require 'cql_ruby' require 'rails' require 'blacklight' require 'blacklight_cql' require 'blacklight_cql/solr_helper_extension' require 'blacklight_cql/template_helper_extension' module BlacklightCql class Engine < Rails::Engine # Call in after_initialze to make sure the default search_fields are # already created, AND the local app has had the opportunity to customize # our placeholder search_field. config.after_initialize do Blacklight.config[:search_fields] << BlacklightCql::SolrHelperExtension.pseudo_search_field end # Wrapping in Dispatcher.to_prepare will, theoretically, take care of things # working properly even in development mode with cache_classes=false (per-request # class reloading). config.to_prepare do #Check in case CatalogController _hasn't_ really been re-loaded unless (CatalogController.kind_of?( BlacklightCql::SolrHelperExtension )) # Will over-ride #solr_params to deal with CQL CatalogController.send(:include, BlacklightCql::SolrHelperExtension) # Will over-ride helper methods for search form select, to ensure # query is echo'd properly. CatalogController.send(:helper, BlacklightCql::TemplateHelperExtension) end end end end