UniverseCompiler ================ [![ ](https://gitlab.com/tools4devops/universe_compiler/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/tools4devops/universe_compiler/commits/master) - [Overview](#overview) - [Installation](#installation) - [Core Concepts](#core-concepts) - [Entities](#entities) - [Overview](#overview-1) - [Special directives](#special-directives) - [Constraints directives](#constraints-directives) - [Relational directives](#relational-directives) - [Basic relations](#basic-relations) - [Advanced relations](#advanced-relations) - [Validations](#validations) - [Compilation](#compilation) - [Inheritance](#inheritance) - [Overrides](#overrides) - [Generate a graph of entities using `Graphviz`](#generate-a-graph-of-entities-using-graphviz) - [Development](#development) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) - [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) # Overview The goal of this gem is to provide a simple way to manage a consistent highly complex configuration. The configuration can be split into lot of objects (or `entities`) and complex relations and constraints can be defined between them using a-la-ActiveRecord relationships like `has_many` or `is_array` (see complete list in `lib/universe_compiler/entity/field_constraint_management.rb`). These entities are added to a so-called `universe`. See a universe as a kind of sandbox where entities exist. A `universe` could be _persisted_ to any kind of backend by writing an persistence engine, yet only a yaml persistence engine is available by default in the gem. A `universe` can be _compiled_ in order to produce a new `universe` where all constraints and relations defined by these entities have been resolved. # Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'universe_compiler' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install universe_compiler # Core Concepts ## Entities ### Overview Any `entity` you will create will basically inherit from `UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base`. This will allow the following kind of code: ```ruby class EntityA < UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base entity_type :some_entity field :some_data, :is_hash field :bar, :not_null, should_match: /^Y/ field :stupid has_one EntityA, name: :master end class EntityB < UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base has_many EntityA, name: :some_entities not_empty :some_entities end ``` The core concept is that every entity has a hash property named `fields`. And any field declared using the declaration mechanism as above just adds some content validations mechanisms and direct accessors to the internal `fields` hash. For example: ```ruby a = EntityA.new fields: { stupid: :foo} a.stupid # => :foo a.stupid == a[:stupid] # => true a.stupid == a.fields[:stupid] # => true a.stupid == a['stupid'] # => false, a String is not a Symbol ``` Therefore the _pseudo schema_ you defined when declaring the class is not limiting... you can always do ```ruby a[:non_explicitely_declared_property] = :bar a[:non_explicitely_declared_property] # => :bar # but a.non_explicitely_declared_property # => NoMethodError: undefined method `non_existing_property' for... ``` Every entity has a `valid?` method which performs various checks. For example here we have said that an instance of `EntityB` has many entities of type `EntityA`. You can really see a `has_many` relationship an the definition of an Array which content is validated: ```ruby b = EntityB.new b.valid? # => false b.some_entities << :foo b.valid? # => false, :foo is not of the expected type b.clear b.valid? # => false b.some_entities << b b.valid? # => false, b is not of the expected type b.clear b.some_entities << a b.valid? # => true, a is ok ``` In the same vein: ```ruby a.valid? # => false a.some_entity = a a.valid? # => false, still false as requiring a non null :bar property a.bar = 'hey man' a.valid? # => false, not compliant with regexp specified a.bar = 'Yo man' a.valid? # => true ``` ### Special directives By default every entity has a `type`. It is available using the `#type` instance method or the `::entity_type` class method. The default value for the entity type is coming from the class name but it can be overridden using the `entity_type` directive: ```ruby EntityA.entity_type # => :some_entity EntityB.entity_type # => "entity_b" a = EntityA.new # => # a.type # => :some_entity b = EntityB.new # => # b.type # => "entity_b" ``` The `name` of an entity can be automatically generated using the `auto_named_entity_type` directive optionally providing a seed: ```ruby class EntityC < UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base auto_named_entity_type end class EntityD < UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base auto_named_entity_type :my_seed end EntityC.new # => # EntityD.new # => # EntityD.new # => # ``` ### Constraints directives The generic form to declare a field is the `field` statement. Any constraint can be declared using the `field` method. Here is the signature: ```ruby def field(field_name, *options) ``` Then other _constraint_ methods that can be used when describing an entity can be grouped into two. The switches: * not_null * not_empty * is_array * is_hash Then some methods taking parameter: * should_match * class_name So for each of these methods can be used either as "real" methods or as `field` parameter. For example: ```ruby class MyEntity < UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base