# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'dm_ruby_extensions' describe Array do describe 'closest_max' do #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ it 'return the value that is closest to the value in the array, rounded down' do expect([0, 5, 7, 8, 11, 16].closest_max(6)).to eq 5 expect([0, 5, 7, 8, 11, 16].closest_max(7)).to eq 7 end end describe 'extract_options!' do #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ it "Removes and returns the last element in the array if it's a hash, otherwise returns a blank hash" do args = [1, 2, { a: :b }] expect(args.extract_options!).to eq({ a: :b }) expect(args).to eq [1, 2] expect(args.extract_options!).to eq({}) end end describe 'xss_aware_join' do it 'safely join safe and unsafe strings' do safe = '
'.html_safe unsafe = '' expect([safe, unsafe].xss_aware_join).to eq 'Safe
<script></script>' expect([safe, unsafe].xss_aware_join.class).to eq ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer end end describe 'css_join' do it 'given an array of css classes/styles, join them into one string' do classes = ['panel', '', 'panel-body', nil, 'red'] expect(classes.css_join(' ')).to eq 'panel panel-body red' end end end