BIN(checkincludearray) = 29, BIN(newhash) = 30, BIN(newrange) = 31, BIN(pop) = 32, BIN(dup) = 33, BIN(dupn) = 34, BIN(swap) = 35, BIN(reput) = 36, BIN(topn) = 37, BIN(setn) = 38, BIN(adjuststack) = 39, BIN(defined) = 40, BIN(trace) = 41, BIN(defineclass) = 42, BIN(send) = 43, BIN(invokesuper) = 44, BIN(invokeblock) = 45, BIN(leave) = 46, BIN(finish) = 47, BIN(throw) = 48, BIN(jump) = 49, BIN(branchif) = 50, BIN(branchunless) = 51, BIN(getinlinecache) = 52, BIN(onceinlinecache) = 53, BIN(setinlinecache) = 54, BIN(opt_case_dispatch) = 55, BIN(opt_checkenv) = 56, BIN(opt_plus) = 57, BIN(opt_minus) = 58, BIN(opt_mult) = 59, BIN(opt_div) = 60, BIN(opt_mod) = 61, BIN(opt_eq) = 62, BIN(opt_neq) = 63, BIN(opt_lt) = 64, BIN(opt_le) = 65, BIN(opt_gt) = 66, BIN(opt_ge) = 67, BIN(opt_ltlt) = 68, BIN(opt_aref) = 69, BIN(opt_aset) = 70, BIN(opt_length) = 71, BIN(opt_succ) = 72, BIN(opt_not) = 73, BIN(opt_regexpmatch1) = 74, BIN(opt_regexpmatch2) = 75, BIN(opt_call_c_function) = 76, BIN(bitblt) = 77, BIN(answer) = 78, }; #define VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE 79 /** -*-c-*- This file contains instruction information for yarv instruction sequence. ---- This file is auto generated by insns2vm.rb DO NOT TOUCH! If you want to fix something, you must edit 'template/insns_info.inc.tmpl' or insns2vm.rb */ #define TS_OFFSET 'O' #define TS_NUM 'N' #define TS_LINDEX 'L' #define TS_DINDEX 'D' #define TS_VALUE 'V' #define TS_ID 'I' #define TS_GENTRY 'G' #define TS_IC 'C' #define TS_CDHASH 'H' #define TS_ISEQ 'S' #define TS_VARIABLE '.' #define TS_FUNCPTR 'F' static const char *const insn_name_info[] = { "nop", "getlocal", "setlocal", "getspecial", "setspecial", "getdynamic", "setdynamic", "getinstancevariable", "setinstancevariable", "getclassvariable", "setclassvariable", "getconstant", "setconstant", "getglobal", "setglobal", "putnil", "putself", "putobject", "putspecialobject", "putiseq", "putstring", "concatstrings", "tostring", "toregexp", "newarray", "duparray", "expandarray", "concatarray", "splatarray", "checkincludearray", "newhash", "newrange", "pop", "dup", "dupn", "swap", "reput", "topn", "setn", "adjuststack", "defined", "trace", "defineclass", "send", "invokesuper", "invokeblock", "leave", "finish", "throw", "jump", "branchif", "branchunless", "getinlinecache", "onceinlinecache", "setinlinecache", "opt_case_dispatch", "opt_checkenv", "opt_plus", "opt_minus", "opt_mult", "opt_div", "opt_mod", "opt_eq", "opt_neq", "opt_lt", "opt_le", "opt_gt", "opt_ge", "opt_ltlt", "opt_aref", "opt_aset", "opt_length", "opt_succ", "opt_not", "opt_regexpmatch1", "opt_regexpmatch2", "opt_call_c_function", "bitblt", "answer", }; static const char *const insn_operand_info[] = { "", "L", "L", "VN", "V", "DN", "DN", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "G", "G", "", "", "V", "N", "S", "V", "N", "", "NN", "N", "V", "NN", "", "V", "V", "N", "N", "", "", "N", "", "", "N", "N", "N", "NVV", "N", "ISN", "INSNC", "NSN", "NN", "", "", "N", "O", "O", "O", "CO", "CO", "O", "HO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "C", "CC", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "C", "V", "", "F", "", "", }; static const int insn_len_info[] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 4, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, }; #ifdef USE_INSN_RET_NUM static const int insn_stack_push_num_info[] = { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, }; #endif #ifdef USE_INSN_STACK_INCREASE static int insn_stack_increase(int depth, int insn, VALUE *opes) { switch(insn){ case BIN(nop):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(getlocal):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(setlocal):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(getspecial):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(setspecial):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(getdynamic):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(setdynamic):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(getinstancevariable):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(setinstancevariable):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(getclassvariable):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(setclassvariable):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(getconstant):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(setconstant):{ return depth + -2; } case BIN(getglobal):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(setglobal):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(putnil):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(putself):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(putobject):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(putspecialobject):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(putiseq):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(putstring):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(concatstrings):{ int inc = 0; rb_num_t num = FIX2INT(opes[0]); inc += 1 - num;; return depth + inc; } case BIN(tostring):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(toregexp):{ int inc = 0; rb_num_t cnt = FIX2INT(opes[1]); inc += 1 - cnt;; return depth + inc; } case BIN(newarray):{ int inc = 0; rb_num_t num = FIX2INT(opes[0]); inc += 1 - num;; return depth + inc; } case BIN(duparray):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(expandarray):{ int inc = 0; rb_num_t num = FIX2INT(opes[0]); rb_num_t flag = FIX2INT(opes[1]); inc += num - 1 + (flag & 1 ? 