module Fog module Compute class VcloudDirector class Real # Create a vApp from a vApp template. # # The response includes a Task element. You can monitor the task to to # track the creation of the vApp. # # @note This may not work at all or may work only under certain # circumstances. # # @param [String] id Object identifier of the vDC. # @param [String] vapp_template_id Object identifier of the vApp # template. # @param [String] name # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Boolean] :deploy True if the vApp should be deployed # at instantiation. Defaults to true. # @option options [Boolean] :powerOn True if the vApp should be # powered-on at instantiation. Defaults to true. # @option options [String] :Description Optional description. # @option options [Hash] :InstantiationParams Instantiation parameters # for the composed vApp. # * :LeaseSettingsSection<~Hasn>: # * :DeploymentLeaseTimeInSeconds<~Integer> - Deployment lease in # seconds. # * :StorageLeaseTimeInSeconds<~Integer> - Storage lease in # seconds. # * :DeploymentLeaseExpiration<~Integer> - Expiration date/time of # deployment lease. # * :StorageLeaseExpiration<~Integer> - Expiration date/time of # storage lease. # * :NetworkConfigSection<~Hash>: # * :NetworkConfig<~Hash>: # * :networkName<~String> - The name of the vApp network. # * :Configuration<~Hash>: # * :ParentNetwork<~Hash>: # * :href<~String> - # * :FenceMode<~String> - Isolation type of the network. # @option options [Boolean] :IsSourceDelete Set to true to delete the # source object after the operation completes. # @option options [Boolean] :AllEULAsAccepted True confirms acceptance # of all EULAs in a vApp template. # @return [Excon::Response] # * body<~Hash>: # # @raise Fog::Compute::VcloudDirector::DuplicateName # # @see # @since vCloud API version 0.9 def post_instantiate_vapp_template(id, vapp_template_id, name, options={}) body = do attrs = { 'xmlns' => '', 'xmlns:ovf' => '', :name => name } attrs[:deploy] = options[:deploy] if options.key?(:deploy) attrs[:powerOn] = options[:powerOn] if options.key?(:powerOn) InstantiateVAppTemplateParams(attrs) { if options.key?(:Description) Description options[:Description] end if instantiation_params = options[:InstantiationParams] InstantiationParams { if section = instantiation_params[:LeaseSettingsSection] LeaseSettingsSection { self['ovf'].Info 'Lease settings section' if section.key?(:DeploymentLeaseInSeconds) DeploymentLeaseInSeconds section[:DeploymentLeaseInSeconds] end if section.key?(:StorageLeaseInSeconds) StorageLeaseInSeconds section[:StorageLeaseInSeconds] end if section.key?(:DeploymentLeaseExpiration) DeploymentLeaseExpiration section[:DeploymentLeaseExpiration].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') end if section.key?(:StorageLeaseExpiration) StorageLeaseExpiration section[:StorageLeaseExpiration].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') end } end if section = instantiation_params[:NetworkConfigSection] NetworkConfigSection { self['ovf'].Info 'Configuration parameters for logical networks' if network_configs = section[:NetworkConfig] network_configs = [network_configs] if network_configs.is_a?(Hash) network_configs.each do |network_config| NetworkConfig(:networkName => network_config[:networkName]) { if configuration = network_config[:Configuration] Configuration { ParentNetwork(configuration[:ParentNetwork]) FenceMode configuration[:FenceMode] } end } end end } end } end Source(:href => "#{end_point}vAppTemplate/#{vapp_template_id}") if options.key?(:IsSourceDelete) IsSourceDelete options[:IsSourceDelete] end if options.key?(:AllEULAsAccepted) AllEULAsAccepted options[:AllEULAsAccepted] end } end.to_xml begin request( :body => body, :expects => 201, :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml'}, :method => 'POST', :parser =>, :path => "vdc/#{id}/action/instantiateVAppTemplate" ) rescue Fog::Compute::VcloudDirector::BadRequest => e if e.minor_error_code == 'DUPLICATE_NAME' raise end raise end end end end end end