module Minke module Docker class DockerRunner def initialize logger, network = nil, project = nil @network = network ||= 'bridge' @logger = logger @project = project end ## # returns the ip address that docker is running on def get_docker_ip_address # first try to get the ip from docker-ip env if !ENV['DOCKER_IP'].to_s.empty? return ENV['DOCKER_IP'] end if !ENV['DOCKER_HOST'].to_s.empty? # dockerhost set host = ENV['DOCKER_HOST'].dup host.gsub!(/tcp:\/\//, '') host.gsub!(/:\d+/,'') return host else return '' end end ## # find_image finds a docker image in the local registry # Returns # # Docker::Image def find_image image_name found = nil ::Docker::Image.all.each do | image | found = image if["RepoTags"] != nil &&["RepoTags"].include?(image_name) end return found end ## # pull_image pulls a new copy of the given image from the registry def pull_image image_name @logger.debug "Pulling Image: #{image_name}" ::Docker.options = {:chunk_size => 1, :read_timeout => 3600} ::Docker::Image.create('fromImage' => image_name) end ## # running_images returns a list of running containers # Returns # # Array of Docker::Image def running_containers containers = ::Docker::Container.all(all: true, filters: { status: ["running"] }.to_json) return containers end ## # create_and_run_container starts a conatainer of the given image name and executes a command # # Returns: # - Docker::Container # - sucess (true if command succeded without error) def create_and_run_container args # update the timeout for the Excon Http Client # set the chunk size to enable streaming of log files ::Docker.options = {:chunk_size => 1, :read_timeout => 3600} container = ::Docker::Container.create( 'Image' => args[:image], 'Cmd' => args[:command], "Binds" => args[:volumes], "Env" => args[:environment], 'NetworkMode' => @network, 'WorkingDir' => args[:working_directory], 'name' => args[:name], 'PublishAllPorts' => true ) output = '' unless args[:deamon] == true thread = do container.attach(:stream => true, :stdin => nil, :stdout => true, :stderr => true, :logs => false, :tty => false) do |stream, chunk| if chunk.index('[ERROR]') != nil # deal with hidden characters @logger.error chunk.gsub(/\[.*\]/,'') else output += chunk.gsub(/\[.*\]/,'') if output == '' output += chunk.gsub(/\[.*\]/,'').prepend(" ") unless output == '' @logger.debug chunk.gsub(/\[.*\]/,'') end end end end container.start thread.join unless args[:deamon] == true success = (container.json['State']['ExitCode'] == 0) ? true: false @logger.error(output) unless success return container, success end ## # create_and_run_blocking_container starts a conatainer of the given image name and executes a command, # this method blocks until the container exits # # Returns: # - Docker::Container # - sucess (true if command succeded without error) def create_and_run_blocking_container args host_config = get_port_bindings args host_config['NetworkMode'] = @network host_config['Binds'] = args[:volumes] if args[:links] != nil network = {'EndpointsConfig' => {@network => {'Links' => args[:links].map {|l| "#{@project}_#{l}_1:#{l}"}} }} end exposed_ports = get_exposed_ports args # update the timeout for the Excon Http Client # set the chunk size to enable streaming of log files #::Docker.options = {:chunk_size => 1, :read_timeout => 3600} container = ::Docker::Container.create( 'Image' => args[:image], 'Cmd' => args[:command], "Binds" => args[:volumes], "Env" => args[:environment], 'WorkingDir' => args[:working_directory], 'name' => args[:name], 'NetworkMode' => @network, "OpenStdin" => true, "Tty" => true, 'PublishAllPorts' => true, 'ExposedPorts' => exposed_ports, 'HostConfig' => host_config, 'NetworkingConfig' => network ) container.start success = (container.json['State']['ExitCode'] == 0) ? true: false @logger.error("Unable to start docker container") unless success STDIN.raw do |stdin| container.attach(stdin: stdin, tty: true) do |chunk| print chunk end end return container, success end ## # build_image creates a new image from the given Dockerfile and name def build_image dockerfile_dir, name ::Docker.options = {:read_timeout => 6200} begin ::Docker::Image.build_from_dir(dockerfile_dir, {:t => name}) do |v| data = /{"stream.*:"(.*)".*/.match(v) data = data[1].encode(Encoding.find('UTF-8'), {invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: ''}) unless data == nil || data.length < 1 data.chomp('\n') $stdout.puts data unless data == nil end rescue => e message = e.message @logger.error "Error: #{message}" unless message == nil || message.length < 1 end end def stop_container container container.stop() end def delete_container container if container != nil begin container.delete() rescue => e @logger.error "Error: Unable to delete container: #{e}" end end end def login_registry url, user, password, email if docker_version.start_with? '1.11' # email is removed for login in docker 1.11 system("docker login -u #{user} -p #{password} #{url}") else system("docker login -u #{user} -p #{password} -e #{email} #{url}") end $?.exitstatus end def tag_image image_name, tag image = self.find_image "#{image_name}:latest" image.tag('repo' => tag, 'force' => true) unless["RepoTags"].include? "#{tag}:latest" end def push_image image_name system("docker push #{image_name}:latest") $?.exitstatus == 0 end def docker_version ::Docker.version['Version'] end def get_port_bindings args host_config = {} if args[:ports] != nil port_bindings = {} args[:ports].each do |p| hostDest = p.split(":") if hostDest[0] == "" port_bindings[hostDest[1] + "/tcp"] = [{'HostPort' => "#{rand(40000..50000)}", 'HostIp' => ""}] else port_bindings[hostDest[1] + "/tcp"] = [{'HostPort' => hostDest[0], 'HostIp' => ""}] end end host_config = {'PortBindings' => port_bindings } end return host_config end def get_exposed_ports args port_bindings = {} if args[:ports] != nil args[:ports].each do |p| hostDest = p.split(":") port_bindings[hostDest[1] + "/tcp"] = {} end end return port_bindings end end end end