/* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2000-2016 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #include "nsDatabase.h" #include "sharedData.h" #include "nsTable.h" #include "stringConverter.h" #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/uri.h> #ifdef LINUX #include <dlfcn.h> #include <cstddef> #include <bzs/env/crosscompile.h> typedef void* HANDLE; typedef void* HINSTANCE; #endif #include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/tdapRequest.h> #include <bzs/db/transactd/connectionRecord.h> #pragma package(smart_init) #ifdef __BCPLUSPLUS__ #ifndef _WIN64 #define BZS_LINK_BOOST_THREAD #endif #define BZS_LINK_BOOST_FILESYSTEM #define BZS_LINK_BOOST_SYSTEM #include <bzs/env/boost_bcb_link.h> #endif namespace bzs { namespace db { namespace protocol { namespace tdap { namespace client { extern EnginsFunc engins; unsigned int g_lastTrnTime = 0; unsigned int nsdatabase::m_execCodepage = GetACP(); bool g_checkTablePtr = false; bool g_enableAutoReconnect = false; PACKAGE void registEnginsPtr(EnginsFunc func) { engins = func; } BTRCALLID_PTR BTRCALLIDX = NULL; BTRCALLID_PTR MYTICALLID = NULL; HANDLE hBtrvDLL = NULL; HANDLE hTrsdDLL = NULL; void setTrnsctdEntryPoint(BTRCALLID_PTR p) { MYTICALLID = p; } BTRCALLID_PTR getTrnsctdEntryPoint() { if (MYTICALLID) return MYTICALLID; if (hTrsdDLL == NULL) hTrsdDLL = LoadLibraryA(LIB_PREFIX TDCLC_LIBNAME); #ifdef __APPLE__ if (hTrsdDLL == NULL) { char buf[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(buf); if (buf[0]) { char* p = (char*)strrchr(buf, PSEPARATOR_C); if (p) { *p = 0x00; strcat(buf, PSEPARATOR_A LIB_PREFIX TDCLC_LIBNAME); hTrsdDLL = LoadLibraryA(buf); } } } #endif if (hTrsdDLL) { MYTICALLID = (BTRCALLID_PTR)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hTrsdDLL, "BTRCALLID"); } return MYTICALLID; } int smartLoadLibrary() { int ret = 0; if (hBtrvDLL == NULL) hBtrvDLL = LoadLibrary(_T("W3Btrv7")); if (hBtrvDLL == NULL) hBtrvDLL = LoadLibrary(_T("WBtrv32")); if (hBtrvDLL) BTRCALLIDX = (BTRCALLID_PTR)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hBtrvDLL, "BTRCALLID"); if (BTRCALLIDX) ret = 1; MYTICALLID = getTrnsctdEntryPoint(); if (MYTICALLID) ret = 2; return ret; } void smartFreeLibrary() { if (hBtrvDLL) FreeLibrary((HINSTANCE)hBtrvDLL); if (hTrsdDLL) FreeLibrary((HINSTANCE)hTrsdDLL); hBtrvDLL = NULL; hTrsdDLL = NULL; BTRCALLIDX = NULL; MYTICALLID = NULL; } void setBtrvEntryPoint(BTRCALLID_PTR p) { BTRCALLIDX = p; } BTRCALLID_PTR getBtrvEntryPoint() { if (hBtrvDLL == NULL) smartLoadLibrary(); return BTRCALLIDX; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct bpimple { boost::shared_ptr<std::string> buf; }; binlogPos::binlogPos() : m_impl(new bpimple), gtid(gtid_buf) { gtid_buf[0] = 0x00; } binlogPos::binlogPos(const binlogPos& r) : pos(r.pos), type(r.type), m_impl(new bpimple(*r.m_impl)) { strcpy_s(filename, BINLOGNAME_SIZE, r.filename); strcpy_s(gtid_buf, GTID_SIZE, r.gtid_buf); gtid = (r.gtid == r.gtid_buf) ? gtid_buf: r.gtid; } binlogPos::~binlogPos(){ delete m_impl;} void binlogPos::setGtid(const char* p) { gtid = gtid_buf; if (p) { m_impl->buf.reset(new std::string(p)); gtid = m_impl->buf->c_str(); }else gtid_buf[0] = 0x00; } binlogPos& binlogPos::operator=(const binlogPos& r) { if (&r != this) { pos = r.pos; type = r.type; strcpy_s(filename, BINLOGNAME_SIZE, r.filename); strcpy_s(gtid_buf, GTID_SIZE, r.gtid_buf); gtid = (r.gtid == r.gtid_buf) ? gtid_buf: r.gtid; *m_impl = *r.m_impl; } return *this; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct nsdbimpl { int refCount; int tranCount; unsigned short id; short snapShotCount; nstable* tables[nsdatabase::maxtables]; uchar_td cidPtr[16]; _TCHAR bdfPath[MAX_PATH]; short tableCount; short lockWaitCount; short lockWaitTime; short enginIndex; struct { bool uriMode : 1; bool uselongFilename : 1; bool localSharing : 1; bool ignoreTestPtr : 1; bool reconnected : 1; bool associateMode : 1; }; nsdbimpl() : refCount(1), tranCount(0), id(0), snapShotCount(0), tableCount(0), lockWaitCount(10), lockWaitTime(100), enginIndex(0), uriMode(false), uselongFilename(false), localSharing(false), ignoreTestPtr(false), reconnected(false), associateMode(false) { } void setId(unsigned short id_) { id = enginIndex = id_; // make client id memset(cidPtr, 0, 12); cidPtr[12] = 'G'; cidPtr[13] = 'X'; memcpy(&cidPtr[14], &id, 2); bdfPath[0] = 0x00; } nsdbimpl& operator=(const nsdbimpl& rt) { if (&rt != this) { lockWaitCount = rt.lockWaitCount; lockWaitTime = rt.lockWaitCount; uselongFilename = rt.uselongFilename; uriMode = rt.uriMode; associateMode = rt.associateMode; } return *this; } }; boost::mutex g_mutex; static int g_maxEnginIndex = -1; nsdatabase::nsdatabase() : m_stat(0) { int type = 0; if (hBtrvDLL == 0x00) type = smartLoadLibrary(); m_btrcallid = getBtrvEntryPoint(); if (m_btrcallid == NULL) m_btrcallid = getTrnsctdEntryPoint(); if (!m_btrcallid) nstable::throwError(_T("Can't load C Interface library"), ERROR_LOAD_CLIBRARY); m_nsimpl = new nsdbimpl(); if ((type == 2) || MYTICALLID) setUseLongFilename(true); else { btrVersions v; memset(&v, 0, sizeof(btrVersions)); uchar_td posblk[POS_BLOCK_SIZE] = { 0x00 }; getBtrVersion(&v, posblk); if ((v.versions[1].majorVersion >= 9) || (v.versions[0].majorVersion >= 9)) setUseLongFilename(true); } for (int i = 0; i < maxtables; i++) m_nsimpl->tables[i] = NULL; boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(g_mutex); // serach empty int index; for (index = 0; index < MAX_BTRENGIN; index++) if (engins()[index] == NULL) break; // no empty if (MAX_BTRENGIN == index) { m_stat = -1; return; } engins()[index] = this; g_maxEnginIndex = std::max<int>(index, g_maxEnginIndex); m_nsimpl->setId((unsigned short)index + 1); } void nsdatabase::setAssociate() { m_nsimpl->associateMode = true; } int nsdatabase::refCount() const { return m_nsimpl->refCount; } void nsdatabase::addref() { ++m_nsimpl->refCount; } void nsdatabase::release() { if (--m_nsimpl->refCount == 0) delete this; } nsdatabase::~nsdatabase() { reset(); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(g_mutex); if (m_nsimpl->enginIndex != 0) engins()[m_nsimpl->enginIndex - 1] = NULL; delete m_nsimpl; m_nsimpl = 0x00; #ifdef _WIN32 OutputDebugString(_T("delete database\n")); #endif } nsdatabase* nsdatabase::clone() const { nsdatabase* p = new nsdatabase(); *p = *this; return p; } nsdatabase& nsdatabase::operator=(const nsdatabase& rt) { if (&rt != this) { *m_nsimpl = *rt.m_nsimpl; setUri(rt.uri()); m_btrcallid = rt.m_btrcallid; } return *this; } int nsdatabase::enableTrn() const { if (m_nsimpl) return m_nsimpl->tranCount; return 0; } bool nsdatabase::isReconnected() const { return