# Temporary fix before Highline 1.5.1 is release. This fixes
# a the issue with Ruby 1.9 that causes the prompts to hang.
$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'vendor', 'highline-1.5.1', 'lib')
require 'logger'
require 'thread'
require 'base64'
require 'net/ssh'
require 'net/scp'
require 'openssl'
require 'tempfile'
require 'highline'
require 'storable'
require 'sysinfo'
require 'esc'
# = Rye
# Safely run remote commands via SSH in Ruby.
# Rye is similar to Rush[http://rush.heroku.com] but everything
# happens over SSH (no HTTP daemon) and the default settings are
# less dangerous (for safety). For example, file globs and the
# "rm" command are disabled so unless otherwise specified, you
# can't do this: rbox.rm('/etc/**/*').
# However, you can do this:
# rset = Rye::Set.new("dev-machines")
# rset.add_boxes('host1', 'host2', 'host3', 'host4')
# rset.ps('aux')
# * See +bin/try+ for a bunch of working examples.
# * See Rye::Box#initialize for info about disabling safe-mode.
# The following posts were really helpful when I first wrote Rye:
# http://www.nofluffjuststuff.com/blog/david_bock/2008/10/ruby_s_closure_cleanup_idiom_and_net_ssh.html
# http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-talk-google/browse_thread/thread/674a6f6de15ceb49?pli=1
# http://paste.lisp.org/display/6912
module Rye
extend self
unless defined?(SYSINFO)
VERSION = 0.7.freeze
SYSINFO = SysInfo.new.freeze
@@agent_env = Hash.new # holds ssh-agent env vars
@@mutex = Mutex.new # for synchronizing threads
# Accessor for an instance of SystemInfo
def Rye.sysinfo; SYSINFO; end
# Accessor for an instance of SystemInfo
def sysinfo; SYSINFO; end
class NoBoxes < RuntimeError; end
class NoHost < RuntimeError; end
class NotConnected < RuntimeError; end
class CommandNotFound < RuntimeError; end
class NoPty < RuntimeError
def message; "Could not obtain pty (i.e. an interactive ssh session)"; end
class CommandError < RuntimeError
attr_reader :rap
# * +rap+ a Rye::Rap object
def initialize(rap)
@rap = rap
def message
"(code: %s) %s" % [@rap.exit_code, @rap.stderr.join($/)]
def stderr; @rap.stderr if @rap; end
def stdout; @rap.stdout if @rap; end
def exit_code; @rap.exit_code if @rap; end
# Reload Rye dynamically. Useful with irb.
# NOTE: does not reload rye.rb.
def reload
pat = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'rye')
%w{key rap cmd box set}.each {|lib| load File.join(pat, "#{lib}.rb") }
def mutex
# Looks for private keys in +path+ and returns and Array of paths
# to the files it fines. Raises an Exception if path does not exist.
# If path is a file rather than a directory, it will check whether
# that single file is a private key.
def find_private_keys(path)
raise "#{path} does not exist" unless File.exists?(path || '')
if File.directory?(path)
files = Dir.entries(path).collect { |file| File.join(path, file) }
files = [path]
files = files.select do |file|
next if File.directory?(file)
pk = nil
tmp = Rye::Key.from_file(file)
pk = tmp if tmp.private?
rescue OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError
files || []
# Add one or more private keys to the SSH Agent.
# * +keys+ one or more file paths to private keys used for passwordless logins.
def add_keys(*keys)
keys = keys.flatten.compact || []
return if keys.empty?
Rye.shell("ssh-add", keys)
# Returns an Array of info about the currently available
# SSH keys, as provided by the SSH Agent. See
# Rye.start_sshagent_environment
# Returns: [[bits, finger-print, file-path], ...]
def keys
# 2048 76:cb:d7:82:90:92:ad:75:3d:68:6c:a9:21:ca:7b:7f /Users/rye/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)
# 2048 7b:a6:ba:55:b1:10:1d:91:9f:73:3a:aa:0c:d4:88:0e /Users/rye/.ssh/id_dsa (DSA)
keystr = Rye.shell("ssh-add", '-l')
return nil unless keystr
keystr.collect do |key|
def remote_host_keys(*hostnames)
hostnames = hostnames.flatten.compact || []
return if hostnames.empty?
