# AppDrone **Avoid the mundane.** ## Overview AppDrone aims to take the bore out of setting up a Rails app just the way you like it. It's a code library that builds generator code that builds your Rails app code - R A I L S C E P T I O N! Don't want to fiddle around with the command line? No problem! Head on over to http://drone.bz and make use of the shiny Ember.js-powered UI. ## Installation Add this line to your application's `Gemfile`: gem 'app_drone' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself: $ gem install app_drone ## Usage ### Create a new template require 'app_drone' t = AppDrone::Template.new ### Add drones t.add AppDrone::Bundle t.add AppDrone::StyleSheet Parameters can be used to modify drone behavior: t.add AppDrone::Bootstrap, vendor: true To list parameters for a specific drone: AppDrone::Bootstrap.params # => #"download a local copy into the repo"}> # => #"include responsive grid"}> For readability, you can use the symbol shorthand instead of full class name: t.add :factory_girl # adds AppDrone::FactoryGirl ### Render template Once you've loaded and configured your drones, the template can be rendered to screen or file: t.render_to_file # => out.rb Dependencies are automatically checked, and a template will not render unless the drone requirements are all satisfied. AppDrone::Bootstrap.dependencies # => [AppDrone::Bundle, AppDrone::Stylesheet, AppDrone::Javascript] *Note that most drones depend on `Bundle`, `Stylesheet` and `Javascript`.* To make sure a drone's directives are run after another drone's, use `run_after :drone, :another_drone`. Unlike `depends_on`, no dependency checking is done on template render, so you reference paired drones that may or may not exist in the final template. An example: class AppDrone::SimpleCov depends_on :bundle pairs_with :rspec run_after :rspec def align bundle.add 'simplecov' end def execute do! :install do! :rspec_integration if pair?(:rspec) # we can be certain that rspec's generated files exist to modify end end ### Active drones To list all available drones: Drone.drones # => [:stylesheet, :javascript, :slim_view, :cleanup, :bundle] *Note: these are the underscored versions, not the class names.* ## Underneath the hood Drones are simple classes that implement `align` and `execute` methods. When a template is rendered, `align` is called on each included drone in turn (to set up inter-dependencies), and then `execute` outputs drone code for the generator file. Each drone lives in it's own folder in `lib/app_drone/drones`, and can include `.erb` templates that are rendered into the main generator template by calling `do! :template_name`. Usually, this would happen in the `execute` function. Optionally, a `setup` method can be defined to set up variables etc. when a drone instance is created. ### Describing a drone Use `desc` in the class declaration to explain what the drone does, and `category` to group similar drones together. This is mostly for shiny UI purposes (app_drone_app). class AppDrone::MyDrone < AppDrone::Drone desc 'Kills all humans.' category :deathbots end ### Drone dependencies class AppDrone::MyDrone < AppDrone::Drone depends_on DeathRay, YourMom end AppDrone::MyDrone.dependencies # => [AppDrone::DeathRay, AppDrone::YourMom] ### Drone pairings Pairing is weaker than a dependency. A template will not render without its dependencies, but pairs are optional inclusions to add extra params and behavior in the presence of another drone. class AppDrone::BarbraStreisand < AppDrone::Drone depends_on :bobby_davis_jr pairs_with :celine_dion param :wear_human_suit_over_mechaskin, :boolean, info: 'Wear the human disguise' param_with :celine_dion, :celine_in_rehab, :boolean, info: 'Is she currently in rehab?' def align bobby_davis_jr.say 'Hi' bobby_davis_jr.introduce 'This is Celine Dion' if pair?(:celine_dion) self.visit_changing_room if param(:wear_human_suit_over_mechaskin) end def execute do! :duet_with_bobby if pair?(:celine_dion) do! :coke_with_celine unless param(:celine_in_rehab) end end end ### Drone behavior parameters class AppDrone::MyDrone < AppDrone::Drone param :lazer_color, :string, rainbow: ['all','teh','colors!'] end AppDrone::MyDrone.params # => [#["all","teh","colors!"]}>] t = AppDrone::Template.new t.add :my_drone, lazer_color: 'teh' A drone may also declare a parameter that is only to be used in presence of a dependency. You can also use `param_with` to specify a parameter that is expected in presence of a pair: class AppDrone::EddieIzzard desc 'Professional transvestite' pairs_with :heels param_with :heels, :wearing_heels, :boolean, default: true def align # defaults to true in the presence of :heels dependency if pair?(:heels) && param(:wearing_heels) puts "I am a professional transvestite, so I can run about in heels and not fall over." puts "Cause if a woman falls over wearing heels, that’s embarrassing." puts "But if a bloke falls over wearing heels, you have to kill yourself." puts "It’s the end of your life. end end end ### Drone communication Drones can talk to eachother via a proxy on the template they are included in, using the class name as a reference: class AppDrone::MyDrone < AppDrone::Drone def align (self >> Bundle).add 'my_gem' (self >> Stylesheet).add_import 'shiny_sheet' end end *Note that the class instance of the parent template is messaged, not the static class.