require 'tempfile' ## Here we define all the "chunks" that a message is parsed ## into. Chunks are used by ThreadViewMode to render a message. Chunks ## are used for both MIME stuff like attachments, for Sup's parsing of ## the message body into text, quote, and signature regions, and for ## notices like "this message was decrypted" or "this message contains ## a valid signature"---basically, anything we want to differentiate ## at display time. ## ## A chunk can be inlineable, expandable, or viewable. If it's ## inlineable, #color and #lines are called and the output is treated ## as part of the message text. This is how Text and one-line Quotes ## and Signatures work. ## ## If it's not inlineable but is expandable, #patina_color and ## #patina_text are called to generate a "patina" (a one-line widget, ## basically), and the user can press enter to toggle the display of ## the chunk content, which is generated from #color and #lines as ## above. This is how Quote, Signature, and most widgets ## work. Exandable chunks can additionally define #initial_state to be ## :open if they want to start expanded (default is to start collapsed). ## ## If it's not expandable but is viewable, a patina is displayed using ## #patina_color and #patina_text, but no toggling is allowed. Instead, ## if #view! is defined, pressing enter on the widget calls view! and ## (if that returns false) #to_s. Otherwise, enter does nothing. This ## is how non-inlineable attachments work. ## ## Independent of all that, a chunk can be quotable, in which case it's ## included as quoted text during a reply. Text, Quotes, and mime-parsed ## attachments are quotable; Signatures are not. ## monkey-patch time: make temp files have the right extension class Tempfile def make_tmpname basename, n sprintf '%d-%d-%s', $$, n, basename end end module Redwood module Chunk WRAP_LEN = 80 # wrap messages and text attachments at this width class Attachment HookManager.register "mime-decode", < content_type, :filename => lambda { write_to_disk }, :charset => encoded_content.charset, :sibling_types => sibling_types end @lines = nil if text @lines = text.gsub("\r\n", "\n").gsub(/\t/, " ").gsub(/\r/, "").split("\n") @lines = {|l| l.chomp.wrap WRAP_LEN}.flatten @quotable = true end end def color; :none end def patina_color; :attachment_color end def patina_text if expandable? "Attachment: #{filename} (#{lines.length} lines)" else "Attachment: #{filename} (#{content_type}; #{@raw_content.size.to_human_size})" end end ## an attachment is exapndable if we've managed to decode it into ## something we can display inline. otherwise, it's viewable. def inlineable?; false end def expandable?; !viewable? end def initial_state; :open end def viewable?; @lines.nil? end def view_default! path cmd = "/usr/bin/run-mailcap --action=view '#{@content_type}:#{path}'" debug "running: #{cmd.inspect}" BufferManager.shell_out(cmd) $? == 0 end def view! path = write_to_disk ret = "mime-view", :content_type => @content_type, :filename => path ret || view_default!(path) end def write_to_disk file = || "sup-attachment") file.print @raw_content file.close file.path end ## used when viewing the attachment as text def to_s @lines || @raw_content end end class Text attr_reader :lines def initialize lines @lines = { |l| l.chomp.wrap WRAP_LEN }.flatten # wrap ## trim off all empty lines except one @lines.pop while @lines.length > 1 && @lines[-1] =~ /^\s*$/ && @lines[-2] =~ /^\s*$/ end def inlineable?; true end def quotable?; true end def expandable?; false end def viewable?; false end def color; :none end end class Quote attr_reader :lines def initialize lines @lines = lines end def inlineable?; @lines.length == 1 end def quotable?; true end def expandable?; !inlineable? end def viewable?; false end def patina_color; :quote_patina_color end def patina_text; "(#{lines.length} quoted lines)" end def color; :quote_color end end class Signature attr_reader :lines def initialize lines @lines = lines end def inlineable?; @lines.length == 1 end def quotable?; false end def expandable?; !inlineable? end def viewable?; false end def patina_color; :sig_patina_color end def patina_text; "(#{lines.length}-line signature)" end def color; :sig_color end end class EnclosedMessage attr_reader :lines def initialize from, to, cc, date, subj @from = from ? "unknown sender" : from.full_adress @to = to ? "" : { |p| p.full_address }.join(", ") @cc = cc ? "" : { |p| p.full_address }.join(", ") if date @date = date.rfc822 else @date = "" end @subj = subj @lines = "\nFrom: #{from}\n" @lines += "To: #{to}\n" if !cc.empty? @lines += "Cc: #{cc}\n" end @lines += "Date: #{date}\n" @lines += "Subject: #{subj}\n\n" end def inlineable?; false end def quotable?; false end def expandable?; true end def initial_state; :closed end def viewable?; false end def patina_color; :generic_notice_patina_color end def patina_text; "Begin enclosed message sent on #{@date}" end def color; :quote_color end end class CryptoNotice attr_reader :lines, :status, :patina_text def initialize status, description, lines=[] @status = status @patina_text = description @lines = lines end def patina_color case status when :valid then :cryptosig_valid_color when :invalid then :cryptosig_invalid_color else :cryptosig_unknown_color end end def color; patina_color end def inlineable?; false end def quotable?; false end def expandable?; !@lines.empty? end def viewable?; false end end end end