require 'json' module ReactiveRecord class Base include Hyperstack::Component::IsomorphicHelpers before_first_mount do |context| if RUBY_ENGINE != 'opal' @server_data_cache =, {}) else Hyperstack::Internal::State::Variable.set(WhileLoading, :quiet, true) @public_columns_hash = get_public_columns_hash define_attribute_methods @outer_scopes = @fetch_scheduled = nil initialize_lookup_tables if on_opal_client? @pending_fetches = [] @pending_records = [] #@current_fetch_id = nil unless `typeof window.ReactiveRecordInitialData === 'undefined'` log(["Reactive record prerendered data being loaded: %o", `window.ReactiveRecordInitialData`]) JSON.from_object(`window.ReactiveRecordInitialData`).each do |hash| load_from_json hash end end end end end def self.deprecation_warning(model, message) @deprecation_messages ||= [] message = "Warning: Deprecated feature used in #{model}. #{message}" unless @deprecation_messages.include? message @deprecation_messages << message log message, :warning end end def deprecation_warning(message) self.class.deprecation_warning(model, message) end def records self.class.instance_variable_get(:@records) end # constructs vector for find_by def self.find_by_vector(attrs) [:all, [:___hyperstack_internal_scoped_find_by, attrs], '*0'] end def find_by_vector(attrs) self.class.find_by_vector(attrs) end # Prerendering db access (returns nil if on client): # at end of prerendering dumps all accessed records in the footer isomorphic_method(:fetch_from_db) do |f, vector| # vector must end with either "*all", or be a simple attribute f.send_to_server [, *vector] if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' f.when_on_server { @server_data_cache[*vector] } end isomorphic_method(:find_in_db) do |f, klass, attrs| f.send_to_server, attrs if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' f.when_on_server do @server_data_cache[klass, *find_by_vector(attrs), 'id'] end end class << self attr_reader :public_columns_hash end def self.define_attribute_methods public_columns_hash.keys.each do |model| Object.const_get(model).define_attribute_methods rescue nil end end isomorphic_method(:get_public_columns_hash) do |f| f.when_on_client { JSON.parse(`JSON.stringify(window.ReactiveRecordPublicColumnsHash)`) } f.send_to_server f.when_on_server { ActiveRecord::Base.public_columns_hash } end prerender_footer do if @server_data_cache json = @server_data_cache.as_json.to_json # can this just be to_json? @server_data_cache.clear_requests else json = {}.to_json end "\n" end if RUBY_ENGINE != 'opal' # Client side db access (never called during prerendering): # Always returns an object of class DummyValue which will act like most standard AR field types # Whenever a dummy value is accessed it notify React that there are loads pending so appropriate rerenders # will occur when the value is eventually loaded. # queue up fetches, and at the end of each rendering cycle fetch the records # notify that loads are pending def self.load_from_db(record, *vector) return nil unless on_opal_client? # this can happen when we are on the server and a nil value is returned for an attribute # only called from the client side # pushes the value of vector onto the a list of vectors that will be loaded from the server when the next # rendering cycle completes. # takes care of informing react that there are things to load, and schedules the loader to run # Note there is no equivilent to find_in_db, because each vector implicitly does a find. raise "attempt to do a find_by_id of nil. This will return all records, and is not allowed" if vector[1] == ["find_by_id", nil] vector = [record.model.model_name.to_s, ["new", record.object_id]]+vector[1..-1] if vector[0].nil? unless data_loading? @pending_fetches << vector @pending_records << record if record schedule_fetch end && record.get_columns_info_for_vector(vector)) end def get_columns_info_for_vector(vector) method_name = vector.last method_name = method_name.first if method_name.is_a? Array model.columns_hash[method_name] || model.server_methods[method_name] end class << self attr_reader :pending_fetches attr_reader :current_fetch_id end def self.schedule_fetch Hyperstack::Internal::State::Variable.set(WhileLoading, :quiet, false) # moved from while loading module see loading! method return if @fetch_scheduled @current_fetch_id = @fetch_scheduled = after(0) do # Skip the fetch if there are no pending_fetches. This would never normally happen # but during testing we might reset the context while there are pending fetches next unless @pending_fetches.count > 0 saved_current_fetch_id = @current_fetch_id saved_pending_fetches = @pending_fetches.uniq models, associations = gather_records(@pending_records, false, nil) log(["Server Fetching: %o", saved_pending_fetches.to_n]) start_time = `` models, associations: associations, pending_fetches: saved_pending_fetches) .then do |response| begin fetch_time = `` log(" Fetched in: #{`(fetch_time - start_time)/ 1000`}s") timer = after(0) do log(" Processed in: #{`( - fetch_time) / 1000`}s") log([' Returned: %o', response.to_n]) end begin ReactiveRecord::Base.load_from_json(response) rescue Exception => e `clearTimeout(#{timer})` log("Unexpected exception raised while loading json from server: #{e}", :error) end ReactiveRecord.run_blocks_to_load