m_nsimpl->reconnected; } short nsdatabase::stat() const { return m_stat; } uchar_td* nsdatabase::clientID() const { return m_nsimpl->cidPtr; } short nsdatabase::openTableCount() const { return m_nsimpl->tableCount; } _TCHAR* nsdatabase::uri() const { return m_nsimpl->bdfPath; } bool nsdatabase::uriMode() const { return m_nsimpl->uriMode; } nstable** nsdatabase::tables() { return m_nsimpl->tables; } short nsdatabase::lockWaitCount() const { return m_nsimpl->lockWaitCount; } void nsdatabase::setLockWaitCount(short v) { m_nsimpl->lockWaitCount = v; } short nsdatabase::lockWaitTime() const { return m_nsimpl->lockWaitTime; } void nsdatabase::setLockWaitTime(short v) { m_nsimpl->lockWaitTime = v; } bool nsdatabase::localSharing() const { return m_nsimpl->localSharing; } void nsdatabase::setLocalSharing(bool v) { m_nsimpl->localSharing = v; } bool nsdatabase::setUri(const _TCHAR* Path) { #ifdef _WIN32 _TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; _TCHAR* lpFilePart; if (useLongFilename() == false) { GetFullPathName(Path, MAX_PATH, buf, &lpFilePart); GetShortPathName(buf, m_nsimpl->bdfPath, MAX_PATH); _tcsmupr((_TUCHAR*)m_nsimpl->bdfPath); } else #endif _tcscpy(m_nsimpl->bdfPath, Path); m_nsimpl->uriMode = false; if (_tcsstr(m_nsimpl->bdfPath, _T("btrv://")) || _tcsstr(m_nsimpl->bdfPath, _T("tdap://"))) m_nsimpl->uriMode = true; #ifdef _WIN32 else { struct _stat statbuf; if (_tstat(m_nsimpl->bdfPath, &statbuf) == -1) return false; } #endif return true; } void nsdatabase::createTable(fileSpec* pfs, uint_td len, const _TCHAR* pFullPath, short_td mode) { _TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; _TCHAR posblk[128] = { 0x00 }; #ifdef _WIN32 if ((useLongFilename() == false) && _tcsstr(pFullPath, _T(" "))) { GetShortPathName(pFullPath, buf, MAX_PATH); } else #endif { _tcscpy(buf, pFullPath); } // tdap if (isTransactdUri(buf)) { if (setUseTransactd() == false) return; } char buf2[MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; ; const char* p = toServerUri(buf2, MAX_PATH, buf, isUseTransactd()); m_stat = tdapEx(TD_CREATETABLE, posblk, pfs, &len, (void*)p, (uchar_td)strlen(p), (char_td)mode); } void nsdatabase::dropTable(const _TCHAR* pFullPath) { _TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; _TCHAR posblk[128] = { 0x00 }; #ifdef _WIN32 if ((useLongFilename() == false) && _tcsstr(pFullPath, _T(" "))) { GetShortPathName(pFullPath, buf, MAX_PATH); } else #endif { _tcscpy(buf, pFullPath); } // tdap if (isTransactdUri(buf)) { if (setUseTransactd() == false) return; } char buf2[MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; const char* p = toServerUri(buf2, MAX_PATH, buf, isUseTransactd()); m_stat = tdapEx(TD_CREATETABLE, posblk, NULL, NULL, (void*)p, (uchar_td)strlen(p) + 1, CR_SUBOP_DROP); } void nsdatabase::swapTablename(const _TCHAR* Name1, const _TCHAR* Name2) { _TCHAR posblk[128] = { 0x00 }; char buf1[MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; char buf2[MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; const char* p = toServerUri(buf1, MAX_PATH, Name1, isUseTransactd()); const char* p2 = toServerUri(buf2, MAX_PATH, Name2, isUseTransactd()); uint_td len = (uint_td)strlen(p); m_stat = tdapEx(TD_CREATETABLE, posblk, (void*)p, &len, (void*)p2, (uchar_td)strlen(p2), CR_SUBOP_SWAPNAME); } void nsdatabase::rename(const _TCHAR* pFullPath, const _TCHAR* newName) { _TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; _TCHAR posblk[128] = { 0x00 }; #ifdef _WIN32 if ((useLongFilename() == false) && _tcsstr(pFullPath, _T(" "))) { GetShortPathName(pFullPath, buf, MAX_PATH); } else #endif { _tcscpy(buf, pFullPath); } if (isTransactdUri(buf)) { if (setUseTransactd() == false) return; } char buf2[MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; const char* p = toServerUri(buf2, MAX_PATH, buf, isUseTransactd()); uint_td len = (uint_td)strlen(p); char bufNew[MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; #ifdef _WIN32 if ((useLongFilename() == false) && _tcsstr(newName, _T(" "))) GetShortPathName(newName, buf, MAX_PATH); else #endif _tcscpy(buf, newName); toServerUri(bufNew, MAX_PATH, newName, isUseTransactd()); m_stat = tdapEx(TD_CREATETABLE, posblk, (void*)p, &len, (void*)bufNew, (uchar_td)strlen(bufNew), CR_SUBOP_RENAME); } void nsdatabase::registerTable(nstable* tb) { for (int i = 0; i < maxtables; i++) { if (m_nsimpl->tables[i] == NULL) { m_nsimpl->tables[i] = tb; m_nsimpl->tableCount++; break; } } } void nsdatabase::unregisterTable(nstable* table) { for (int i = 0; i < maxtables; i++) { if (m_nsimpl->tables[i] == table) { m_nsimpl->tables[i] = NULL; m_nsimpl->tableCount--; break; } } } bool nsdatabase::findTable(nstable* tb) { if (m_nsimpl) { for (int i = 0; i < maxtables; i++) { if (m_nsimpl->tables[i] == tb) return true; } } return false; } void nsdatabase::reset() { int i; resetSnapshot(); if (m_nsimpl->tranCount) { #if (defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG)) #ifdef LIB_TDCLCPP int ret = MessageBox(NULL, _T("Is an uncompleted transaction aborted?"), NULL, 33); #else int ret = 2; #endif #else int ret = 2; #endif m_nsimpl->tranCount = 1; if (ret == 1) abortTrn(); else endTrn(); } for (i = 0; i < maxtables; i++) { if (m_nsimpl->tables[i] != NULL) { m_nsimpl->tables[i]->destroy(); m_nsimpl->tables[i] = NULL; } } m_nsimpl->lockWaitCount = 10; m_nsimpl->lockWaitTime = 100; m_nsimpl->tableCount = 0; m_nsimpl->bdfPath[0] = 0x00; if (m_btrcallid) { m_stat = tdap(TD_RESET_CLIENT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); m_stat = tdap(TD_STOP_ENGINE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); if (m_stat == ERROR_TD_NOT_CONNECTED) m_stat = STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (getBtrvEntryPoint()) m_btrcallid = getBtrvEntryPoint(); } bool nsdatabase::checkAssociate() { if (m_nsimpl->associateMode) { m_stat = STATUS_NOSUPPORT_OP; return false; } return true; } bool nsdatabase::isAssociate() const { return m_nsimpl->associateMode; } void nsdatabase::resetSnapshot() { if (m_nsimpl->snapShotCount) { m_nsimpl->snapShotCount = 1; endSnapshot(); } } void nsdatabase::beginSnapshot(short bias, binlogPos* bpos) { if (!checkAssociate()) return; if (m_nsimpl->snapShotCount == 0) { uint_td datalen = (bias == CONSISTENT_READ_WITH_BINLOG_POS) ? BINLOGPOS_SIZE : 0; m_stat = tdapEx(TD_BEGIN_SHAPSHOT + bias, NULL, bpos, &datalen, NULL, 0, 0); if (m_stat == 0) { if (bias == CONSISTENT_READ_WITH_BINLOG_POS) { if (bpos->type == REPL_POSTYPE_MARIA_GTID) bpos->gtid = bpos->gtid_buf; else if(bpos->type == REPL_POSTYPE_GTID) { const blobHeader* hd; short stat = tdap(TD_GET_BLOB_BUF, NULL, &hd, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); if (stat == 