import React from 'react'; import { renderWithRedux, patientlyWaitFor, fireEvent } from 'react-testing-lib-wrapper'; import nock, { nockInstance, assertNockRequest, mockAutocomplete, mockSetting } from '../../../../../test-utils/nockWrapper'; import api from '../../../../../services/api'; import CONTENT_VIEWS_KEY from '../../../ContentViewsConstants'; import ContentViewRepositories from '../ContentViewRepositories'; const repoData = require('./contentViewDetailRepos.fixtures.json'); const autocompleteUrl = '/repositories/auto_complete_search'; const renderOptions = { apiNamespace: `${CONTENT_VIEWS_KEY}_1` }; const cvAllRepos = api.getApiUrl('/content_views/1/repositories/show_all'); const cvRepos = api.getApiUrl('/content_views/1/repositories'); let firstRepo; let searchDelayScope; let autoSearchScope; beforeEach(() => { const { results } = repoData; [firstRepo] = results; searchDelayScope = mockSetting(nockInstance, 'autosearch_delay', 500); autoSearchScope = mockSetting(nockInstance, 'autosearch_while_typing', true); }); afterEach(() => { nock.cleanAll(); assertNockRequest(searchDelayScope); assertNockRequest(autoSearchScope); }); test('Can call API and show repositories on page load', async (done) => { const autocompleteScope = mockAutocomplete(nockInstance, autocompleteUrl); const scope = nockInstance .get(cvAllRepos) .query(true) .reply(200, repoData); const { getByText, queryByText } = renderWithRedux( , renderOptions, ); // Nothing will show at first, page is loading expect(queryByText(; // Assert that the repo name is now showing on the screen, but wait for it to appear. await patientlyWaitFor(() => expect(getByText(; assertNockRequest(autocompleteScope); assertNockRequest(scope, done); }); test('Can filter by repository type', async (done) => { const autocompleteScope = mockAutocomplete(nockInstance, autocompleteUrl); const allTypesScope = nockInstance .get(cvAllRepos) .query(true) .reply(200, repoData); // With the yum checkbox unchecked, we can expect the query params to not include 'yum' const noYumScope = nockInstance .get(cvAllRepos) .query(queryObj => queryObj.content_type === 'yum') .reply(200, repoData); const { getByLabelText } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions); // Patternfly's Select component makes it hard to attach a label, the existing options aren't // working as expected, so querying by container label and getting first button to open dropdown const toggleContainer = getByLabelText('select Type container'); const toggleButton = toggleContainer.querySelector('button');; // Open type dropdown'select Yum repositories')); // select yum repos assertNockRequest(autocompleteScope); assertNockRequest(allTypesScope); assertNockRequest(noYumScope, done); }); test('Can filter by Not added status', async (done) => { const autocompleteScope = mockAutocomplete(nockInstance, autocompleteUrl); const allStatusScope = nockInstance .get(cvAllRepos) .query(true) .reply(200, repoData); const notAddedScope = nockInstance .get(cvRepos) .query(params => params.available_for === 'content_view') .reply(200, repoData); const { getByLabelText } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions); const toggleContainer = getByLabelText('select Status container'); const toggleButton = toggleContainer.querySelector('button');;'select Not added')); assertNockRequest(autocompleteScope); assertNockRequest(allStatusScope); assertNockRequest(notAddedScope, done); }); test('Can filter by Added status', async (done) => { const autocompleteScope = mockAutocomplete(nockInstance, autocompleteUrl); const allStatusScope = nockInstance .get(cvAllRepos) .query(true) .reply(200, repoData); const addedScope = nockInstance .get(cvRepos) .query(true) .reply(200, repoData); const { getByLabelText } = renderWithRedux(, renderOptions); const toggleContainer = getByLabelText('select Status container'); const toggleButton = toggleContainer.querySelector('button');;'select Added')); assertNockRequest(autocompleteScope); assertNockRequest(allStatusScope); assertNockRequest(addedScope, done); });