require File.expand_path("../test_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) class RelationshipTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase N = Domain::Relationship::N def domain_cardinalities end # Relationship ============================================================= test "inspect should show source and destination" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" assert_match %r{#}, Domain.generate.relationships.first.inspect end test "source should return relationship source" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" domain = Domain.generate assert_equal [domain.entity_by_name("Bar")], end test "destination should return relationship destination" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" domain = Domain.generate assert_equal [domain.entity_by_name("Foo")], end # Relationship properties ================================================== test "mutual should return false for one way relationship" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" assert_equal [false], end test "mutual should return true for mutual relationship" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" do has_many :foos end assert_equal [true], end test "mutual should return true for mutual many to many relationship" do create_many_to_many_assoc_domain assert_equal [true], end test "recursive should return false for ordinary relationship" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" do has_many :foos end assert_equal [false], end test "recursive should return true for self referencing relationship" do create_model "Foo", :foo => :references do belongs_to :foo end assert_equal [true], end test "indirect should return false for ordinary relationship" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" do has_many :foos end assert_equal [false], end test "indirect should return false for non mutual ordinary relationship" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" assert_equal [false], end test "indirect should return true if relationship is a through association" do create_model "Foo", :baz => :references, :bar => :references do belongs_to :baz belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" do has_many :foos has_many :bazs, :through => :foos end create_model "Baz" do has_many :foos end assert_equal true, Domain.generate.relationships.find { |rel| rel.source.model == Bar and rel.destination.model == Baz }.indirect? end test "strength should return one for relationship with one association" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references create_model "Bar" do has_many :foos end assert_equal [1], end test "strength should return two for relationship with two associations" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" do has_many :foos end assert_equal [2], end test "strength should return number of associations that make up the relationship" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar belongs_to :special_bar, :class_name => "Bar", :foreign_key => :bar_id end create_model "Bar" do has_many :foos has_many :special_foos, :class_name => "Foo", :foreign_key => :bar_id end assert_equal [4], end test "strength should count polymorphic associations only once" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar, :polymorphic => true end create_model "Qux" do has_many :foos, :as => :bar end create_model "Quux" do has_many :foos, :as => :bar end assert_equal [1], end # Cardinalities ============================================================ test "cardinality should be zero-one to zero-one for optional one to one associations" do create_one_to_one_assoc_domain assert_equal [, 0..1)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be one to one for mutually mandatory one to one associations" do create_one_to_one_assoc_domain One.class_eval do validates_presence_of :other end Other.class_eval do validates_presence_of :one end assert_equal [, 1)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be zero-one to zero-many for optional one to many associations" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain assert_equal [, 0..N)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be one to zero-many for one to many associations with not null foreign key" do create_model "One" do has_many :many end create_model "Many" do belongs_to :one end add_column :manies, :one_id, :integer, :null => false, :default => 0 assert_equal [, 0..N)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be one to one-many for mutually mandatory one to many associations" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain One.class_eval do validates_presence_of :many end Many.class_eval do validates_presence_of :one end assert_equal [, 1..N)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be zero-one to one-n for maximised one to many associations" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain One.class_eval do validates_presence_of :many # This kind of validation is bizarre, but we support it. validates_length_of :many, :maximum => 5 validates_length_of :many, :maximum => 2 # The lowest maximum should be used. end assert_equal [, 1..2)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be zero-one to n-many for minimised one to many associations" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain One.class_eval do validates_presence_of :many validates_length_of :many, :minimum => 2 validates_length_of :many, :minimum => 5 # The highest minimum should be used. end assert_equal [, 5..N)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be zero-one to n-m for limited one to many associations with single validation" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain One.class_eval do validates_length_of :many, :minimum => 5, :maximum => 17 end assert_equal [, 5..17)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be zero-one to n-m for limited one to many associations with multiple validations" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain One.class_eval do validates_presence_of :many validates_length_of :many, :maximum => 17 validates_length_of :many, :minimum => 5 validates_length_of :many, :minimum => 2, :maximum => 28 end assert_equal [, 5..17)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be zero-many to zero-many for optional many to many associations" do create_many_to_many_assoc_domain assert_equal [, 0..N)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be one-many to one-many for mutually mandatory many to many associations" do create_many_to_many_assoc_domain