0) { assert(hd->rows); const blobField* f = hd->nextField; bpos->setGtid(f->data()); }else bpos->type = REPL_POSTYPE_POS; } } ++m_nsimpl->snapShotCount; } } else ++m_nsimpl->snapShotCount; } void nsdatabase::endSnapshot() { m_nsimpl->snapShotCount--; if (m_nsimpl->snapShotCount == 0) m_stat = tdap(TD_END_SNAPSHOT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); if (m_nsimpl->snapShotCount < 0) m_nsimpl->snapShotCount = 0; } void nsdatabase::beginTrn(short BIAS) { if (!checkAssociate()) return; if (m_nsimpl->tranCount == 0) { m_stat = tdapEx((ushort_td)(BIAS + TD_BEGIN_TRANSACTION), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); if (m_stat == 0) m_nsimpl->tranCount++; } else m_nsimpl->tranCount++; } void nsdatabase::endTrn() { m_nsimpl->tranCount--; if (m_nsimpl->tranCount == 0) { m_stat = tdap(TD_END_TRANSACTION, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); #ifdef _WIN32 g_lastTrnTime = GetTickCount(); #endif } if (m_nsimpl->tranCount < 0) m_nsimpl->tranCount = 0; } void nsdatabase::abortTrn() { m_stat = tdap(TD_ABORT_TRANSACTION, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); m_nsimpl->tranCount = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 g_lastTrnTime = GetTickCount(); #endif } ushort_td nsdatabase::trxIsolationServer() const { if (!isUseTransactd()) return 0xFFFF; return *((ushort_td*)(m_nsimpl->cidPtr + sizeof(char*))); } ushort_td nsdatabase::trxLockWaitTimeoutServer() const { if (!isUseTransactd()) return 0xFFFF; return *((ushort_td*)(m_nsimpl->cidPtr + sizeof(char*) + sizeof(ushort_td))); } short_td nsdatabase::tdapErr(HWND hWnd, _TCHAR* retbuf) { return nstable::tdapErr(hWnd, m_stat, _T("Engin"), retbuf); } void nsdatabase::getBtrVersion(btrVersions* Vers, uchar_td* posblk) { uchar_td posblkTmp[128] = { 0x00 }; if (posblk == NULL) posblk = posblkTmp; uint_td datalen = sizeof(btrVersions); m_stat = tdapEx(TD_VERSION, posblk, Vers, &datalen, NULL, 0, 0); { bool remote = false; if (uriMode()) remote = true; #ifdef _WIN32 else if (_tcsstr(m_nsimpl->bdfPath, PSEPARATOR PSEPARATOR) == m_nsimpl->bdfPath) remote = true; else { _TCHAR drive[3] = { 0x00 }; _tcsncpy(drive, m_nsimpl->bdfPath, 2); if (DRIVE_REMOTE == GetDriveType(drive)) remote = true; } #endif if (remote) { // faile shareing if (datalen / 5 == 2) { Vers->versions[2] = Vers->versions[1]; Vers->versions[2].type = 'F'; } } else memset(&Vers->versions[2], 0, sizeof(btrVersion)); } } char* nsdatabase::getCreateViewSql(const _TCHAR* name , char* retbuf, uint_td* size) { if (isUseTransactd() == false) { m_stat = STATUS_NOSUPPORT_OP; return retbuf; } _TCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH]; stripParam(uri(), tmp, MAX_PATH); _tcscat(tmp, _T("?dbfile=")); _tcscat(tmp, name); char Uri[MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; const char* p = nsdatabase::toServerUri(Uri, MAX_PATH, tmp, true); keylen_td keylen = (keylen_td)strlen(p) + 1; m_stat = tdapEx(TD_GET_SCHEMA, NULL, retbuf, size, (void*)p, keylen, SC_SUBOP_VIEW_BY_SQL); if (m_stat != STATUS_SUCCESS) retbuf[0] = 0x00; return retbuf; } bool nsdatabase::useLongFilename() { return m_nsimpl->uselongFilename; } void nsdatabase::setUseLongFilename(bool value) { m_nsimpl->uselongFilename = value; } bool nsdatabase::setUseTransactd() { m_btrcallid = getTrnsctdEntryPoint(); if (m_btrcallid == NULL) m_stat = STATUS_REQUESTER_DEACTIVE; // can not load db engin; else { m_nsimpl->uriMode = true; setLockWaitCount(0); setLockWaitTime(0); } return (m_btrcallid != NULL); } bool nsdatabase::isTransactdUri(const _TCHAR* uri) { return (_tcsstr(uri, _T("tdap://")) != NULL); } bool nsdatabase::isUseTransactd() const { return (m_btrcallid == getTrnsctdEntryPoint()); } void nsdatabase::readDatabaseDirectory(_TCHAR* retbuf, uchar_td buflen) { // keynum is drive name A=1 B=2 C=3 0=default char tmp[128]; m_stat = tdapEx(TD_GETDIRECTORY, NULL, NULL, NULL, tmp, 128, 0); toTCharCopy(retbuf, tmp, buflen); } bool nsdatabase::connect(const _TCHAR* URI, bool newConnection) { if (!checkAssociate()) return false; if (isOpened()) { m_stat = STATUS_DB_YET_OPEN; return false; } if (isTransactdUri(URI)) { if (!setUseTransactd()) return false; }else { m_stat = 0; if (_tcsstr(URI, _T("://")) == NULL) return true; } uint_td datalen = 0; char uri_a[MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; const char* p = toServerUri(uri_a, MAX_PATH, URI, isUseTransactd()); char_td keyNum = (isUseTransactd() == false) ? 0 : newConnection ? 3 : 0; m_stat = tdap(TD_CONNECT, NULL, NULL, &datalen, (void*)p, (keylen_td)(strlen(p) + 1), keyNum); if (m_stat) return false; return true; } bool nsdatabase::disconnect(const _TCHAR* URI) { if (!checkAssociate()) return false; if (!URI || (URI[0] == 0x00) || isTransactdUri(URI)) if (!setUseTransactd()) return false; uint_td datalen = 0; //Transactd not use uri. m_stat = tdap(TD_CONNECT, NULL, NULL, &datalen, (void*)URI, (keylen_td)(_tcslen(URI) + 1), LG_SUBOP_DISCONNECT); if (m_stat) return false; return true; } bool nsdatabase::disconnectForReconnectTest() { if (!isUseTransactd()) return false; uint_td datalen = 0; m_stat = tdap(TD_CONNECT, NULL, NULL, &datalen, NULL, 0, LG_SUBOP_DISCONNECT_EX); if (m_stat) return false; return true; } /* TD_RECONNECT data buffer structure 1 byte keynum 1 byte bookmark size n byte bookmark */ void nsdatabase::doReconnect(nstable* tb) { uint_td datalen = 0; char uri_a[MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; datalen = tb->buflen(); tdap::posblk* pb = (tdap::posblk*)tb->posblk(); char* databuf = new char[datalen]; databuf[0] = tb->keyNum(); memcpy(databuf + 1, &pb->bookmarkLen, pb->bookmarkLen + 1); const char* p = toServerUri(uri_a, MAX_PATH, tb->uri(), true); short offset = (pb->lock) ? ROW_LOCK_X : 0; m_stat = tdap(TD_RECONNECT + offset, pb, databuf, &datalen, (void*)p, (keylen_td)(strlen(p) + 1), tb->mode()); delete [] databuf; } bool nsdatabase::doReopenTables() { // Indicate reconnected, that serverPrepared are invalid. m_nsimpl->reconnected = true; if (!doReopenDatabaseSchema()) return false; //Whole table, restore position. for (int i = 0 ;i <= m_nsimpl->tableCount; ++i) { nstable* tb = m_nsimpl->tables[i]; if (tb && tb->isOpen()) { doReconnect(tb); if (m_stat != 0) return false; } } return (m_stat == 0); } /* A single thread can access to the connection ,if it is shared from some engings. */ bool reconnectSharedConnection(const void* ptr) { //Lock engin count boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(g_mutex); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BTRENGIN; ++i) { nsdatabase* db = engins()[i]; if (db) { void* p = (*((void**)db->m_nsimpl->cidPtr)); if (p == ptr) { if (!db->doReopenTables()) return