State.class_eval do data_miner do # state names, FIPS codes, and postal abbreviations import 'the U.S. Census State ANSI Code file', :url => '', :delimiter => '|', :select => proc { |record| record['STATE'].to_i < 60 } do key 'postal_abbreviation', :field_name => 'STUSAB' store 'fips_code', :field_name => 'STATE' store 'name', :field_name => 'STATE_NAME' end # census divisions import 'state census divisions from the U.S. Census', :url => '', :skip => 8, :headers => ['Region', 'Division', 'State FIPS', 'Name'], :select => proc { |row| row['State FIPS'].to_i > 0 } do key 'fips_code', :field_name => 'State FIPS' store 'census_division_number', :field_name => 'Division' end # PADD import 'a list of state Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts', :url => '' do key 'postal_abbreviation', :field_name => 'State' store 'petroleum_administration_for_defense_district_code', :field_name => 'Code' end process 'ensure ZipCode and EgridSubregion are populated' do ZipCode.run_data_miner! EgridSubregion.run_data_miner! end # DEPRECATED - when cut this can also cut electricity_emission_factor from EgridSubrgion process 'derive average electricity emission factor and loss factor from zip code and eGRID data' do safe_find_each do |state| sub_pops = state.zip_codes.known_subregion.sum(:population, :group => :egrid_subregion) ef = sub_pops.inject(0) do |memo, (subregion, population)| memo += subregion.electricity_emission_factor * population memo end / sub_pops.values.sum state.update_attributes!( :electricity_emission_factor => ef, :electricity_emission_factor_units => 'kilograms_co2e_per_kilowatt_hour' ) loss_factor = sub_pops.inject(0) do |memo, (subregion, population)| memo += subregion.egrid_region.loss_factor * population memo end / sub_pops.values.sum state.update_attributes! :electricity_loss_factor => loss_factor end end # TODO import this from US census? would be slightly different: 0.7% for Alaska, 0.2% for New Mexico, etc. process 'derive population from zip code data' do safe_find_each do |state| state.update_attributes! :population => state.zip_codes.sum(:population) end end process "Data mine Country and ElectricityMix because they're like belongs_to associations" do Country.run_data_miner! ElectricityMix.run_data_miner! end end end