1 : 0);; return depth + inc; } case BIN(concatarray):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(splatarray):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(checkincludearray):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(newhash):{ int inc = 0; rb_num_t num = FIX2INT(opes[0]); inc += 1 - num;; return depth + inc; } case BIN(newrange):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(pop):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(dup):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(dupn):{ int inc = 0; rb_num_t n = FIX2INT(opes[0]); inc += n;; return depth + inc; } case BIN(swap):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(reput):{ int inc = 0; inc += 0;; return depth + inc; } case BIN(topn):{ int inc = 0; inc += 1;; return depth + inc; } case BIN(setn):{ int inc = 0; inc += 0; return depth + inc; } case BIN(adjuststack):{ int inc = 0; rb_num_t n = FIX2INT(opes[0]); inc -= n; return depth + inc; } case BIN(defined):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(trace):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(defineclass):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(send):{ int inc = 0; rb_num_t op_argc = FIX2INT(opes[1]); rb_num_t op_flag = FIX2INT(opes[3]); inc += - (op_argc + ((op_flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG_BIT) ? 1 : 0));; return depth + inc; } case BIN(invokesuper):{ int inc = 0; rb_num_t op_argc = FIX2INT(opes[0]); rb_num_t op_flag = FIX2INT(opes[2]); inc += - (op_argc + ((op_flag & VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG_BIT) ? 1 : 0));; return depth + inc; } case BIN(invokeblock):{ int inc = 0; rb_num_t num = FIX2INT(opes[0]); inc += 1 - num;; return depth + inc; } case BIN(leave):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(finish):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(throw):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(jump):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(branchif):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(branchunless):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(getinlinecache):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(onceinlinecache):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(setinlinecache):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(opt_case_dispatch):{ int inc = 0; inc += -1;; return depth + inc; } case BIN(opt_checkenv):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(opt_plus):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_minus):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_mult):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_div):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_mod):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_eq):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_neq):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_lt):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_le):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_gt):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_ge):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_ltlt):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_aref):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_aset):{ return depth + -2; } case BIN(opt_length):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(opt_succ):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(opt_not):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(opt_regexpmatch1):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(opt_regexpmatch2):{ return depth + -1; } case BIN(opt_call_c_function):{ return depth + 0; } case BIN(bitblt):{ return depth + 1; } case BIN(answer):{ return depth + 1; } default: rb_bug("insn_sp_increase: unreachable"); } return 0; } #endif /* some utilities */ static int insn_len(int insn) { return insn_len_info[insn]; } static const char * insn_name(int insn) { return insn_name_info[insn]; } static const char * insn_op_types(int insn) { return insn_operand_info[insn]; } static int insn_op_type(int insn, int pos) { int len = insn_len(insn) - 1; if(pos < len){ return insn_operand_info[insn][pos]; } else{ return 0; } } #ifdef USE_INSN_RET_NUM static int insn_ret_num(int insn) { return insn_stack_push_num_info[insn]; } #endif void make_compile_option(rb_compile_option_t *option, VALUE opt); void make_compile_option_value(rb_compile_option_t *option); extern VALUE instruction_class[VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE]; void define_instruction_subclasses(VALUE rb_cInstruction); #endif #endif