false; } } } return true; } bool nsdatabase::reconnect() { //Transactd only if (!isUseTransactd()) return false; if (m_nsimpl->tranCount || m_nsimpl->snapShotCount) return false; //check another databases has transactions { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(g_mutex); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BTRENGIN; ++i) { nsdatabase* db = engins()[i]; if (db && (db->m_nsimpl->tranCount || db->m_nsimpl->snapShotCount)) { if (db->m_nsimpl->cidPtr == m_nsimpl->cidPtr) return false; // This is same thread } } } uint_td datalen = 0; char uri_a[MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; const char* p = toServerUri(uri_a, MAX_PATH, m_nsimpl->bdfPath, true); m_stat = tdap(TD_CONNECT, NULL, NULL, &datalen, (void*)p, (keylen_td)(strlen(p) + 1), LG_SUBOP_RECONNECT); if (m_stat) return false; return reconnectSharedConnection((*(void**)m_nsimpl->cidPtr)); } short nsdatabase::tdapEx(ushort_td op, void* posb, void* data, uint_td* datalen, void* keybuf, keylen_td keylen, char_td keyNum) { bool loop; short stat; do { loop = false; stat = m_btrcallid(op, posb, data, datalen, keybuf, keylen, keyNum, clientID()); if (stat && nsdatabase::enableAutoReconnect() && canRecoverNetError(m_stat)) { reconnect(); if (stat) break; loop = true; } }while (loop); return stat; } bool nsdatabase::trnsactionFlushWaitStatus() { bool ret = false; #ifdef _WIN32 if (g_lastTrnTime) ret = ((GetTickCount() - g_lastTrnTime) < 8000); else #endif g_lastTrnTime = 0; return ret; } void nsdatabase::setExecCodePage(unsigned int codepage) { m_execCodepage = codepage; } unsigned int nsdatabase::execCodePage() { return m_execCodepage; } const char* nsdatabase::toServerUri(char* buf, int buflen, const _TCHAR* src, bool trd) { #ifdef _UNICODE if (trd) { stringConverter cv(CP_UTF8, GetACP()); cv.convert(buf, buflen, src, strlen_t(src)+1);// convert include null. return buf; } #endif return toChar(buf, src, buflen); } void nsdatabase::setTestPtrIgnore(bool v) { m_nsimpl->ignoreTestPtr = v; } bool nsdatabase::isTestPtrIgnore() const { return m_nsimpl->ignoreTestPtr; } bool nsdatabase::testTablePtr(nstable* ptr) { if (g_checkTablePtr) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(g_mutex); for (int i = 0; i <= g_maxEnginIndex; i++) { nsdatabase* db = engins()[i]; if (db != NULL) { if (db->findTable(ptr)) { if (db->isTestPtrIgnore()) { db->setTestPtrIgnore(false); return false; } return true; } } } return false; } return true; } void nsdatabase::setCheckTablePtr(bool v) { g_checkTablePtr = v; } WIN_TPOOL_SHUTDOWN_PTR nsdatabase::getWinTPoolShutdownFunc() { if (hTrsdDLL == NULL) hTrsdDLL = LoadLibraryA(LIB_PREFIX TDCLC_LIBNAME); if (hTrsdDLL) return (WIN_TPOOL_SHUTDOWN_PTR)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hTrsdDLL, "BeginWinThreadPoolShutdown"); return NULL; } bool nsdatabase::registerHaNameResolver(HANAME_RESOLVER_PTR func) { if (hTrsdDLL == NULL) hTrsdDLL = LoadLibraryA(LIB_PREFIX TDCLC_LIBNAME); if (hTrsdDLL) { REGISTER_RESOLVER_PTR regist = (REGISTER_RESOLVER_PTR)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hTrsdDLL, "RegisterHaNameResolver"); if (regist) { regist(func); g_enableAutoReconnect = func != NULL; return true; } } return false; } } // namespace client } // namespace tdap } // namespace protocol } // namespace db } // namespace bzs