saved_current_fetch_id ensure ReactiveRecord::WhileLoading.loaded_at saved_current_fetch_id ReactiveRecord::WhileLoading.quiet! if @pending_fetches.empty? end end .fail do |response| log("Fetch failed", :error) begin ReactiveRecord.run_blocks_to_load(saved_current_fetch_id, response) ensure ReactiveRecord::WhileLoading.quiet! if @pending_fetches.empty? end end @pending_fetches = [] @pending_records = [] @fetch_scheduled = nil end end def self.get_type_hash(record) {record.class.inheritance_column => record[record.class.inheritance_column]} end if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' def self.gather_records(records_to_process, force, record_being_saved) # we want to pass not just the model data to save, but also enough information so that on return from the server # we can update the models on the client # input # list of records to process, will grow as we chase associations # outputs models = [] # the actual data to save {id: record.object_id, model: record.model.model_name.to_s, attributes: changed_attributes} associations = [] # {parent_id: record.object_id, attribute: attribute, child_id: assoc_record.object_id} # used to keep track of records that have been processed for effeciency # for quick lookup of records that have been or will be processed [record.object_id] => record records_to_process = records_to_process.uniq backing_records = Hash[*records_to_process.collect { |record| [record.object_id, record] }.flatten(1)] add_new_association = lambda do |record, attribute, assoc_record| unless backing_records[assoc_record.object_id] records_to_process << assoc_record backing_records[assoc_record.object_id] = assoc_record end associations << {parent_id: record.object_id, attribute: attribute, child_id: assoc_record.object_id} end record_index = 0 while(record_index < records_to_process.count) record = records_to_process[record_index] if and record_being_saved raise "Attempt to save a model while it or an associated model is still loading: model being saved: #{record_being_saved.model}:#{}#{', associated model: '+record.model.to_s if record != record_being_saved}" end output_attributes = {record.model.primary_key => ? nil :} vector = record.vector || [record.model.model_name.to_s, ["new", record.object_id]] models << {id: record.object_id, model: record.model.model_name.to_s, attributes: output_attributes, vector: vector} record.attributes.each do |attribute, value| if association = record.model.reflect_on_association(attribute) if association.collection? # following line changed from .all to .collection on 10/28 [*value.collection, *value.unsaved_children].each do |assoc|, attribute, assoc.backing_record) if assoc.changed?(association.inverse_of(assoc)) or assoc.new_record? end elsif || record.changed?(attribute) || (record == record_being_saved && force) if value.nil? output_attributes[attribute] = nil else record, attribute, value.backing_record end end elsif (aggregation = record.model.reflect_on_aggregation(attribute)) && (aggregation.klass < ActiveRecord::Base) record, attribute, value.backing_record unless value.nil? elsif aggregation new_value = aggregation.serialize(value) output_attributes[attribute] = new_value if record.changed?(attribute) or new_value != aggregation.serialize(record.synced_attributes[attribute]) elsif or record.changed?(attribute) output_attributes[attribute] = value end end if || record.changed? || (record == record_being_saved && force) record_index += 1 end [models.sort_by { |model| model[:id] }, associations, backing_records] end def save_or_validate(save, validate, force, &block) if data_loading? sync! elsif force || changed? || (validate && new?) HyperMesh.load do ReactiveRecord.loads_pending! unless self.class.pending_fetches.empty? end.then { send_save_to_server(save, validate, force, &block) } else if validate # Handles the case where a model is valid, then some attribute is # updated, and model.validate is called updating the error data. # Now lets say the attribute changes back to the last synced value. In # this case we need to revert the error records. models, _, backing_records = self.class.gather_records([self], true, self) models.each do |item| backing_records[item[:id]].revert_errors! end end promise = yield true, nil, [] if block promise.resolve({success: true}) promise end end def send_save_to_server(save, validate, force, &block) models, associations, backing_records = self.class.gather_records([self], force, self) begin backing_records.each { |id, record| record.saving! } if save promise = models, associations: associations, save: save, validate: validate) .then do |response| begin response[:models] = response[:saved_models].collect do |item| backing_records[item[0]].ar_instance end if save if response[:success] response[:saved_models].each do |item| Broadcast.to_self backing_records[item[0]].ar_instance, item[2] end else log(response[:message], :error) response[:saved_models].each do |item| log(" Model: #{item[1]}[#{item[0]}] Attributes: #{item[2]} Errors: #{item[3]}", :error) if item[3] end end end response[:saved_models].each do | item | backing_records[item[0]].sync_unscoped_collection! if save backing_records[item[0]].errors! item[3], save end yield response[:success], response[:message], response[:models] if block promise.resolve response # TODO this could be problematic... there was no .json here, so .... what's to do? rescue Exception => e log("Exception raised while saving - #{e}", :error) ensure backing_records.each { |_id, record| record.saved! rescue nil } if save end end promise rescue Exception => e backing_records.each { |_id, record| record.saved!