Many.class_eval do validates_presence_of :more end More.class_eval do validates_presence_of :many end assert_equal [, 1..N)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be n-m to n-m for limited many to many associations with single validations" do create_many_to_many_assoc_domain Many.class_eval do validates_length_of :more, :minimum => 3, :maximum => 18 end More.class_eval do validates_length_of :many, :maximum => 29, :minimum => 7 end assert_equal [, 7..29)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be n-m to n-m for limited many to many associations with multiple validations" do create_many_to_many_assoc_domain Many.class_eval do validates_presence_of :more validates_length_of :more, :minimum => 3 validates_length_of :more, :maximum => 20 validates_length_of :more, :maximum => 33 end More.class_eval do validates_presence_of :many validates_length_of :many, :minimum => 2 validates_length_of :many, :minimum => 9 validates_length_of :many, :maximum => 17 end assert_equal [, 9..17)], domain_cardinalities end # Cardinality for non-mutual relationships ================================= test "cardinality should be zero-one to zero-many for non mutual relationship with belongs_to association" do create_model "One" create_model "Many", :one => :references do belongs_to :one end assert_equal [, 0..N)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be zero-one to zero-many for non mutual relationship with has_many association" do create_model "One" do has_many :many end create_model "Many", :one => :references assert_equal [, 0..N)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be zero-one to zero-one for non mutual relationship with has_one association" do create_model "One" do has_one :other end create_model "Other", :one => :references assert_equal [, 0..1)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be zero-many to zero-many for non mutual relationship with has_and_belongs_to_many association" do create_table "many_more", :many_id => :integer, :more_id => :integer create_model "Many" create_model "More" do has_and_belongs_to_many :many end assert_equal [, 0..N)], domain_cardinalities end # Cardinality for multiple associations ==================================== test "cardinality should be zero-one to zero-many for conflicting one to many associations" do create_model "CreditCard", :person => :references do belongs_to :person end create_model "Person" do has_many :credit_cards # A person may have a preferred card, but they are still able to have # many cards. The association has an infinite maximum cardinality. has_one :preferred_credit_card, :class_name => "CreditCard" end assert_equal [, 0..N)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be zero-one to one-many for conflicting validations in one to many associations" do create_model "Book", :author => :references do belongs_to :author end create_model "Author" do has_many :books has_many :published_books, :class_name => "Book" # The author certainly has books, therefore, this association has a # minimum cardinality of one. validates_presence_of :books end assert_equal [, 1..N)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be n-m to n-m for conflicting validations in one to many associations" do create_model "Spell", :wizard => :references do end create_model "Wizard" do has_many :ice_spells, :class_name => "Spell" has_many :fire_spells, :class_name => "Spell" # Well, this can make sense, based on the conditions for the associations. # We don't go that far yet. We ignore the lower values and opt for the # higher values. It'll be okay. Really... You'll never need this. validates_length_of :ice_spells, :in => 10..20 validates_length_of :fire_spells, :in => 50..100 end assert_equal [, 50..100)], domain_cardinalities end test "cardinality should be one to one-many for mandatory one to many associations on polymorphic interfaces" do create_model "Cannon", :defensible => :references do belongs_to :defensible, :polymorphic => true validates_presence_of :defensible end create_model "Stronghold" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible validates_presence_of :cannons end create_model "Galleon" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible validates_presence_of :cannons end assert_equal [, 1..N)], domain_cardinalities end # Cardinality classes ====================================================== test "cardinality should be one to one for has_one associations" do create_one_to_one_assoc_domain domain = Domain.generate # In these test, we are liberal with the number of assertions per test. assert_equal [:one_to_one], assert_equal [true], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [true], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [true], assert_equal [false], end test "cardinality should be one to many for has_many associations" do create_one_to_many_assoc_domain domain = Domain.generate assert_equal [:one_to_many], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [true], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [true], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [true], end test "cardinality should be many to many for has_and_belongs_to_many associations" do create_many_to_many_assoc_domain domain = Domain.generate assert_equal [:many_to_many], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [true], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [true], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [true], end test "cardinality should be one to many for multiple associations with maximum cardinality of has_many" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references create_model "Bar" do has_one :foo has_many :foos end domain = Domain.generate assert_equal [:one_to_many], end test "cardinality should be one to many if forward association is missing" do create_model "Foo", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" domain = Domain.generate assert_equal [:one_to_many], end test "cardinality should be one to many for has_many associations from generalized entity" do create_model "Stronghold" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end create_model "Cannon", :defensible => :references do belongs_to :defensible, :polymorphic => true end domain = Domain.generate assert_equal [:one_to_many], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [true], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [true], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [false], assert_equal [true], end end