field :my_field, :not_null, class_name: AClass end ``` Is strictly equivalent to: ```ruby class MyEntity < UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base not_null :my_field class_name :my_field, AClass end ``` Notice the fact that in the latter form `my_field` is "declared" more than once. ### Relational directives #### Basic relations `universe_compiler` provides two relational directives * has_one * has_many They specify relations to other entities and work both mainly the same way. In it's simplest form you can define: ```ruby class MyEntity < UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base has_one :another_entity_type not_null :another_entity_type has_one AnotherEntityClass has_many :bar end ``` :information_source: You can notice that you can specify either an entity type or an entity class. :information_source: You can use `not_null` and `not_empty` with `has_one` directives, **but on a separated declaration**. With `has_many` you can use `not_empty` (you could use `not_null` but it would always be satisfied as by default a `has_many` relation returns an empty array). For `has_one`, the accessors generated are like for `field`. With the previous class, for `has_many` the accessors are _pluralized_ (like in activerecord). ```ruby e = MyEntity.new fields: {name: :foo} # You can then issue e.another_entity_type # =>nil e.another_entity_type = ... e.another_entity_class # =>nil e.bars # =>[] ``` You can notice the `has_one` accessors defined using a class rather than an entity type, has been _camelized_. :warning: Notice the `has_many` directive generated _pluralized_ accessors ! This is the default behaviour, but you can override this using the `name` option (for both `has_one` and `has_many`): ```ruby class MyEntity < UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base has_one :another_entity_type, name: :better_name has_many :foo, name: :bars end ``` :warning: with the `has_many` directive if you specify a `name`, the accessors name is **not pluralized** (hence there, we specify the name as being `bars` and not `bar`). ```ruby # You can then issue e.bettername # =>nil e.bars # =>[] ``` :information_source: Of course like any other field, you can still use the internal `fields`: ```ruby e.bettername == e.fields[:bettername] e.bettername == e.[:bettername] e.bars == e[:bars] ``` #### Advanced relations Sometimes you may want entities _targeted_ by `has_one` or `has_many` relations to _be aware_ of this fact. **You can then implement complex relations without duplicating information**. This is called **reverse methods**. ```ruby class EntityA < UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base auto_named_entity_type entity_type :leaf end class EntityB < UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base entity_type :root end class EntityC < UniverseCompiler::Entity::Base entity_type :tree has_one :root, with_reverse_method: :tree, unique: true has_many :leaf, name: :leaves, with_reverse_method: :trunk, unique: true end ``` :warning: When you declare a reverse method using the `with_reverse_method` option, **an extra method is created on the target entity class**, not the one containing the has_one/many directive ! It allows the following kind of code: ```ruby u = UniverseCompiler::Universe::Base.new t = EntityC.new fields: {name: :my_tree} u << t (1..10).each {|_| l = EntityA.new ; t.leaves << l ; u << l } t.leaves #=> [#, # #, # #, # #, # #, # #, # #, # #, # #, # #] t.leaves.last.trunk # => # t.leaves.last.fields # => {:name=>"c881f93d-7216-49a0-a7d4-b5a2a4a314d4"} t.leaves.last.respond_to? :trunk # => true ``` You can then notice that any _leaf_ has a new `trunk` method which returns the entity it is referenced from (in this case the _tree_ entity). **The fields themselves are not modified !** What happens if multiple entities reference the same entity ? ```ruby t2 = EntityC.new fields: {name: :oak} u << t2 # And let's insert on entity A already added to t t2.leaves << t.leaves.last t.leaves.last.trunk # UniverseCompiler::Error: 'leaf/18693021-c0a3-4e47-be89-291850d7a0ff#trunk' should return only one 'tree' ! ``` An exception is returned. the `unique` option actually specifies that only one entity should reference it ! If you don't specify this option, an array is returned instead and this check is not performed. ### Validations Every constraint defined on a field or a relation is enforced when an entity is validated (which is as well true when saving it). Continuing on previous example: ```ruby t.leaves.last.valid? # => false t.leaves.last.valid? raise_error: true # UniverseCompiler::Error: Invalid entity '[:leaf, "0ecd1283-e98e-43ec-943b-b92e2e8ffa2b"]' for fields trunk ! ``` :information_source: Here above is just an example regarding the reverse methods but any constraint added to an entity is enforced at validation time (`not_null`, `is_hash`... all of them). ## Compilation The compilation mechanism is related to universes. When compiling a universe it actually: * Creates a __new universe__ containing __deep copies__ of its original entities. * Applies entities inheritance defined by the special field `extends`. * Applies overrides defined by the `:entity_overide` special entity type. Here is an example ```ruby u = UniverseCompiler.new_universe # Adding entities to universe requires they have a name a = EntityA.new fields: { name: :a, bar: 'Yo man', stupid: :yeah } # a is valid b = EntityA.new fields: { name: :b, extends: a } # Notice b is not valid but