(true) rescue nil } if save end rescue Exception => e log("Exception raised while saving - #{e}", :error) yield false, e.message, [] if block promise.resolve({success: false, message: e.message, models: []}) promise end else def self.find_record(model, id, acting_user, vector, save) if !save found = vector[1..-1].inject(vector[0]) do |object, method| if object.nil? # happens if you try to do an all on empty scope followed by more scopes object elsif method.is_a? Array #__secure_remote_access_to_ if method[0] == 'new' else object.send(:"__secure_remote_access_to_#{method[0]}", object, acting_user, *method[1..-1]) end elsif method.is_a?(String) && method[0] == '*' object[method.gsub(/^\*/,'').to_i] else object.send(:"__secure_remote_access_to_#{method}", object, acting_user) end end if id and (found.nil? or !(found.class <= model) or ( and != id.to_s)) # TODO: the one case that this is okay is when we are doing a find(some_id) which # does not exist. So the above check needs to deal with that if possible, # otherwise we can just skip this check, as it was put in sometime back for # debugging purposes, and is perhaps not necessary anymore #raise "Inconsistent data sent to server - #{}.find(#{id}) != [#{vector}]" end found elsif id model.find(id) else end end def self.is_enum?(record, key) record.class.respond_to?(:defined_enums) && record.class.defined_enums[key] end def self.save_records(models, associations, acting_user, validate, save) reactive_records = {} vectors = {} new_models = [] saved_models = [] dont_save_list = [] models.each do |model_to_save| attributes = model_to_save[:attributes] model = Object.const_get(model_to_save[:model]) id = attributes.delete(model.primary_key) if model.respond_to? :primary_key # if we are saving existing model primary key value will be present vector = model_to_save[:vector] vector = [vector[0].constantize] + vector[1..-1].collect do |method| if method.is_a?(Array) && method.first == "find_by_id" ["find", method.last] else method end end reactive_records[model_to_save[:id]] = vectors[vector] = record = find_record(model, id, acting_user, vector, save) # ??? || validate ??? next unless record if attributes.empty? dont_save_list << record unless save elsif record.respond_to?(:id) && # we have an already exising activerecord model keys = record.attributes.keys attributes.each do |key, value| if is_enum?(record, key) record.send("#{key}=", value) elsif keys.include? key record[key] = value elsif value && (aggregation = record.class.reflect_on_aggregation(key.to_sym)) && !(aggregation.klass < ActiveRecord::Base) aggregation.mapping.each_with_index do |pair, i| record[pair.first] = value[i] end elsif record.respond_to? "#{key}=" record.send("#{key}=", value) else # TODO once reading schema.rb on client is implemented throw an error here end end else # either the model is new, or its not even an active record model dont_save_list << record unless save keys = record.attributes.keys attributes.each do |key, value| if is_enum?(record, key) record.send("#{key}=",value) elsif keys.include? key record[key] = value elsif !value.nil? and aggregation = record.class.reflect_on_aggregation(key) and !(aggregation.klass < ActiveRecord::Base) aggregation.mapping.each_with_index do |pair, i| record[pair.first] = value[i] end elsif key.to_s != "id" and record.respond_to?("#{key}=") # server side methods can get included and we won't be able to write them... # for example if you have a server side method foo, that you "get" on a new record, then later that value will get sent to the server # we should track better these server side methods so this does not happen record.send("#{key}=",value) end end new_models << record end end #puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!attributes updated" ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do associations.each do |association| parent = reactive_records[association[:parent_id]] next unless parent #parent.instance_variable_set("@reactive_record_#{association[:attribute]}_changed", true) remove this???? if parent.class.reflect_on_aggregation(association[:attribute].to_sym) #puts ">>>>>>AGGREGATE>>>> #{}.send('#{association[:attribute]}=', #{reactive_records[association[:child_id]]})" aggregate = reactive_records[association[:child_id]] dont_save_list << aggregate current_attributes = parent.send(association[:attribute]).attributes #puts "current parent attributes = #{current_attributes}" new_attributes = aggregate.attributes #puts "current child attributes = #{new_attributes}" merged_attributes = current_attributes.merge(new_attributes) { |k, current_attr, new_attr| aggregate.send("#{k}_changed?") ? new_attr : current_attr} #puts "merged attributes = #{merged_attributes}" aggregate.assign_attributes(merged_attributes) #puts "aggregate attributes after merge = #{aggregate.attributes}" parent.send("#{association[:attribute]}=", aggregate) #puts "updated is frozen? #{aggregate.frozen?