//L.provide('OML.abstract_chart', ["graph/js/abstract_widget", "#OML.abstract_widget", "vendor/d3/d3.js"], function () { define(["graph/abstract_widget"], function (abstract_widget) { var abstract_chart = abstract_widget.extend({ decl_color_func: { // scale "green_yellow80_red()": function() { return d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, 0.8, 1]) .range(["green", "yellow", "red"]); }, "green_red()": function() { return d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, 1]) .range(["green", "red"]); }, "red_yellow20_green()": function() { return d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, 0.2, 1]) .range(["red", "yellow", "green"]); }, "red_green()": function() { return d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, 1]) .range(["red", "green"]); }, // category "category10()": function() { return d3.scale.category10(); }, "category20()": function() { return d3.scale.category20(); }, "category20b()": function() { return d3.scale.category20b(); }, "category20c()": function() { return d3.scale.category20c(); }, }, defaults: function() { return this.deep_defaults({ margin: { left: 100, top: 40, right: 50, bottom: 40 }, }, abstract_chart.__super__.defaults.call(this)); }, //base_css_class: 'oml-chart', initialize: function(opts) { abstract_chart.__super__.initialize.call(this, opts); var vis = this.init_svg(this.w, this.h); this.configure_base_layer(vis); var self = this; OHUB.bind("graph.highlighted", function(evt) { if (evt.source == self) return; self.on_highlighted(evt); }); OHUB.bind("graph.dehighlighted", function(evt) { if (evt.source == self) return; self.on_dehighlighted(evt); }); //this.update(null); this.update(); }, configure_base_layer: function(vis) { this.base_layer = vis.append("svg:g"); if (this.base_css_class) { this.base_layer.attr("class", this.base_css_class); } }, _resize_base_el: function(w, h) { // Do not add margins to the base_el, but to the inside of the SVG panes this.w = w; this.h = h; this.base_el .style('height', this.h + 'px') .style('width', this.w + 'px') .style('margin-left', 0 + 'px') .style('margin-right', 0 + 'px') .style('margin-top', 0 + 'px') .style('margin-bottom', 0 + 'px') ; //var m = _.defaults(opts.margin || {}, this.defaults.margin); var m = this.opts.margin; var ca = this.widget_area = { x: m.left, rx: w - m.left, y: m.bottom, ty: m.top, w: w - m.left - m.right, h: h - m.top - m.bottom, ow: w, // outer dimensions oh: h }; }, init_svg: function(w, h) { var opts = this.opts; var vis = opts.svg = this.svg_base = this.base_el.append("svg:svg") // .attr("width", w) // .attr("height", h) .attr("width", '100%') .attr("height", '100%') .attr('class', this.base_css_class); var offset = opts.offset; if (offset.x) { // the next two lines do the same, but only one works // in the specific context vis.attr("x", offset.x); vis.style("margin-left", offset.x + "px"); } if (offset.y) { vis.attr("y", offset.y); vis.style("margin-top", offset.y + "px"); } return vis; }, // Split tuple array into array of tuple arrays grouped by // the tuple element at +index+. // group_by: function(in_data, index_f) { var data = []; var groups = {}; _.map(in_data, function(d) { var key = index_f(d); var a = groups[key]; if (!a) { a = groups[key] = []; data.push(a); } a.push(d); }); // Sort by 'group_by' index to keep the same order and with it same color assignment. var data = _.sortBy(data, function(a) { return index_f(a[0]) }); return data; }, init_selection: function(handler) { var self = this; this.ic = { handler: handler, }; var ig = this.base_layer.append("svg:g") .attr("pointer-events", "all") .on("mousedown", mousedown); var ca = this.chart_area; var frame = ig.append("svg:rect") .attr("class", "graph-area") .attr("x", ca.x) .attr("y", -1 * (ca.y + ca.h)) .attr("width", ca.w) .attr("height", ca.h) .attr("fill", "none") .attr("stroke", "none") ; function mousedown() { var ic = self.ic; if (!ic.rect) { ic.rect = ig.append("svg:rect") .attr("class", "select-rect") .attr("fill", "#999") .attr("fill-opacity", .5) .attr("pointer-events", "all") .on("mousedown", mousedown_box) ; } ic.x0 = d3.svg.mouse(ic.rect.node()); ic.is_dragging = true; ic.has_moved = false; ic.move_event_consumed = false; d3.event.preventDefault(); } function mousedown_box() { var ic = self.ic; mousedown(); if (ic.minx) { ic.offsetx = ic.x0[0] - ic.minx; } } function mousemove(x, d, i) { var ic = self.ic; var ca = self.chart_area; if (!ic.rect) return; if (!ic.is_dragging) return; ic.has_moved = true; var x1 = d3.svg.mouse(ic.rect.node()); var minx; if (ic.offsetx) { minx = Math.max(ca.x, x1[0] - ic.offsetx); minx = ic.minx = Math.min(minx, ca.x + ca.w - ic.width); } else { minx = ic.minx = Math.max(ca.x, Math.min(ic.x0[0], x1[0])); var maxx = Math.min(ca.x + ca.w, Math.max(ic.x0[0], x1[0])); ic.width = maxx - minx; } self.update_selection({screen_minx: minx}); } function mouseup() { var ic = self.ic; if (!ic.rect) return; ic.offsetx = null; ic.is_dragging = false; if (!ic.has_moved) { // click only. Remove selction ic.width = 0; ic.rect.attr("width", 0); if (ic.handler) ic.handler(this, 0, 0); } } d3.select(window) .on("mousemove", mousemove) .on("mouseup", mouseup); }, update_selection: function(selection) { if (!this.ic) return; var ic = this.ic; var ca = this.chart_area; var sminx = selection.screen_minx; if (sminx) { ic.rect .attr("x", sminx) .attr("y", -1 * (ca.y + ca.h)) //self.y(self.y_max)) .attr("width", ic.width) .attr("height", ca.h); //self.y(self.y_max) - self.y(0)); ic.sminx = sminx; } sminx = ic.sminx; var h = ic.handler; if (sminx && ic.handler) { var imin = this.x.invert(sminx); var imax = this.x.invert(sminx + ic.width); ic.handler(this, imin, imax); } }, /************* * Deal with schema and turn +mapping+ instructions into actionable functions. */ on_highlighted: function(evt) {}, on_dehighlighted: function(evt) {}, // Return an array with the 'min' and 'max' value returned by running 'f' over 'data' // However, any 'min' and 'max' values in 'opts' take precedence. // extent: function(data, f, opts) { var o = opts || {}; var max = o.max != undefined ? o.max : d3.max(data, f); var min = o.min != undefined ? o.min : d3.min(data, f); return [min, max]; }, extent_2d: function(data, f, opts) { var o = opts || {}; var max = o.max != undefined ? o.max : d3.max(data, function(s) {return d3.max(s, f)}); var min = o.min != undefined ? o.min : d3.min(data, function(s) {return d3.min(s, f)}); return [min, max]; } }); return abstract_chart; });