# Quickstart ## Include gem * ``gem 'europeana-feedback-button'`` * run ``bundle install`` ## Require Europeana::FeedbackButton * add ```require 'europeana/feedback_button'`` to your apps config/application.rb ## Mount the engine * in config/routes.rb add: ```mount Europeana::FeedbackButton::Engine, at: "/"`` ## Add FeedbackableView to your views * add ```include Europeana::FeedbackButton::FeedbackableView``` to any view you want to have a feedback button. Add it to app/views/application_view.rb for feedback buttons on all pages. ## Set FEEDBACK_MAIL_TO * the engine only shows feedback buttons if you have a mail address configured in your .env file. * ```FEEDBACK_MAIL_TO=example@example.org``` ## optional * Include ``helper Europeana::FeedbackButton::FeedbackHelper`` in your application_controller.rb * this will allow you to acces the helper methods from the engine without haveing to explicitly reference them with ```Europeana::FeedbackButton```