Rye.shell("ssh-keyscan", hostnames)
# Takes a command with arguments and returns it in a
# single String with escaped args and some other stuff.
# * +cmd+ The shell command name or absolute path.
# * +args+ an Array of command arguments.
# The command is searched for in the local PATH (where
# Rye is running). An exception is raised if it's not
# found. NOTE: Because this happens locally, you won't
# want to use this method if the environment is quite
# different from the remote machine it will be executed
# on.
# The command arguments are passed through Escape.shell_command
# (that means you can't use environment variables or asterisks).
def prepare_command(cmd, *args)
args &&= [args].flatten.compact
cmd = Rye.which(cmd)
raise CommandNotFound.new(cmd || 'nil') unless cmd
# Symbols to switches. :l -> -l, :help -> --help
args.collect! do |a|
a = "-#{a}" if a.is_a?(Symbol) && a.to_s.size == 1
a = "--#{a}" if a.is_a?(Symbol)
Rye.escape(@safe, cmd, *args)
# An all ruby implementation of unix "which" command.
# * +executable+ the name of the executable
# Returns the absolute path if found in PATH otherwise nil.
def which(executable)
return unless executable.is_a?(String)
#return executable if File.exists?(executable) # SHOULD WORK, MUST TEST
shortname = File.basename(executable)
dir = Rye.sysinfo.paths.select do |path| # dir contains all of the
next unless File.exists? path # occurrences of shortname
Dir.new(path).entries.member?(shortname) # found in the paths.
File.join(dir.first, shortname) unless dir.empty? # Return just the first
# Execute a local system command (via the shell, not SSH)
# * +cmd+ the executable path (relative or absolute)
# * +args+ Array of arguments to be sent to the command. Each element
# is one argument:. i.e. ['-l', 'some/path']
# NOTE: shell is a bit paranoid so it escapes every argument. This means
# you can only use literal values. That means no asterisks too.
# Returns a Rye::Rap object containing the
def shell(cmd, *args)
args = args.flatten.compact
cmd = cmd.to_s if cmd.is_a?(Symbol)
# TODO: allow stdin to be sent to the cmd
tf = Tempfile.new(cmd)
cmd = Rye.prepare_command(cmd, args)
cmd << " 2>#{tf.path}" # Redirect STDERR to file. Works in DOS too.
# Deal with STDOUT
handle = IO.popen(cmd, "r")
stdout = handle.read.chomp
stderr = File.exists?(tf.path) ? File.read(tf.path) : ''
# Create the response object
rap = Rye::Rap.new(self)
rap.add_stdout(stdout || '')
rap.add_stderr(stderr || '')
# Creates a string from +cmd+ and +args+. If +safe+ is true
# it will send them through Escape.shell_command otherwise
# it will return them joined by a space character.
def escape(safe, cmd, *args)
args = args.flatten.compact || []
safe ? Escape.shell_command(cmd, *args).to_s : [cmd, args].flatten.compact.join(' ')
def sshagent_info
# Returns +str+ with the leading indentation removed.
# Stolen from http://github.com/mynyml/unindent/ because it was better.
def without_indent(str)
indent = str.split($/).each {|line| !line.strip.empty? }.map {|line| line.index(/[^\s]/) }.compact.min
str.gsub(/^[[:blank:]]{#{indent}}/, '')
# Generates a string of random alphanumeric characters.
# * +len+ is the length, an Integer. Default: 8
# * +safe+ in safe-mode, ambiguous characters are removed (default: true):
# i l o 1 0
def strand( len=8, safe=true )
chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a
chars.delete_if { |v| %w(i l o 1 0).member?(v) } if safe
str = ""
1.upto(len) { |i| str << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] }
# Start the SSH Agent locally. This is important
# primarily because Rye relies on it for SSH key
# management. If the agent doesn't start then
# passwordless logins won't work.
# This method starts an instances of ssh-agent
# and sets the appropriate environment so all
# local commands run by Rye will have access be aware
# of this instance of the agent too.
# The equivalent commands on the shell are:
# $ ssh-agent -s
# SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-tGvaOXIXSr/agent.12951; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
# SSH_AGENT_PID=12952; export SSH_AGENT_PID;
# $ SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-tGvaOXIXSr/agent.12951; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
# $ SSH_AGENT_PID=12952; export SSH_AGENT_PID;
# NOTE: The OpenSSL library (The C one, not the Ruby one)
# must be installed for this to work.
def start_sshagent_environment
return if @@agent_env["SSH_AGENT_PID"]
lines = Rye.shell("ssh-agent", '-s') || []
lines.each do |line|
next unless line.index("echo").nil?
line = line.slice(0..(line.index(';')-1))
key, value = line.chomp.split( /=/ )
@@agent_env[key] = value
ENV["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"] = @@agent_env["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"]
ENV["SSH_AGENT_PID"] = @@agent_env["SSH_AGENT_PID"]
Rye.shell("ssh-add") # Add the user's default keys
# Kill the local instance of the SSH Agent we started.
# Calls this command via the local shell:
# $ ssh-agent -k
# which uses the SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID environment variables
# to determine which ssh-agent to kill.
def end_sshagent_environment
pid = @@agent_env["SSH_AGENT_PID"]
Rye.shell("ssh-agent", '-k') || []
#Rye.shell("kill", ['-9', pid]) if pid
@@mutex.synchronize { # One thread only
start_sshagent_environment # Run this now
at_exit { end_sshagent_environment } # Run this before Ruby exits
rescue => ex
STDERR.puts "Error initializing the SSH Agent (is OpenSSL installed?):"
STDERR.puts ex.message
STDERR.puts ex.backtrace
exit 1