* For convenience, `method_missing` is used to allow you to use the underscore'd name of a class to talk to it's template instance directly: class AppDrone::MyDrone < AppDrone::Drone def align bundle.add 'my_gem' stylesheet.add_import 'shiny_sheet' end end ## DependencyChain The `DependencyChain` class is used to test if a collection of drones is self-sufficient. DependencyChain.satisfied? [AppDrone::Bundle, AppDrone::Stylesheet] # => true DependencyChain.satisfied? [AppDrone::Bundle, AppDrone::Flair] # => false DependencyChain.satisfaction_requirements [AppDrone::Bundle, AppDrone::Flair] # => [AppDrone::HighVoltage, AppDrone::SlimView] Note that only immediate requirements are output. Consider, if `A` depends on `B`, and `B` depends on `C`: DependencyChain.satisfaction_requirements ['A'] # => ['B'] DependencyChain.satisfied? ['A','B'] # => false DependencyChain.satisfaction_requirements ['A','B'] # => ['C'] DependencyChain.satisfied? ['A','B','C'] # => true You can also sort a collection of drones so that each drone appears after its respective dependencies: DependencyChain.sort [AppDrone::Flair, AppDrone::HighVoltage, AppDrone::Bundle, AppDrone::SlimView] # => [AppDrone::Bundle, AppDrone::HighVoltage, AppDrone::SlimView, AppDrone::Flair] ### More info **Take a look at existing drones to gain a deeper understanding of how they work** ### Drone naming caveat Because `ActiveSupport::Inflector` is used, be careful when naming drones with apparent plurals - `AppDrone::EmberJs` would be incorrectly symbolized to `ember_j`. ### An important reminder AppDrone is not for everyone. It's highly opinionated about how a Rails app should be laid out, but is the fruit of tons of research into best practices and maintainability. AppDrone leans especially heavily on Sass, Compass, Coffeescript and Slim. Buyer beware. ## Drones ### Active drones (put 'em to work!) - [base] **Bundle** for managing gems - [base] **Stylesheet** (Sass & Compass) - [base] **Javascript** (Coffescript & jQuery) - [base] **SlimView** (Slim, laid out right) - [base] **Cleanup** - [base] **HighVoltage** by ThoughtBot - [base] **Flair** - drones use this to demonstrate their working functionality - [views] **SimpleForm** with optional Country Select and automatic Twitter Bootstrap integration - [views] **NestedForm** for managing multiple models in a single form - [auth] **Sorcery** for no-frills user authentication - [auth] **CanCan** for role-based authorization - [auth] **EasyRoles**,to add roles to your User models - [model] **Migrant** for easier schema management - [model] **Squeel** improving on ActiveRelation - [model] **RankedModel** for sorting and ranking objects - [ui] **Chosen select** by harvestHQ - [ui] **Bootstrap** by Twitter - [ui] **Gritter** for jQuery growl-like notifications - [ui] **Underscore.js** utility belt - [ux] **Ember** (the Ember.js library) - [requests] **Responders** from Plataformatec - [requests] **HasScope** for mapping filters to controller actions - [requests] **WillPaginate** with automatic Bootstrap integration - [dev] **LetterOpener** to preview email in the browser instead of sending it\ - [misc] **Chronic** for natural language date parsing - [misc] **Timecop** - time travelling for Ruby - [misc] **NiftyGenerators**, a collection of useful Rails generator scripts - [production] **NewRelic** app performance monitoring - [uploads] **Carrierwave** file uploading plus optional Fog cloud storage - [uploads] **Remotipart**, for AJAX file uploads with jQuery - [test] **RSpec** for BDD - [test] **Factory Girl** test fixtures - [test] **SimpleCov** code coverage for Ruby 1.9, with automatic RSpec integration ### Frozen drones (currently in development) - [base] Database (currently rake db:migrate in template will break non-sqlite dbs) - [auth] Devise - [test] DatabaseCleaner - [test] TimeCop - [test] Capybara - [test] Shoulda - [dev] Guard - [source-control] Git - [requests] InheritedResources (deprecated) - [requests] UserAgent blocking script - [mailing] SendGrid ### Future drones (TODO - I'll get there some day!) - [ui] Stylesheet utils - [ui] Calendrical for jQuery - [ui] SlimViews: Add browser-specific classes to via useragent + helpers.. - [ui] Bootstrap: vendor files rather than gem require (is this necessary? seems all variables can be customized in an external sheet as long as it's required before compass_twitter_bootstrap) - [ui] jQuery shims - [ui] jQuery UI (vendor + theme etc.) - [ui] pie.htc for IE - [ui] HTML5 shim for IE - [uploads?] RMagick / minimagick - [requests] HasScope - [requests] will-paginate (+bootstrap-will-paginate) - [dev] rails-best-practices (and the other output gem for debugging) - [dev] Pivotal tracker - [dev] RailsErd - [production] Airbrake + API Key - [production] EngineYard for deployment - [ux] Backbone integration + Skim - [views] Nested Form - [?] SeedFu - [?] Launchy - [?] Growl & rb-notify etc. - [views] ShowFor - [views?] RedCarpet - [?] Nokogiri - [?] Mechanize - [?] Money - [ui] jQuery.transit - [ui] jQuery joyride - [ui] Ember Touch (gesture support for Ember: pinch, pan etc.) ## Contributing I'd love it if you could get involved! Feel free to suggest improvements, drones you'd like developed, or help me get test coverage up to scratch :) 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request =======