}, parent attributes = #{parent.send(association[:attribute]).attributes}" elsif parent.class.reflect_on_association(association[:attribute].to_sym).nil? raise "Missing association :#{association[:attribute]} for #{}. Was association defined on opal side only?" elsif parent.class.reflect_on_association(association[:attribute].to_sym).collection? #puts ">>>>>>>>>> #{}.send('#{association[:attribute]}') << #{reactive_records[association[:child_id]]})" dont_save_list.delete(parent) # if reactive_records[association[:child_id]]&.new_record? # dont_save_list << reactive_records[association[:child_id]] # end if parent.new_record? parent.send("#{association[:attribute]}") << reactive_records[association[:child_id]] end else #puts ">>>>ASSOCIATION>>>> #{}.send('#{association[:attribute]}=', #{reactive_records[association[:child_id]]})" parent.send("#{association[:attribute]}=", reactive_records[association[:child_id]]) dont_save_list.delete(parent) # if parent.class.reflect_on_association(association[:attribute].to_sym).macro == :has_one && # reactive_records[association[:child_id]]&.new_record? # dont_save_list << reactive_records[association[:child_id]] # end end end if associations # get rid of any records that don't require further processing, as a side effect # we also save any records that need to be saved (these may be rolled back later.) reactive_records.keep_if do |reactive_record_id, record| next false unless record # throw out items where we couldn't find a record next true if record.frozen? # skip (but process later) frozen records next true if dont_save_list.include?(record) # skip if the record is on the don't save list next true if record.changed.include?(record.class.primary_key) # happens on an aggregate #next true if record.persisted? # record may be have been saved as result of has_one assignment # next false if && !record.changed? # throw out any existing records with no changes next record.persisted? if && !record.changed? # if we get to here save the record and return true to keep it op = new_models.include?(record) ? :create_permitted? : :update_permitted? record.check_permission_with_acting_user(acting_user, op).save(validate: validate) || true end # if called from ServerDataCache then save and validate are both false, and we just return the # vectors. ServerDataCache has its own transaction which it will rollback when its done return vectors unless save || validate # otherwise either save or validate or both are true, so we convert the remaining react_records into # arrays with the id, model name, legal attributes, and any error messages. We also accumulate # the all the error messages during a save so we can dump them to the server log. all_messages = [] attributes = nil saved_models = reactive_records.collect do |reactive_record_id, model| messages = model.errors.messages if validate && !model.valid? all_messages << [model, messages] if save && messages attributes = model.__hyperstack_secure_attributes(acting_user) attributes[model.class.primary_key] = model[model.class.primary_key] [reactive_record_id,, attributes, messages] end # if we are not saving (i.e. just validating) then we rollback the transaction raise ActiveRecord::Rollback, 'This Rollback is intentional!' unless save # if there are error messages then we dump them to the server log, and raise an error # to roll back the transaction and set success to false. unless all_messages.empty? ::Rails.logger.debug "\033[0;31;1mERROR: HyperModel saving records failed:\033[0;30;21m" all_messages.each do |model, message| ::Rails.logger.debug "\033[0;31;1m\t#{model}: #{message}\033[0;30;21m" end raise 'HyperModel saving records failed!' end end { success: true, saved_models: saved_models } rescue Exception => e if save || validate {success: false, saved_models: saved_models, message: e} else raise e # was returning {} TODO verify that just raising the error at least reports the error end end end # destroy records if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' def destroy(&block) return if @destroyed || @being_destroyed # destroy_associations promise = if !data_loading? && (id || vector) ar_instance.model_name.to_s, id: id, vector: vector) .then do |response| Broadcast.to_self ar_instance yield response[:success], response[:message] if block promise.resolve response end else destroy_associations # sync_unscoped_collection! # ? should we do this here was NOT being done before hypermesh integration yield true, nil if block promise.resolve(success: true) end # DO NOT CLEAR ATTRIBUTES. Records that are not found, are destroyed, and if they are searched for again, we want to make # sure to find them. We may want to change this, and provide a separate flag called not_found. In this case you # would put these lines here: # @attributes = {} # sync! # and modify server_data_cache so that it does NOT call destroy @destroyed = true promise end else def self.destroy_record(model, id, vector, acting_user) model = Object.const_get(model) record = if id model.find(id) else, {})[*vector].value end record.check_permission_with_acting_user(acting_user, :destroy_permitted?).destroy { success: true, attributes: {} } rescue Exception => e # ReactiveRecord::Pry.rescued(e) { success: false, record: record, message: e } end end end end