require 'rails_helper' describe Dummy::UserAPI, type: :request do let(:user) { User.last || User.make!} let(:company) { Company.last || Company.make! } before :all do User.destroy_all c = Company.make u = User.make u.roles.push c) end context :index do it "should return a list of users" do get '/api/v1/users' response.should be_success json.length.should == 1 json.first['id'].to_i.should == json.first['first_name'].should == user.first_name json.first['last_name'].should == user.last_name json.first['roles_attributes'].size.should == 1 json.first['roles_attributes'].first['ownable_type'].should == 'Company' json.first['roles_attributes'].first['ownable_id'].should == end it "should constrain the index by a time range" do 6.times { User.make! } u = User.last u.update_column(:created_at, get '/api/v1/users', { created_at_start:, created_at_end: 8.hours.ago } response.should be_success json.length.should eq 1 json.first['id'].to_i.should eq json.first['first_name'].should eq u.first_name end it "should accept a comma separated list of ids" do 4.times { User.make! } user_ids = [User.first,User.second,User.third].map(&:id) get '/api/v1/users', { id: user_ids.join(',') } response.should be_success json.length.should eq 3 {|j| j['id'] }.should eq user_ids end it "should not expose users' encrypted_passwords" do get "/api/v1/users" response.should be_success json.first['encrypted_password'].should be_nil end end context :show do it "should return the specified user" do get "/api/v1/users/#{}" response.should be_success json['email'].should == end it "should not expose a user's encrypted_password" do get "/api/v1/users/#{}" response.should be_success json['encrypted_password'].should be_nil end it "should return an error if the user doesn't exist" do get "/api/v1/users/#{}" response.code.should == "404" end end context :create do it "should create a user and send the confirmation email" do post "/api/v1/users", { email: '', password: 'abc12345' } response.should be_success json['email'].should == User.last.confirmed_at.should == nil User.last.confirmation_sent_at.should_not == nil end it "should create a user and skip the confirmation email" do post "/api/v1/users", { email: '', password: 'abc12345', skip_confirmation_email: true } response.should be_success json['email'].should == User.last.confirmed_at.should_not == nil User.last.confirmation_sent_at.should == nil end it "should validate a new user" do post "/api/v1/users", { email: 'a'*257, password: '' } response.code.should == "400" json['error'].should == "Email: is invalid, Password: can't be blank" end let(:params) do { email: '', password: 'abc12345', roles_attributes:[] } end let(:role) do { ownable_id:, ownable_type: 'Company' } end it "should create a company admin" do params[:roles_attributes].push(role) post "/api/v1/users", params response.should be_success User.last.admin?(company).should be_truthy end context "Project default passwords for new users" do let(:job) { Job.make! } let(:project) { Project.make!(jobs: [job], default_password: "super secret") } let(:params) do { email: '', password: '', user_project_jobs_attributes: [ job_id:, project_id: ] } end it "should set an empty password to an assigned project's default password" do post "/api/v1/users", params response.should be_success json['user_project_jobs_attributes'][0]['name'].should == json['user_project_jobs_attributes'][0]['title'].should == job.title end it "should return a validation error if the user's assigned project has no default password" do project.update_attributes(default_password: nil) post "/api/v1/users", params response.status.should == 400 json['error'].should == "Password: can't be blank" end end end context :update do it "should upload a user avatar via the root route" do params = { avatar_attributes: { file:'../fixtures/images/avatar.jpeg', 'image/jpeg', true) } } put "/api/v1/users/#{}", params response.should be_success user.avatar.should == Image.last user.avatar_url.should == Image.last.file.url(:medium) end it "should upload a user avatar via the nested route, to test the restful api's handling of has_one associations" do params = { file:'../fixtures/images/avatar.jpeg', 'image/jpeg', true) } post "/api/v1/users/#{}/avatars", params response.should be_success user.avatar.should == Image.last user.avatar_url.should == Image.last.file.url(:medium) user.avatar_url end it "should require a devise re-confirmation email to update a user's email address" do new_email = '' old_email = put "/api/v1/users/#{}", { email: new_email } response.should be_success user.reload == old_email user.unconfirmed_email.should == new_email json['email'].should == old_email end it "should skip the confirmation and update a user's email address" do new_email = '' put "/api/v1/users/#{}", { email: new_email, skip_confirmation_email: true } response.should be_success json['email'].should == new_email user.reload == new_email end it "should validate the uniqueness of a user role" do put "/api/v1/users/#{}", { roles_attributes: [{ownable_type: 'Company', ownable_id:}] } response.should_not be_success json['error'].should =~ /user has already been assigned that role/ user.admin?(company).should be_truthy end it "should update a user to be company admin" do c = Company.make! put "/api/v1/users/#{}", { roles_attributes: [{ownable_type: 'Company', ownable_id:}] } response.should be_success user.reload user.admin?(c).should be_truthy end it "should destroy a user's company admin role" do user.admin?(company).should be_truthy put "/api/v1/users/#{}", { roles_attributes: [{id:, _destroy: '1'}] } response.should be_success user.reload user.admin?(company).should be_falsey end end end