require 'spec_helper' describe Testrbl do around do |example| run "rm -rf tmp && mkdir tmp" Dir.chdir "tmp" do end run "rm -rf tmp" end def run(cmd, options={}) result = `#{cmd} 2>&1` raise "FAILED #{cmd} --> #{result}" if $?.success? != !options[:fail] result end def testrbl(command, options={}) run "#{File.expand_path("../../bin/testrbl", __FILE__)} #{command}", options end def write(file, content) folder = File.dirname(file) run "mkdir -p #{folder}" unless File.exist?(folder), 'w'){|f| f.write content } end it "has a VERSION" do Testrbl::VERSION.should =~ /^[\.\da-z]+$/ end context "with a simple setup" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' class Xxx < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'ABC' end def test_yyy puts 'BCD' end end RUBY end it "runs by exact line" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:4" result.should include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD" end it "runs by above a line" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:5" result.should include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD" end it "does not run when line is before test" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:3", :fail => true result.should include "no test found before line 3" result.should_not include "ABC" end it "runs whole file without number" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb" result.should include "ABC\n" result.should include "BCD" end it "runs with options" do pending "works in real console..." do result = testrbl "a_test.rb -n '/xxx/'" result.should include "ABC" result.should_not include "BCD" end end end context "test with string" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' class Xxx < Test::Unit::TestCase test "a" do puts 'ABC' end test "b" do puts 'BCD' end test "c d" do puts 'CDE' end test "c" do puts 'DEF' end end RUBY end it "runs test" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:8" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should include "BCD\n" result.should_not include "CDE\n" end it "runs test explicitly" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:16" result.should_not include "CDE\n" result.should include "DEF\n" end end context "shoulda" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' require 'shoulda' class Xxx < Test::Unit::TestCase should "a" do puts 'ABC' end should "b" do puts 'BCD' end context "c" do should "d" do puts 'CDE' end should "e" do puts 'DEF' end should "..'?! [(" do puts 'EFG' end end context "g a" do should "a" do puts "FGH" end end should "g" do puts "GHI" end end RUBY end it "runs should" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:9" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should include "BCD\n" result.should_not include "CDE\n" end it "runs stuff with regex special chars" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:22" result.should_not include "DEF\n" result.should include "EFG\n" end it "runs context" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:13" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD\n" result.should include "CDE\n" result.should include "DEF\n" end it "runs via nested context" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:28" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "EFG\n" result.should include "FGH\n" end it "runs should explicitly" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:33" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should include "GHI\n" result.should_not include "FGH\n" end end context "minitest test" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'minitest/autorun' class Xxx < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'ABC' end def test_yyy puts 'BCD' end end RUBY end it "runs" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:4" result.should include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD" end end context "minitest spec" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'minitest/autorun' describe "a" do it "b" do puts "ABC" end it "c" do puts "BCD" end end RUBY end it "runs" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:4" result.should include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD" end end context "multiple files / folders" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' class Xxx1 < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'ABC' end end RUBY write "a/a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' class Xxx2 < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'BCD' end end RUBY write "a/b/c_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' class Xxx3 < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'CDE' end end RUBY write "a/c/c_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' class Xxx4 < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'DEF' end end RUBY end it "runs a folder with subfolders" do result = testrbl "a" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should include "BCD\n" result.should include "CDE\n" end it "runs files and folders" do result = testrbl "a/b a/c/c_test.rb" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD\n" result.should include "CDE\n" result.should include "DEF\n" end it "runs multiple files" do result = testrbl "a/b/c_test.rb a/c/c_test.rb" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD\n" result.should include "CDE\n" result.should include "DEF\n" end end describe ".pattern_from_line" do def call(line) Testrbl.pattern_from_line(line) end it "finds simple tests" do call(" def test_xxx\n").should == [" ", "xxx"] end it "does not find other methods" do call(" def xxx\n").should == nil end it "finds calls with single quotes" do call(" test 'xx xx' do\n").should == [" ", "^test: xx xx$"] end it "finds test do calls" do call(" test \"xx xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "^test: xx xx$"] end it "finds should do calls" do call(" should \"xx xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "should xx xx. $"] end it "finds context do calls" do call(" context \"xx xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "xx xx"] end it "finds context do calls with classes" do call(" context Foobar do\n").should == [" ", "Foobar"] end it "finds minitest it do calls" do call(" it \"xx xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "\\d+_xx_xx$"] end it "finds complex minitest it do calls" do call(" it \"xx ._-.. ___ xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "\\d+_xx_______xx$"] end it "does not find minitest describe do calls since we cannot run them" do call(" describe Foobar do\n").should == nil end it "escapes regex chars" do call(" context \"xx .* xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "xx \\.\\* xx"] end it "escapes single quotes which we use to build the pattern" do call(" context \"xx ' xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "xx . xx"] end end end