extends a u << a << b v = u.compile # v is a new universe result of the "compilation" of u u.name # => "Unnamed Universe" v.name # => "Unnamed Universe - COMPILED #47332840258780" compiled_b = v.get_entity :some_entity, :b compiled_b == b # => true, b and compiled_b although different represent the same entity compiled_b.eql? b # => false, b and compiled_b are in different universe compiled_b.equal? b # => false, b and compiled_b have different object_id b.valid? # => false, in the universe u, b is still not valid compiled_b.valid? # => true, thanks to the fact b extends a a.fields # => {:name=>:a, :bar=>"Yo man", :stupid=>:yeah, :some_data=>{}} b.fields # => {:name=>:b, :extends=>#, :some_data=>{}} compiled_b.fields # => {:name=>:b, :bar=>"Yo man", :stupid=>:yeah, :some_data=>{}, :extends=>#} ``` And each entity in the new universe will have the flag `compiled` set to `true`. ```ruby u.get_entities.map do |entity| {name: entity.name, compiled: entity.compiled} end # => [{name: :a, compiled: false},{name: :b, compiled: false},{name: :c, compiled: false}] v.get_entities.map do |entity| {name: entity.name, compiled: entity.compiled} end # => [{name: :a, compiled: true},{name: :b, compiled: true},{name: :c, compiled: true}] ``` ## Inheritance To be clear, here we talk about __entities (instances) inheritance, NOT classes !__ Each entity can potentially extend (using the `extends` field) one entity... which itself could extend as well another entity. __Circular references are detected and compilation may fail.__ When you `extends` another entity, it means that when the universe "compiles", it will perform some merge operations. e.g. for the the following inheritance definition: ``` u1.a --extends--> u1.b --extends--> u1.c ``` It means that if you have a universe u1 containing these entities a, b, c and you compile it, the resulting universe, let's call it u2, will contain 3 new entities a, b and c which content will be (all content is duplicated): * u2.c content is the __same as u1.c__. * u2.b content will be __the merge of u1.b into u2.c__. * u2.a content will be __the merge of u1.a into u2.b__. Of course the compilation process keeps the initial relationships. ``` u2.a --extends--> u2.b --extends--> u2.c ``` You can see an example of inheritance in previous paragraph. ## Overrides Overrides are actually a special type of entities. They have a special array called `overrides` which contains a list of entities you want to inject content into. When you override entity `a` with override `o`, it means that the content (fields) of `o` will be _injected_ into `a` (fields). This is why an override can override multiple objects of multiple types, because this is just about content injection. Of course as already said, it occurs during the compilation process and only in the "compiled" universe. The original universe is meant to remain unmodified. Overrides are only applied in the context of a `scenario` ```ruby u = UniverseCompiler.new_universe a = EntityA.new fields: { name: :a, bar: 'Yo man', stupid: :yeah } b = EntityA.new fields: { name: :b, extends: a } o = UniverseCompiler.new_override fields: { name: :my_override, scenario: :test_overrides, a_new_stuff: :hey, overrides: [a, b] } u << a << b << o o.type # => :entity_override v = u.compile scenario: :test_overrides v.get_entities.map &:fields # => [{:name=>:a, # :bar=>"Yo man", # :stupid=>:yeah, # :some_data=>{}, # :a_new_stuff=>:hey}, # {:name=>:b, # :bar=>"Yo man", # :stupid=>:yeah, # :some_data=>{}, # :extends=> # #, # :a_new_stuff=>:hey}, # {:name=>:my_override, # :scenario=>:test_overrides, # :a_new_stuff=>:hey, # :overrides=> # [#, # #]}] # ``` You can see there that the compiled version of `b` contains both data coming from the inheritance mechanism as well as those coming from the override... # Generate a graph of entities using `Graphviz` Provides a [Graphviz] graph of relations using the [ruby-graphviz] gem between a set of entities and allows callback mechanisms for the graph customization. All you need is to: ```ruby include UniverseCompiler::Utils::Graphviz ``` In any class, and then simply call: ```ruby graph_entities_to_file(an_array_of_entities, set_of_options, &customization_block) ``` Calls to the `graph_entities_to_file` method returns either the filename of the created file or the graphiz graph object depending on method parameters. A block can be passed to the method, it will yield the graph object, and optionnally a bi-directional structure of entities and graphwiz nodes, allowing for complete graph display customization (you may actually completely change the graph, but maybe in this case you may want to actually completely build the graph. It is normally intended to change/customize display attributes there...). # Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). # Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on Gitlab at https://gitlab.com/tools4devops/power_stencil. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License]. ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the PowerStencil project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct]. [code of conduct]: CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md [MIT License]: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT "The MIT license" [Ruby]: https://www.ruby-lang.org "The powerful Ruby language" [Graphviz]: (https://www.graphviz.org/) "Graph Visualization Software" [ruby-graphviz]: (https://rubygems.org/gems/ruby-graphviz) "Ruby interface to graphviz"